The cavalry divided into several groups and fought staggeredly on the battlefield, and the ground was covered with blood.

If one side's cavalry wins and retains at least ten thousand cavalry, it will crush other kings on the battlefield.

Heiyan has already proved that a sky-level king is comparable to a nuclear bomb on the battlefield of cold weapons, but he is not invincible. Wanqi has already been able to surround and kill a king who is not strong in mobility.

If the same sky-level king is added to contain the sneak attack at this time, he will surely die.

Glancing at the battlefield of Karina and the others, Zhao Shi didn't rush to make a move, instead he focused on Yuan Qianjun and the others who were a few steps behind Tianyang.

Without a sufficient number of players, without a sufficient number of ordinary kings, he is now very weak.

Zhao Shi suddenly said: "Yuan Qianjun, do you know what is the correct direction of your path?"

Yuan Qianjun was calming down the turbulent mana in his body, he laughed when he heard this, but ignored Zhao Shi's interest.

How can I not know what my own path is, so what? It is the turn of others to point the beak.

"Brother Zhao, if you die, our path will be opened."

Wei Tianyang smiled lightly, with his hands behind his back, the transparent space pattern was born from the Taixu Sword, from one to two, from two to three, turning into dozens of fish-like ripples that enveloped Zhao Shi .

There is a close connection between each transparent swimming fish, forming a beautiful and bright diamond star together, sealing off the transmission of spiritual energy inside and outside, imprisoning movement, and shrinking rapidly.

Zhao Shi inside is like a bug in amber.

If it is in the outside world, just this move can imprison and seal the generalized god cultivator for several days.

The blood lotus sword flew out from Zhao Shi's fingertips, and the regular red light of the blood sea sword diffused in all directions, forming a light red mist like sunset in a space of more than ten feet.

As the wind blew, the mist rolled and swayed, bloody and cold killing intent spread out, making people seem to see an endless sea of ​​blood.

Nine hundred and ninety-eight small blood swords as thin as a cow's hair needle appeared in the blood-red cloud, each of them met a transparent space swimming fish around them, and stopped its shrinking trend.

Bloody light and transparent space fluctuations bloom from time to time, one is bloody and cold, and the other is ethereal and lofty, but all of them are fighting fiercely in extremely complicated formations, and the complexity of any partially changed formations is far beyond the understanding of ordinary kings.

"Yuan Qianjun, are you still lying to yourself?"

One hundred and eight mouthfuls of blood-red sword energy were drawn from the rapidly changing battlefield, and combined into a long sword, the former Qianjun company and the demon halberd were sent flying tens of meters away, his face pale.


Yuan Qianjun felt extremely humiliated, and when Zhao Shi was fighting Wei Tianyang, he was able to crush himself with his spare time, which made him extremely frustrated and felt like a clown jumping around.

"Your path lies in gathering people, getting more soldiers, and getting more support from ordinary kings. The result is very important, and the process is not worth mentioning."

The blood lotus sword sits in the center of the formation, and the 998 small flying swords bloom and close around Zhao Shi in units of twelve, thirty-six, and one hundred and forty-four, beheading those who want to invade ten feet Swimming fish in transparent space within the range.

He said lightly: "Today, I have united twenty-six immortal kings and more than 700,000 monks in the Condensed Realm, which perfectly fits your path."

"For some boring things like dignity and pride, you give up the original intention of your own path, and choose to take the dangerous path that is almost impossible to fully display what you have learned in the future."

"So paranoid, how are your demons... accumulating?"

Yuan Qianjun, who was about to attack again, was shocked and froze.

He has his own pride, has his own pride, but as a cultivator, the most important thing in his heart is undoubtedly his own way of the army.

However, without Wanjun, how can the Way of Wanjun develop?

Only players, only the most Xian Xia players can carry the way of the army, instead of the current ten guilds lacking major generals, weak as ants.

But now, the foundation of the Way of Thousand Armies lies elsewhere, so why is he who walks the Way of Thousand Armies not with the Way of Thousand Armies?

No, one's own pride is just as precious.

Joining the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance, although nominally equal, but under the widened strength gap, he is a substantive subordinate, which violates his original intention of cultivating immortals.

However, isn't the Way of a Thousand Armies the only one for him? Why……

Yuan Qianjun's originally orderly Shenshun Consciousness Sea world was turbulent, and chaos occurred everywhere, expanding little by little, and even terrible pitch-black cracks began to appear in some places.

The physical body is nothing more than a skin, and the essence of a cultivator is the soul. The huge soul is like a world, and it must have its own firm belief pillar.

Regardless of whether it is evil or kind, we must have it, and we must be firm, otherwise there will be chaos and the risk of collapse in the spirit world.

Classical cultivators called this kind of violent internal conflict between the spirit and soul the inner demon.

The soul is the foundation of cultivators, and when something happened to the soul, what was reflected in the outside world was that the mana of Yuan Qianjun, which was as deep as ten thousand years of magic iron, was in disorder, and the formation formed with the kings such as Baigu collapsed in subtle ways.

Breaking away from the formation in an instant, feeling the terrifying pressure from Zhao Shi not far away, Bai Gu hurriedly conveyed with his spiritual sense: "Original King, what are you doing? How can Zhao Shi's words work, this person's heart is dark."

Zhao Shi did not attack Yuan Qianjun here.

Two conflicting and chaotic forces appeared in the opponent's soul world, fighting each other, but these two forces were Yuan Qianjun himself, and once he felt his own life and death crisis, he would immediately put aside the fight.

Wei Tianyang, who had barely maintained an even match under the joint containment of the two, changed his face.

"Brother Wei, you are my initial guide on the road to immortality."

Zhao Shishen smiled, his wrist was split open, and the crimson blood turned into silk threads and flew into the blood lotus sword in the sky: "Do you know how much I want to kill you and let you join the great blood sea fairy road?" Come in."

The blood lotus sword trembled, emitting crimson light outwards, and the infinite aura contained inside made the blood lotus sword formation composed of nine hundred and ninety-nine flying swords burst into red light, crushing the transparent space between turns. The fish turned into streaks of colorless aura and disappeared into the air.

The entire Taixu sword array disappeared slowly like an illusion, revealing Wei Tianyang's figure. The Taixu sword in front of him was still transparent and invisible, but the sense of heaviness and sharpness dissipated most of it.

The lines of the blood-red formation of the blood lotus sword formation emerged, as precise and complicated as a world, shrinking rapidly, and the huge mana contained in it was highly concentrated.

Nine hundred and ninety-eight flying swords carried a huge array of power into the blood lotus sword, condensed into a long sword that was crystal clear like blood jade, and flew in front of Zhao Shi.

"Brother Wei, please die."

Zhao Shi shouted, grasping the hilt of the blood lotus with both hands, turning into a bloody rainbow and slashing towards Wei Tianyang's head.

The ice-cold sky-level peak sword intent and blood-sea kendo rules erupted, and the speed has already exceeded the limit allowed by ordinary people in the dynasty world. Others can only see a ray of red light flashing away with their naked eyes.

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