The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 815 Cavalry advances and retreats

The army encircled, and the 20,000 riders of Wei Tian's central department slowly stopped after raising their speed to the peak.

On the opposite side, Zhao Shibu had already withdrawn slowly, and soon he could only see his back.

If chased out, they will die.

Hua Youwei said gloomyly: "This is the Dagan State Army, which is too weak to form any resistance to the Blood Sea Cavalry, but the strength of the other 100,000 Imperial Guards is not bad, it won't collapse like it is now, and it has no effect on keeping people. "

In fact, their strength was originally stronger, but after many defeats, the soul of this army has died, and they panic when there is a disturbance.

"Notify them to strengthen their vigilance. If possible, we can send them battalion-level adjutants to strengthen their combat effectiveness."

Wei Tianyang said, but he didn't have any hope in his heart.

Sure enough, his brother-in-law, the high-ranking prince politely rejected the proposal without any room for maneuver.

As the only established army besides Yongzhou, its command power must be firmly in the hands of the royal family, even if it will be defeated in the next moment.

The 360,000 troops continued to march, and the formation inevitably became disorganized under the influence of time and fatigue.


Under the guidance of the reconnaissance cavalry, a battalion of blood sea cavalry that had been cruising around the periphery of the army suddenly appeared, attacking the place where the weakest Dagan state soldiers were.

The torrent of cavalry speeded up to the limit and crashed into the sparsely populated battle formation of large infantry, slashing with spears and long swords, crushing the large cavalry in front to pieces, and continued to break into the command center of the army.

There is not much resistance at all, and this large infantry will completely collapse after a while.


At this time, Sunset Sanxi, who was the battalion commander, ordered to lead his cavalry to leave the battlefield quickly, and the terrified infantry did not dare to stop them.


The blood sea cavalry had just left, and Ming Feng arrived with five thousand cavalry, and what he saw was a pile of remnants, a terrified remnant army.

He immediately knew in his heart that this army had already become a frightened bird, as long as it was a little more frightened, it would collapse with a roar.

It's just that there is no way, even if you are willing to hand over power, these cannot be changed in a short time.

"We're going back to camp."

Ming Feng left next to the infantry, and in his heart sentenced this army to death.

Half an hour later, Sunset Sanxi came again, and it took a little time to defeat the army of more than 5,000 Daganzhou soldiers, and left calmly.

Zhao Shi led a group of Huashen combat forces to sit in the middle army of the first regiment of the first division of the blood sea, and the other three regiments formed nine battalions to search for and attack the scattered infantry formation of the large group of infantry.

Focus on preserving one's own strength, defeat those who can be defeated, and let go of those who cannot be defeated, waiting for their formation to become more scattered or to find weaker targets.

Most of them succeeded, only once the Tutu Cotton Candy Division rushed into the infantry formation of the Dagan Imperial Army and encountered not weak resistance.

Under the threat of the cavalry of the Great Immortal League Empire, she did not gnaw hard bones, and left before the arrival of the players of the Great Immortal League Empire.

From then on, the blood sea cavalry no longer attacked the positions of the Dagan imperial army, but used their full strength on the scattered formation of the Dagan state soldiers, constantly charging and killing. Diandian library

"Run away!"

"As long as we escape the blood pirates won't kill us!"

More than 15,000 blood sea cavalry hunted together, and the last army of Daganzhou soldiers was submerged in the blood sea cavalry's banner, fleeing in all directions, losing all order.

No one from the Great Immortal Alliance Empire or the Imperial Guard dared to chase and punish these routs, but approached slowly in a tight formation, trying to encircle them.

The huge blood sea cavalry group retreated everywhere before they came, like a group of dandelions in the wind, they all disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ouyang Wu reported: "After six hours of campaigning and mobilizing the enemy forces, we have annihilated more than 50,000 of the weakest Daganzhou soldiers. After that, they are all hard bones, and they are no longer so easy to deal with."

Zhao Shi glanced at the sky, it was already getting dark, and there were no horses.

"Cross the Broken Dragon Pass and retreat."

"Does Duanlongguan need someone to guard it?" Ouyang Wu asked.

"No, the walls are too low to be of defensive value."

The soldiers of the Great Immortal League Empire suddenly discovered that the blood sea cavalry who were everywhere and could rush up at any time suddenly disappeared. As the sky got darker, they came to Duanlongguan.

Wei Tianyang looked at the low city wall in front of him and sighed: "Occupy here, with this closed pass, we can temporarily isolate Zhao Shi's cavalry from harassing us, and make our weak grain road safe."

Hua Youwei's face was also heavy.

They clearly knew that the food and grass were in danger, but they did not dare to divide their troops to occupy the city to collect food and grass. This kind of normal military action was courting death in front of the opponent's more elite and more mobile army.

If there are no other forces participating in the battle, it will take five or six months to consume them to death just like this.

The ancients said that being able to gather and disperse is the kingly way to use troops. Now the opponent gathers and disperses at will, and the troops control a large area of ​​land, but they are trapped in one point.

Wei Tianyang said lightly: "Just wait, wait for Heiyan and the others to arrive, and we will regain the initiative on the battlefield."

On the second day, at dawn, the armies of the Great Immortal League and Dagan stopped advancing. They defended Duanlongguan, repaired and strengthened the city wall, and several armies marched towards several counties near Mingren City.

Three days later, under the leadership of the revived bones and other kings, they conquered these cities again and searched for some supplies.

However, these supplies are a drop in the bucket for an army of more than 300,000 troops.

As a last resort, an army of 200,000 troops continued to garrison Qinglongguan, and the kings such as bones and ghosts led the army to continue to attack the city. It took more than ten days to conquer the entire Mingren County.

They didn't dare to expand again.

Too far away from the army, without the barrier of Qinglong Pass, Zhao Shi's cavalry and even the infantry of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance could not resist them, and they would easily fall into the end of the entire army.

Zhao Shi gathered the infantry of the 120,000 First Group Army and returned to Tonghe City, the capital of Mingzhou.

Ouyang Wu informed him about the fall of the whole territory of Mingren County. It was a pity that he said: "There is no large number of elite troops, no tall city, and the county relying on the militia cannot resist the attack of ordinary kings leading the army. This situation is roughly the same as that of Qingzhou where Poshan is located. Similarly, we can only rely on prefectures and counties to hold on."

The king, even if it is just an ordinary king attacking the city, can easily cause the county to fall, but at the same time it will consume part of the attacking troops, which is also of great value.

"Wu Guo's army lost 100,000 troops in Chongming City, and Heiyan took another 100,000 away. Now there are only 200,000 enemy troops left in Qingzhou. The progress of the siege has been greatly reduced, but they have recruited some young men from Qingzhou. As an auxiliary soldier."

Ouyang Wu is not worried about this. The Blood Sea Guild has undergone land reform. If the people were not completely desperate, they would never serve Wu Guo sincerely.

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