After recuperating for a while and transporting the wounded and spoils of war, Zhao Shi personally led the remaining 20,000 cavalry to attack the army of the Great Immortal Alliance Empire.

The cavalry was fast, and with the sound of rumbling horseshoes, a black line appeared on the horizon, and as they got closer, it gradually turned into a sea of ​​soldiers, covering the mountains and plains.

The defeat of the cavalry did not make this huge army have the idea of ​​retreating. They continued to march, but the formation was more dense.

Hua Youwei and Wei Tianyang led the cavalry to hide on the flanks of the infantry, not daring to get close.

However, once Zhao Shi dared to attack the infantry position and fell into the siege of the infantry, they would usher in their destructive charge, breaking the attacking blood sea cavalry at the waist.

At that time, Zhao Shi will fall into the terrible situation of being besieged and consumed by infantry like Heiyan.

In this world, even though his battery life is stronger than other sky-level kings and he can kill more people, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape from the depths of hundreds of thousands of troops.

Not to mention that there are two heavenly kings, Hua Youwei, in the army to contain the sneak attack.

Not daring to charge directly, Zhao Shi led the cavalry to move to other directions of the army.

"Change the formation, pay attention to the formation!"

"Don't be afraid, the thief will surely die if he dares to come!"

The players in the battalion of the Great Immortal League Empire shouted loudly and adjusted their formation. As the army of the Great Immortal League Empire continued to decrease, the proportion of players in the army increased in disguise. Now some troops are headed by players.

Following their command, the soldiers of the Great Immortal League Empire did not experience major confusion and were still marching.

Zhao Shi frowned: "Change another place."

Small-scale chaos can be seen everywhere. If it is an army of less than 100,000, he can try to tear apart an infantry formation now, but the enemy has too many infantry, and small-scale chaos has no strategic value.

The 20,000 cavalry relied on mobility to constantly shift directions, and every time they arrived, they brought suffocating pressure to the soldiers of the Daxian League who were marching nearby.

The cavalry of Wei Tian's Central Department also moved carefully with the blood sea cavalry, clinging to his own infantry, ready to charge and flee at any time.

In the end, Zhao Shi's cavalry troops came to the vicinity of a large army of more than 100,000 troops, and they continued to maneuver on a small scale.

Orders are issued layer by layer,

Tutu Cotton Candy drew his sword and pointed at a group of infantrymen who were marching. There were five or six thousand soldiers: "Third Battalion, charge with me!"


Nearly two thousand soldiers responded together, and the cavalry gradually accelerated from a slow speed, like a wild beast galloping on the ground, destroying everything.

The current major officers and soldiers panicked, and the interior was chaotic. Many soldiers in the front row fled backward under heavy pressure.

"Those who retreat will be beheaded! Family members will be demoted to slavery!"

"Squat down with a gun!"

The supervising team shouted angrily, with sharp swords, beheaded all the fleeing soldiers mercilessly, and severely ordered the soldiers on the second floor to go up.

This infantry position, which was about to collapse, barely restored order, and a dense spear jungle began to form.

‘Simple here, you should be able to break through. '

Tutu Marshmallow made a judgment in his heart, no longer hesitated, and raised his speed to the peak again.

"Archers, shoot!"

The army leader shouted sharply, and hundreds of sparse arrows rained down on the blood sea cavalry charging at high speed, hitting dozens of people, most of them fell on the scale armor with a clanging sound, and more than ten people fell off their horses. Niuba Literature Network

The cavalry charging at full speed was extremely fast. One moment they had just entered the range of the bow and arrow, and the next moment they came to the front of the infantry formation. The sharp cavalry spears rushed into it, and blood bloomed instantly.

"Ghost, this is a ghost!"

The big soldiers in front of them were horrified to find that the blood sea cavalry in the front row used their lances to push aside the spearmen who were squatting to block them. splash.

The condensed blood sea cavalry crashed headlong into the sparsely populated infantry position, tearing apart all obstacles along the way, spattering blood and flesh.

Occasionally, some cavalrymen were unable to evade or had no space to evade, and their spears hit the ground. They were pierced with their horses and died together with the soldiers on the ground.

A few obstacles, like mud boats floating in the waves, were torn apart and dissolved, and soon penetrated into the half of the army, and the ground they walked turned into a mud of blood and mud.


"Destiny is no longer a big deal, why should I wait desperately!"

The casualty rate was only close to 10%, which was not up to the 20% casualty rate experienced by the Blood Sea Immortal League in the past.

One defeat after another, one death after another, even Dagan's sympathy among scholars and landlords has been exhausted.

After all, no matter how awe-inspiring, no matter how generous the imperial court and royal family are, without strength and victory as the basis, everything is a mirage.

No one will be loyal to a prince who cannot win, no matter how generous and orthodox he may seem.

Zhao Shi didn't look at the battlefield of Tutu Cotton Candy, but stared at the cavalry of Wei Tianyang who was slowly accelerating, and looked at a map of the battlefield projected in front of him.

The blue-red dot above is moving slowly, and a red dot breaks into the blue dot and is constantly flashing.

Around it, four or five blue light spots are moving, and the encirclement is about to form, and the powerful torrent of cavalry is about to launch a heavy blow.

At that time, the infantry and cavalry arrived together, and they dared not even rescue themselves.

Zhao Shi ordered: "11132, retreat immediately."

Tutu Cotton Candy, who had already routed the army and was chasing down its lord and his soldiers, turned his horse around without any hesitation, and returned to the direction of the blood sea cavalry army after making a detour.

"Follow me and retreat."

The sudden change of order did not make the second battalion any panic. The broad order was broken down by Tutu Marshmallow into twelve orders and sent to the company commander under his command, and a marching map that was constantly adjusted and changed was attached to prevent them from being confused. lost on the battlefield.

Similarly, the company commander also decomposes his orders similarly to ensure that the squad leader under his command can closely follow his formation and marching route.

These operations are not difficult for these Jindan Realm old ghosts who have lived for more than two hundred years.

On the contrary, there was some confusion among the stragglers below the squad level. Soldiers who fell behind and couldn't find their squad leader often appeared, but they only needed to find any squad leader and follow him.

The cavalry battalion of nearly 2,000 people was as precise and instantaneous as the fingers of one person, and quickly disappeared in the eyes of the large group of soldiers.

The battlefield where the fierce fighting was fought just now seemed like a dream.

The quality displayed by this blood sea cavalry chilled the hearts of all the generals who knew a little about soldiers.

The art of war says that those who can advance and retreat are the best.

However, the advance and retreat of this group of blood sea rebels has completely surpassed the world, and even countless times the world-famous powerful army in history. Although their weapons and armor are similar, they are by no means an army in the world.

All the generals, and even the people in the commander's camp gave up the last sliver of thinking that they could take back the world.

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