The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 818 Between Gathering and Dispersion

The blood sea cavalry suddenly attacked and wiped out the more than 2,000 troops scattered around Baimu County.

They already knew the news that Zhao Shi was coming, but the 100,000 army was so huge that it was not easy to gather it back in a short time if it was scattered within several counties.

More importantly, what if Zhao Shi was frightened if all of them were recovered?

At this time, the order was issued, and the 100,000 cavalry in several counties gathered in Baimu County, and they merged into a torrent of 100,000 cavalry to attack the blood sea cavalry that had already appeared on the map.

One hundred thousand cavalry roared and moved, and the sound of iron hoofs hitting the ground merged into the roar of the eternal beast in the sky, which could be heard clearly within twenty miles.

The splashed smoke and dust flew to the sky and turned into a monster wind, covering the sky and the sun.

Here in Zhao Shi's headquarters, many people's faces changed at the same time.

It was the first time they saw cavalry with a scale of 100,000, and it was by no means a weak brigade that they could take on five, because there were three sky-level kings of the martial arts area and their elite players from the guild.

According to public information, the ratio of players in the ordinary cavalry has reached one hundred to one, and the ratio of elite players in the 20,000 king's account has reached ten to one.

There are a total of more than 3,000 Flying Realm players in the martial arts area, and most of them have already gathered here.

Although they were dissatisfied and even disgusted with the three heavenly kings, especially the Black Rock King who personally ordered the massacre of civilians, it did not affect their fight against the Xianxia District.

The King of the Blood Sea in the Xianxia District is also not a good thing, and he wants to plunder the inherent resources of their Martial Arts District.

Preventing people from making money is like killing their parents.

The blood sea king attracts far more hatred than the hatred caused by the conflict of values ​​of Black Rock.

"Go, get out of here."

Zhao Shi coldly glanced at the cavalry seven or eight miles away, turned his horse's head and left.

He can't beat a cavalry army of 100,000 with three heavenly kings in command, no matter how angry he is, he won't hit a pebble with a stone.

The surrounding players and ordinary soldiers were already familiar with their boss's command and combat style, so it was no surprise to see this, they followed his pace one after another, and soon disappeared here completely.

The sound of hoofbeats came,

It was deafening, and the black flag covered the place where many fresh horseshoe prints were vaguely preserved.


Hei Yan reined in the reins, stretched out his hand to grab the ground, and picked up a mass of fresh dirt with horseshoe prints, and quickly judged when the owner of the horseshoe prints left.

Bai Feng also had a puzzled look on his face: "Since he has no intention of making contact, then why did he come all the way here to look at us?"

Having shared the information of the Taixu Guild and other Xianxia Guilds, they were able to confirm that Zhao Shi and his cavalry were there just now, and they fled immediately, without any suspicion or ambush.

"We have a crushing strength advantage, so we don't have to guess."

Hei Yan sneered and said, "Even if they are both cavalrymen, they don't just leave when they want, or run away when they want."

The 20,000 king tent cavalry who had been cherishing their horsepower and keeping pace with the army suddenly accelerated, broke away from the large cavalry force and followed the traces to the distance, and soon disappeared under the awe and envious eyes of ordinary Wu Kingdom cavalry.

Half an hour later, Zhao Shi's complexion changed when he heard the sound of hooves coming from behind him.

In the billowing smoke and dust, the cavalry army with the five-clawed black dragon flag is approaching little by little, and the speed is faster than the overall speed of the blood sea cavalry. Any player can calculate that the two armies will meet in about 20 minutes. touch.

When fighting Zhao Shi and Wei Tianyang, they never tried to chase the enemy's cavalry, so as not to end up in the same exhausted situation. Wu Guo's cavalry likes cavalry pursuit battles the most. Bar

They started out as cavalry, which is their best way of fighting.

Moreover, there are many fine horses in the grasslands. Although the top black-winged horses are of similar quality to the Daqian Baiyang horses and the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance's blood-yang horses, their numbers are at least several times higher.

Just like at this moment, the 20,000 king's tent cavalry chasing after Zhao Shi each had three horses, each of which was a top-notch black-winged horse.

You must know that counting your own training, plus the capture of the top horses of Dagan and the Daxianmeng Empire, the Blood Sea Cavalry only has about 10,000 horses, and each person only has one horse. There is no replacement, and the rest are ordinary southwest horses.

The kings who commanded the battalions held their breath and waited for Zhao Shi's order.

Should he give up 10,000 cavalry and speed up to leave, or turn around and confront the 20,000 royal tent cavalry on the opposite side.

For the latter option, they are sure to win after paying a heavy price, provided that the 80,000 cavalry from Wu Kingdom who are chasing behind will not come up, which is obviously impossible.

"Long Spear, you lead the 10,000-horsepower Third Cavalry Regiment, which is slightly weaker, and the Fourth Cavalry Regiment will leave after our contact."

"Yes, President."

The spear responded immediately, slightly surprised.

Fifteen kings, including Zhao Shi, gathered in this small cavalry team. His position has been downgraded again and again, and he has changed from a major general division commander to a major general battalion commander who is almost impossible to appear.

Zhao Shi continued: "All the other kings gathered in the First Cavalry Regiment and the Second Cavalry Regiment to serve as the commanders of each battalion."


As time passed, the Black Dragoons approached the Blood Sea Cavalry little by little, and the bloodthirsty grassland cavalry could now see the backs of the enemies within and outside.

The centurion and the tenth ordered them to put their lances under their armpits, and they didn't need to do anything else, just point their lances at the weak southerners in front of them after approaching.

"Kill them."

Bloodthirsty and cruelty appeared in the eyes of Wu Guo soldiers. This kind of chasing and killing was no different from hunting short-horned deer on the grassland. They had long been used to it.

At this moment, they were shocked to find that the fleeing southern cavalry slowly divided into two groups, one continued to flee, and the other suddenly accelerated to kill him, and the speed suddenly became similar to theirs.

Between the two streams of cavalry, they closed and opened like gears, orderly, with a weird aesthetic feeling.

A prairie cavalry with the title of warrior laughed: "The escaped rabbit is impatient!"

"Son of the grassland, follow the Great Khan to hunt winter fur, that is the only proof for a warrior to fly to the Heaven of Longevity."

The Ten Commander of Wu Kingdom Players shouted to appease the slightly nervous Wu Kingdom cavalrymen, and fanatical killing intent slowly appeared in his eyes.

The formation quickly became closer, like a majestic black dragon stretching out his indestructible claws.

Zhao Shi slowly drew his sword and pointed forward: "For the people, for the country, charge!"


All the players and soldiers shouted, with Zhao Shi and the king group as the bloody spearheads, facing the powerful enemies ahead, knowing that they were about to die, but they were not afraid in their hearts.


The two groups of cavalry, whose speed had been increased to the limit, collided head-on. The blood sea cavalry and the black dragoon cavalry in the front row stabbed each other's bodies with their spears, and the horse and body collided at the same time. Fall off the horse.

This was the case with ordinary cavalrymen, and so was Zhao Shi at the front. Red light enveloped his whole body and mount, turning into a red meteor and crashing into Heiyan and the others.

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