The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 817: The Heart of the People

Yuan Qianjun's expression was calm, but it couldn't conceal his essential weakness.

In other words, he has no right to object at all.

Originally, although he didn't have a large army, he couldn't show his strength, but after all, he was at the same level of cultivation, and with his past achievements, his self-confidence came from the heart, and he didn't need anyone's approval.

But now, there is a huge gap between him and the other two, and there is no longer any fig leaf.

Both Wei Tianyang and Hua Youwei are decent people, they won't embarrass him on the surface, and they still respect him enough.

But if one's own major interests are involved, this superficial respect will only be superficial and will not have any impact on actual actions.

"People's hearts, players' hearts, Brother Yuan is right..."

Hua Youwei sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​bringing an army to help.

Although most of the players in the martial arts area were angry, they just cursed and refused to carry out wrong orders. It was impossible for them who practiced martial arts to leave the martial arts area.

The Xianxia area is different, people's hearts were originally fluctuating because of Zhao Shidi's constant bewitching, and Wei Tianyang's huge prestige was barely calmed down.

If they provoke anger and resentment again, it is guaranteed that most of the members of the guilds under the king's command will lose more than half of them, leaving only the hardcore supporters.

The king lost his guild members, which was almost equivalent to completely abandoning his way of deriving exercises and losing the crown of the king.

They would rather fail than do this.

"That's true, but you have to make a gesture."

Wei Tianyang thought for a moment, and suggested: "Why don't Brother Hua and I bring a few elite support, and Brother Yuan stay at Duanlongguan to ensure that the army is not lost?

Wu Kingdom's 100,000 cavalry, together with the crushing power of the five of us at the top, will surely ensure victory. "

Hua Youwei and Yuan Qianjun naturally agree.

Under the leadership of the two kings, the super elite cavalry squad consisting of more than a hundred riders left from a hidden corner, and everything else was as usual to prevent the spies in the guild from leaking information.

Yuan Qianjun looked at their retreating backs, biting like a poisonous snake in his heart.

They are no longer qualified to participate in the things they participated in.

The gap between myself and my former partners has widened, and the actual status of each other is no longer equal.

All of this is my own choice, no regrets, but it must be changed as soon as possible.

Half a month later, 20,000 Blood Sea Cavalry from Zhao Shi's Department in Rongshu County in the west of Hezhou left Banyan City and rushed towards Baimu County under the jurisdiction of Rongshu County.

Along the way, despite the ups and downs in his heart, Zhao Shi did not lose his mind. The cavalry troops under his command maintained their horsepower and enough rest, and they were still well supplied even with one man and three horses. Instead, the horses became more energetic.

One man with three horses is more luxurious than most prairie cavalry. This can only be achieved after many wars and continuous capture.

The Baimu County in the distance is in sight, and a straight thick smoke can be seen going straight into the sky from a long distance away.

"Heiyan, very good."

Zhao Shi sneered, not daring to go straight to the county seat, he ran into the arms of 100,000 cavalry, the four regiments of 20,000 cavalry divided into four groups, and rushed to two small towns not far away.

In the small town, thick smoke billowed, the screams of killing, and the wild laughter of the prairie cavalry could be heard endlessly.

The square-faced player who was staring indifferently at the soldiers under his command suddenly changed his expression, and shouted to the soldiers around him: "Ming Jin withdraws the troops, tell them to come out."

The soldiers who were waiting for their companions to bring back the silver and women hesitated for a moment, and said, "Centurion, this is not very good, the Great Khan said..."

A blade of light flew out from the square-faced player's waist, beheading the soldier's head, causing the other soldiers to panic instantly.

The square-faced player pointed at the next soldier with a blood-stained long knife: "Mingjin withdraws." Yuyu


Now, no one hesitated anymore. The sharp gong sounded outside the town, causing the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom who were hacking, killing and looting in the town to tremble instinctively.

Mingjin means to withdraw troops, and those who disobey the order will be beheaded. It has never been an accident.

"Damn it!"

"We will sue the Great Khan!"

The soldiers of the Wu Kingdom were extremely angry. Except for a few people who had already fallen into madness, the others gathered from all over the town one after another. Some of them caught chickens and ducks, some brought food, and some brought women .

Only half of the 500 people returned, but the square-faced player couldn't wait any longer, and said sharply: "Leave everything behind and follow me. Immediately, the Blood Sea King's army is ready to arrive."

Blood Sea King?

All Wu Guo soldiers were shocked, this is a person like Wang, they are definitely not something they can deal with.

Without further hesitation, they dropped all their possessions and mounted their horses.


Not far away, there was a thunderous sound of horseshoes, and nearly two thousand cavalry with blood-colored lotus flags had reached their peak speed, slashing at them like a bolt of blood-colored lightning.

"Run, don't stop!"

The square-faced player shouted loudly, he was only more than five hundred people, and it was absolutely impossible for him to be an opponent with four times as many enemies.

Tutu Marshmallow looked at a naked female body outside the town and the dirt on it, and the murderous intent in his heart was soaring, and he removed these player commanders from Wu Kingdom from the ranks of players.

These people are not worthy of being called players!


The two thousand blood sea cavalry who had already gathered their momentum to the limit crashed headlong into the more than three hundred cavalry from the Wu state who were fleeing in a panic, their limbs and arms splashed everywhere, and blood flowed into the ground.

Tutu Marshmallow killed several groups of cavalry, and led the cavalry under his command to kill the square-faced player. Seven or eight cavalry spears stabbed out at the same time, cut off the arm of his weapon, and knocked down the mount.

The other blood sea cavalrymen also quickly besieged the Wuguo cavalry with multiple numbers of people, killed them all, and quickly entered the town to clean up all the remaining Wuguo cavalry who had not had time to escape.

Rabbit Cotton Candy held the square-faced player's throat with his lance, and roared, "You are a player, a player with modern education, why do you carry out such orders? Don't you have your own brothers, sisters and mothers?" ?”

The order of the king is a fart!

You have to implement what they say, don't you have your own ideas?

"It's just some NPCs, you take it seriously, it's ridiculous!"

The square-faced player coughed, spat out blood foam, and sneered, "Blood sea dog, I fell down today, just wait, three days later I will bring my brother..."


The lance pierced into his head, blasting his head into a ball of blood.

"Three days?"

Tutu Marshmallow stared at his corpse, and said coldly: "Such a person should not exist in the game world, should not have the identity of a player, and should disappear in this world with the kings of Heiyan."

It turns out that there are also such bad guys among the players, and they also need to be cleaned up to return the world to a better place.

In the burnt Wuhei county government office in Baimu County, Hei Yan slowly got up and said coldly: "Zhao Shi has arrived, and there are only 20,000 riders."

The other two heaven-level kings were extremely murderous in an instant.

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