On the border between Qingzhou and Hezhou, outside an unknown town, the eyes of more than 500 Wu Kingdom cavalrymen were full of fiery colors.


A player with a square face couldn't bear it in his heart, but he said lightly on his face: "Go, go and grab the food that Da Khan needs."

"Centurion, we promise to do it!"

His words immediately aroused howls of ghosts and wolves, and the Wu Kingdom cavalry who had long been unable to hold back rushed into the town and slashed and killed wantonly. Blood flowed into rivers in the quiet town instantly, and thick smoke rose.

Many Wu Kingdom cavalry laughed wildly and picked up the screaming women, tore their clothes and rushed into the house...

All kinds of actions, although not personally participated by the players of the Wu Kingdom, are all under their intentional connivance.

In the past few days, the forums in the martial arts game area have been exploded. Hei Yan and other kings have changed from everyone's admiration to bad street characters, and everyone including the players in the martial arts area cursed.

The square-faced player closed his eyes slightly, but the screams in his ears could be heard from afar, and from time to time, the voices of the residents of the small town rose up to resist and were suppressed.

Such cruelty was not the original intention of the Black Rock King, he was all for the sake of the guild.

Zhao Shi of the Blood Sea Guild should be responsible for all these crimes!

The eyes of the square-faced player showed hatred.

One hundred thousand cavalry broke away from the main force to support places outside the two states. Where did the food, grass and luggage come from?

Horses eat much more than humans, and they bring their own food and grass. Without the support of the government along the way, it is impossible. The food and grass will be exhausted in at most seven days, and the whole army will starve to death.

But we can't help, and we can't conquer cities and states slowly and support them.

If Wei Tianyang and his army were defeated, Wu Kingdom and Wu Dao District would undoubtedly die.

The only thing that can be adopted is the practice and tradition of the prairie cavalry, which supports war with war.

I thought that although the prefectures and county towns could not be conquered along the way, but the three major martial arts heaven-level kings are one, the districts and counties can be easily captured without worrying about the consumption of food supplies.

However, although they did take down the county towns along the way without much effort, all they could find in the treasury were ashes, not even a grain of grain.

Therefore, the cavalry can only be divided into small groups and enter small towns and villages to plunder food.

The Blood Sea Guild's tax revenue is not high, and no one else exploits it, so the most food is stored among the people.

In the early days, some players also proposed to only plunder food and not kill or hurt others.

The ordinary cavalry in Wu Kingdom can only have one player out of two hundred and fifty. These soldiers have not received quality education and patriotic education.

At the beginning, hundreds of soldiers who burned, killed and looted were executed mercilessly by the players.

However, with the continuous collection of food and grass, and continuous dispersal, this kind of behavior cannot be controlled at all. In some centurions, most of the people have this phenomenon. The player centurion wanted to execute the criminals, but they joined forces to resist and kill them.

This keeps happening and attracts the attention of the upper echelons.

The situation has become rotten. If the military law is to be truly implemented, these 100,000 cavalry will soon collapse or even rebel under the drive of death.

If left unchecked, this phenomenon of burning, killing and looting will inevitably expand further and become completely out of control.

In the end, Heiyan and other kings adopted the method of executing all the soldiers involved in killing the player commander, and then no longer restrained the troops and let their animal nature go.

These are the norms of feudal armies, part of the cycle of heaven and earth, aren't they?

Burning, killing, and looting can motivate soldiers with low morale after the battle of Chongming City and restore their combat effectiveness. As long as they are strictly guarded, they can also improve their fighting will. hot ebook

As for people's hearts, as long as Zhao Shi is defeated, people's hearts will be there.

The evil results have also emerged. So far, more than half of the players have refused to perform the task. Among the five hundred players, only one player with a square face is an example.

In the county town not far away, Bai Feng said in a low voice: "Is it wrong? I see that the morale of the players in the guild is declining, and we have lost a lot of prestige."

Kuangxu clenched his fists tightly, and the surrounding air appeared twisted and wrinkled phantoms.

The indigenous people may not care about it, but losing their reputation and prestige among the majority of players is a great loss for the sky-level king.

"Otherwise? Otherwise how?"

Hei Yan said coldly: "Let Zhao Shi defeat Wei Tianyang and the other three, and then we suffer a complete defeat, handing over the dynasty world to others, and let Zhao Shi further widen the gap with us?"

That's all for the rest, the last sentence left Bai Feng and the two of them silent.

Zhao Shi can defeat three heavenly kings by himself now. If he is given more time and the resource-rich Dynasty World, how far will his strength be improved?

Do you want to change the Eastern Game Realm to the Blood Sea Realm?

"Do not worry."

Hei Yan said indifferently: "The player group is a group that is constantly chasing hot spots. Now it seems that the crowd is excited. After the limelight passes, everyone will forget it."

"I don't blame players who don't want to participate, just transfer them to the pro-army."

The capital of Hezhou, Tonghe City.

The icy killing intent permeated the meeting room, as if it was real, making Zhou Bihu and other fifteen kings in the meeting room feel awe-inspiring.

"Heiyan, Baifeng, Kuangxu...hehe"

Zhao Shi sat on the chair, held the handle of the Blood Lotus Sword with both hands, and looked at the other kings: "I thought that no matter how we compete or how we kill, we are all fellow Taoists on the road to longevity. It's just that we have different opinions. Everyone has their own. bottom line."

Sen Ran's murderous intent disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"I have never wanted to completely eliminate a player like this moment, instead of trying to transform him and let him join the road of cultivating immortals in the sea of ​​​​blood."

He said calmly, his face didn't look very angry, but it made all the other kings feel chills.

Zhao Shi got up and walked out of the meeting room.

"Zhou Bihu stays behind, and the others follow me. Let's go and see how magnificent the Wu army is, and how it attacks unarmed civilians."

All the kings said in unison: "Yes, King Zhao Shi."

The gate of Tonghe City was opened, and more than 20,000 riders galloped out from the west gate, heading towards the border between Hezhou and Qingzhou.

There is no need to carry food and grass, this is their own territory, and they can get supplies only by walking to nearby cities.

Wei Tianyang in Duanlong Pass knew the news instantly, hesitating rarely.

"It's okay to fight, as both are cavalry, Zhao Shi can't catch up with us."

The former Qianjun who had been revived and haggard a lot said in a deep voice: "It's just that the front is in the enemy's territory, and we can't deliver supplies. Heiyan and we have proved that we can't get a lot of supplies if we break through the city."

"If you want the army to collapse without food, and to obtain food and grass in a short period of time, you must plunder and slaughter the people. This will make us lose the hearts of the guild."

"However, I will not oppose and support whatever you do."

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