The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 808 Chasing and Escaping

There is no secret about the mobilization of the player army, and the headquarters of the Blood Sea Immortal League even broke through the mountain to know the news first.

The thought that Zhou Bihu and the others would be besieged by six heavenly kings, more than forty ordinary kings, and an army of half a million in one month made his scalp tingle.

"Zhao Shi..."

Zhou Bihu managed to suppress his palpitations, and said with hope, "Do you have any other cards? The ones with a shocking reversal?"

The Blood Sea Guild is unknown to them, and now they can only look forward to this, and no one thinks that they can win.

"Yes, and it must be won."

Zhao Shi said lightly: "Give me an order to retreat immediately to Tonghe City, the capital of Hezhou."


Zhou Bihu was stunned, and then realized why he wanted to fight in the wild with the Wu Kingdom and the Great Immortal League Empire. It was okay to defend the city.

She quickly said: "That's right, we can defend the city!"

The order was issued, and the 150,000 troops outside the city broke out and retreated at a faster speed than when they came. The remaining camp was a sea of ​​flames, and green smoke rose.

This is the baggage and food that cannot be taken away are burned to prevent the enemy from being taken advantage of.

This kind of scene was transmitted to the capital of the county, and the three people who planned to gather Wu Kingdom cavalry to besiege Zhao Shibu in a month's time were all shocked: "Not good!"

Yuan Qianjun stood up abruptly: "Zhao Shi wants to escape, and defend the city, let our lone army run out of food and grass and die!"

Thinking of this possibility, his heart trembled. It wouldn't take long, as long as he didn't capture several states and get new supplies in six months, the 400,000 army would collapse in an instant.

One or two cities are useless at all!

This is an army of 400,000, which can only be supported by exhausting the strength of Dagan and the seven or eight states of the Daxianmeng Empire.

The supplies it needs must be transported through several states, and the food and grass lost on the road will be several times that of the army, mobilizing civilians from several states, and a huge grassroots bureaucracy.

These have nothing now, and they were all destroyed by the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance. What do they use to support the army?

But it would be delusional to go out to fight in the city earlier,

The Deep Blue Division and the Jiang Hua Division are not dead and will immediately return to aid, and Zhao Shi will not fight directly.

At that time, there will be a delay of ten days and a half months, and more than 300,000 will fight 400,000. The opponent's soldiers will die earlier than their own.

The reason is that the army is much inferior to the opponent in terms of combat effectiveness and mobility, and it was too late for Wu Guo to reinforce the troops.

"Stop Zhao Shi!"

Wei Tianyang said in unison.

After six months of silence, the dusty gate of the city opened, and a large group of cavalry poured in, and within a short period of time, they increased to the highest speed, and charged at Zhao Shi's army that had just retreated six or seven miles away. Wan Dajun followed closely behind.

The rumble of horseshoes sounded behind him, and Zhao Shi knew what happened without looking at the system panel.

"Infantry, pay attention to vigilance and maintain normal march. Cavalry, follow me."

Zhao Shi deflected his horse, and led Zhou Bihu, Huang Huo and other 30,000 cavalry to the rear of the army to cover, so as not to be attacked by the cavalry and cause collapse, or to be entangled by the 400,000 troops behind.

He said he wanted to hold back the 400,000 troops, but he never thought of fighting them head-on. Instead, he kept going on a guerrilla attack, unless they divided up their troops to chase after Deep Blue and Jiang Hua's troops, weakening their own strength.

After all, no matter how strong his fighting power is, he has little chance of winning against the 400,000 army led by four heavenly kings.

According to intelligence, after the losses of the cavalry of Hua Youwei and the Goddess of Twilight, Beatrice, the current Qianxian coalition army still has 60,000 cavalry, which is twice the current blood sea army.

Two torrents of cavalry came from two directions. One blood-colored lotus flag and one dark blue, bright yellow, and dusk-colored flags coexisted.

The blood sea cavalry took Zhao Shi as the spearhead, and charged straight towards the five-clawed blue dragon flag in the center, where Wei Tianyang was located.

With 30,000 fighting against 60,000, including a small half of cavalry, plus the need to cover the infantry, Zhao Shi has met the conditions for fighting in Zhao Shi's heart.

Compared with his decisiveness, there is death but no life, Hua Youwei and other four heavenly kings who are connected through the system are a little hesitant.

"Do you want to go up?"

Hua Youwei asked in a deep voice.

To be honest, fighting alone, none of them is Zhao Shi's opponent, and a siege by three or more people should be able to fight.

However, the Blood Sea Guild, which is rich in resources and has a well-developed cultivation industry, has created the Blood Lotus Guard and the eight-winged blood angel Karina, which can greatly relieve his pressure.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Wei Tianyang.

Although his strength is temporarily inferior to Zhao Shi due to lack of time and opportunities, he is a little higher than the other two, and so is his qualifications.

There were transparent and invisible sword marks all over Wei Tianyang's body that flickered and then disappeared. The sword intent was ethereal and lofty, without any killing intent that swordsmen usually have.

"If we retreat, where else can we retreat?"

He shook his head and said indifferently: "Follow me to kill, as long as I can kill this official, not only will all the difficulties we face be resolved in an instant, but we will also be able to accept the power of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance.

In the end, Wu Guo was driven away, and the world of Dynasty, the most powerful world at present, was obtained, and the situation was completely reversed. "

Under his body, the steed accelerated again under the mana, beyond the line of the army, and the transparent space ripples intertwined into a network.

"You're right."

Hua Youwei and the others stopped hesitating and accelerated, and the four powerful and frantic figures merged together, exuding a powerful aura, which made the blood sea soldiers in front of them tremble instinctively.

Among the four, Yuan Qianjun was weaker by more than a notch. Even with the help of the six kings including Bai Gu, they could barely reach the level of God Transformation.

Seeing this, Zhao Shi showed a smile on his face: "It's really not easy to wait for their day."

The scarlet blood light sprinkled from the blood lotus sword in the sky, covering Karina, the three of Chi Yaoyue and their 108 blood lotus guards suddenly increased in speed, turning into three red lines and slashing forward.

All the blood sea soldiers, the soldiers of the Great Immortal League Empire who still maintained their fighting spirit under the current predicament all held their breath and looked at the kings on the battlefield.

The blood lotus sword fell from the sky, merged into Zhao Shi and the white horse under him, turned it into a flaming meteor and crashed into Wei Tianyang and Yuan Qianjun who were at the front.


Approaching his body, the surrounding transparent space network emerges, cutting the flaming meteor silently, and the two consume violently.

Around Yuan Qianjun, an exquisite and complex black formation flickered, connecting six people including White Bone, Dark Fire, and Yin Soul, chopping with a big halberd in the midst of black demonic energy.


There was a violent explosion on the spot, earth and rocks splashed within hundreds of meters, people turned on their backs, and many soldiers were directly turned into flesh in the face of this natural disaster-like force.

The smoke and dust dispersed, revealing the scene in the battlefield.

Zhao Shi stood holding a sword, facing Wei Tianyang, Yuan Qianjun and others, their faces were solemn, and the steed under him had been turned into a meat paste under the tremendous force.

While they were fighting, the phantom of the eight-winged blood angel appeared behind Karina and faced the goddess of twilight, Beatrice. Chi Yaoyue and the three faced Hua Youwei's three star magic weapons, and were at a disadvantage. But I can still hold on.

Zhou Bihu, Huang Huo and the other four kings looked away, rode their horses around the battlefield of the heavenly kings, and shouted: "Come on! Destroy the enemy!"

Zhou Bihu, who was the first king under the three kings, and the other three kings rushed to kill, causing heavy losses to the cavalry of the Qianxian Alliance without a king in charge.

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