The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 807: Young Officer Corps

It is true that Liu Qi's first name did not come from cheating or going through the back door. It is impossible to do this kind of thing under the hands of players.

"Yes, President!"

She quickly stabilized her emotions: "In the past year, I have served under the commander of the Tutu Cotton Candy Battalion Commander of the Second Battalion of the Third Regiment of the First Division of the First Army, and learned the skills of my predecessors in running the army..."

"Our army is sincerely supported by the soldiers and the people, and has strong subjective initiative. It can be divided more widely than the Wu Kingdom, Dagan, and Daxianmeng Empire. The soldiers are not afraid of fleeing, and the mobility is also strong. In combat, we must firmly grasp ourselves. strengths, and attack the enemy's weaknesses."

"For example, Battalion Commander Tutu Cotton Candy used his own advantages when facing the enemy's Dagan Huang Degong Department..."

Zhao Shi nodded slightly after listening.

These are all military inheritances within the Blood Sea Department, and they are quite satisfactory. She can understand that this level can already be considered qualified.

What's more, it is necessary to summarize the laws of war in the next actual battle, and then practice to find out the unobjective parts of the summarized war rules. In this way, there is no end to learning.

If this goes on for hundreds of years, it should be able to form a systematic military discipline to prevent latecomers from repeating the same mistakes.

After the report was over, Liu Qi looked at Zhao Shi anxiously, feeling that he was finished, and the president must be like those big shots, affirming himself on the surface and taking care of his emotions.

After I go out, I will definitely get a big failure, or even fail to graduate, and be ridiculed by other students, especially those male students who are arrogant.

Thinking of this, she felt that her whole life was gloomy.

"You are qualified. If you score, I will give you 86 points. You need to go to the battlefield to find the missing 16 points."

Zhao Shi took out a paper report card, signed his name on the last column of the examiner's score, and wrote down the two Arabic numerals of eighty-six.

Among the 521 cadets graduating this term, Zhao Shi needs to interview and score the top ten to determine their ranking order.

The girl was the last one, and she ranked third with 86 points, which is a very good result.

"What? Passed?"

Liu Qi looked at Zhao Shi in surprise,

Yibeng jumped three inches high, his face full of excitement and disbelief.

Noticing that Ouyang Wu behind Zhao Shi was looking at her, she hurriedly stood upright in front of Zhao Shi, her face was flushed, and her heart felt guilty.

"Yes, you are qualified."

Zhao Shi stood up, took the long sword with a black sheath from Ouyang Wu, and it was engraved with a lotus pattern.

"Private Lieutenant Liu Qi, when you graduate, I will promote you to captain."

"I hope you will be careful and bold in future battles, be brave and diligent, and open up a new world for the country and the people."

Captains are already able to hold company-level positions, and under special circumstances they can hold battalion-level and deputy-battalion-level positions. They are awarded a one-year internship, and students who have just graduated from military academies will only appear during the war years.


Liu Qi put his legs together, saluted, and said solemnly: "President, I will be loyal to my duty and dare not forget the suffering of the country and the people."

Zhao Shi pinned the long sword around her waist with his own hands, and said in return: "Congratulations, Captain Liu, may you make great achievements in the Yizhou Corps, and your reputation will be remembered by the people of future generations."

A blood lotus disappeared in the middle of the sword, and it would be impossible for Qian Wuzong to easily invade her soul with the help of blood connection next time.

Knowing that Zhao Shi was busy with military affairs, Liu Qi retreated step by step after saluting, his steps brisk for a few minutes, and he couldn't wait to share the good news with his companions.

"Although she doesn't know it herself, she is a direct bloodline of the Fang family of the Daqian royal family."

Ouyang Wu looked at her back and frowned: "She is going to Yizhou. Although she is only serving as a battalion-level commander, she is already the highest-ranking group of non-player officers. In the future, it is possible to master the Immortal League Those with the highest military power have great hidden dangers."

Most of the land reform in Yizhou and Kezhou has been carried out, and legions are being formed. They are in urgent need of middle-level and grass-roots cadres. There is a big gap in the number of players, especially in Yongzhou and Tangzhou in the future.

Therefore, in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Military Committee of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance, in the next stage of military expansion, except for a few main players, players will no longer serve as company commanders, and these positions will be handed over to military students who have been trained for a long time and outstanding soldiers who have been promoted.

"Don't worry, the Immortal League will treat any citizen who has not made a mistake equally. This is an unshakable principle." Zhao Shi led her to the meeting tent.

"Even if one day her faith is shaken and she wants to restore the Daqian dynasty for her own self-interest, the country's system will not allow it, and she will be punished as she should be."

Ouyang shook his head slightly, not looking forward to a society composed entirely of ordinary people without players, even if there is a theoretically strict system of checks and balances.

But she didn't say anything more, this is a very distant thing, and it can only happen after the victory of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance.

In Mingren City, which has been besieged for nearly half a month, the blue dragon flag and the bright yellow dragon flag are still bright and majestic, but the soldiers who come and go have disheveled faces, and their morale has dropped a lot compared to when they just defended the city.

"Those three incompetent people delayed for six months and finally captured Chongming City."

In the county mansion, Yuan Qianjun was a little haggard: "The good news is that the three of them are heaven-level kings no matter what. Even if there are doctrine bonuses in Lingzhou, Qingzhou and other places, there is no regular army after all, and they can't stop their soldiers. , will soon erode."

"If we can continue to hold on, we should be able to see that Zhao Shi's army has lost the rear. The problem is that our food reserves are already approaching the warning line. Even if the entire army saves, we can only last for another six months at most. This has already caused The morale of the army was turmoil."

These six months of food reserves are exhausted and all are gone. There is no rear, no transportation to replenish.

Once the food is exhausted, you can collapse without attacking.

"There is another point. After conquering Kezhou and Yizhou, the Deep Blue Department and Jiang Hua Department suddenly led an army of 300,000 to turn around. It is expected that they will reach the battlefield in three months. They cannot continue to let their strength continue to grow."

Mixed with all kinds of good and bad news, the expressions of the surrounding kings gradually became heavy.

"let's hit."

Wei Tianyang said lightly: "The three of Heiyan have agreed to bring their own cavalry to come here. At that time, we will have six heaven-level kings, plus twice as many ordinary kings as them, the cavalry will be They're about three times the size, and the infantry is about two times closer to three times,"

"The advantages have been accumulated to the maximum, forming the opportunity for a decisive battle."

All the kings and senior generals responded in unison: "Yes, the empire will win, and we will win!"

The elite troops of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance withdrew from the Yongzhou battlefield and the Kezhou battlefield, leaving 40,000 to 50,000 troops lacking players to continue attacking Yongzhou and Kezhou. Although they still advanced, the intensity on the battlefield decreased.

The Yanzhou battlefield is corrupt, and Poshan is leading the revived players to organize a new resistance center in Qingzhou Prefecture. Most of them are militias, and their combat effectiveness is low. He has no idea how long he can resist the three heavenly kings.

At this moment, he received the news that Hei Yan and other three heaven-level kings led one hundred thousand cavalry to march towards the defense line of Mingren City.

Mingren City will gather an army of 500,000 troops, and there will be six heaven-level kings. Deep Blue and Jiang Hua are far away in Yizhou and Kezhou, and it is difficult to return to help in a short time.

Whether it is high-end combat power or low-end combat power, it is crushing, and it is impossible to find an excuse to comfort myself.

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