The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 819: Martial Arts 3 Kings

"I'll come first."

Heiyan's complexion was serious, and black and gray streamers of light flowed from all parts of his body, spreading in all directions, and countless energies and substances were reorganizing.

In a blink of an eye, a black-gray mountain wall three or four feet high and more than ten feet wide appeared in front of the charging blood sea cavalry.

Behind Zhao Shi, Huang Huo and other fairy kings were amazed. The stone wall in front of him obviously didn't have any aura of law, but it made people suffocate involuntarily, as if it was the way it was, and it was the strongest thing in itself.

"Blood lotus sword!"

Zhao Shi, who had turned into a blood-colored meteor, drank in a low voice, within ten feet of light red mist billowed, and the rules of the blood-sea swordsmanship were woven like a silk screen, increasing the speed and sharpness of the blood-colored meteor.


The blood-colored meteor touched the wall of the high mountain, blended into it silently, like cutting tofu, and reached the center of the rock straightly, and then stopped.

With the point where the blood-colored meteor penetrated as the center, the terrifying blood-sea sword energy spread in all directions, forming a series of blood-colored cracks, densely packed, penetrating and covering every part of the mountain wall.

The lifeless and soulless black rock boulder is dotted with streaks of blood, making it look beautiful and dangerous.


A huge explosion occurred on the black rock, and pieces of rock fragments the size of a human head splashed in all directions, turning into bits of spiritual light in the air and disappearing.

A huge deep pit more than ten feet wide was blasted out on the ground, and all the Wu Kingdom cavalry soldiers within the range died instantly.

The smoke dissipated, and everyone was able to see the scene inside.

Zhao Shi was riding on the horse, and the blood lotus sword in his hand pierced Hei Yan's eyebrows half an inch. The flowing, solid black rock and the blood sea sword energy gushing out from the tip of the blood lotus sword annihilated each other. Consume quickly.

But everyone can see that Black Rock is at a disadvantage, and the black rocks that make up its body are constantly decreasing.

"Zhao Shi, die!"

One left and one right, Bai Feng and Kuang Xu charged at Zhao Shi, their silver spears were like dragons, sharp and cold, they chose to devour people, and their iron fists shot towards Zhao Shi's head.

but immediately,

They were blocked by the eight-winged blood angel and the blood lotus guard. Although they were at a disadvantage, they were able to hold on for a while.

Zhao Shi ignored the two, showing disappointment, and said lightly: "Hei Yan, I thought you were also a fellow Taoist, and existence was valuable, but I was wrong."

"You need to disappear into this world."

The core of the way of the sea of ​​blood lies not in blood or sword, but in gathering people.

Gather intelligent beings from all races in the universe, and become friends with them to open up the road to longevity.

Dare to damage this situation, wantonly slaughter innocent intelligent creatures, and let the Taoist friends who should have been on the road of immortality in the blood sea die worthlessly.

Heiyan has already shown this tendency, and it must be killed in the cradle. For this reason, he can give up the use of his excellent martial arts talent to make progress together with communication.


Fluid black rocks concentrated on Hei Yan's head, and the sudden explosion knocked back the Blood Lotus Sword and Zhao Shi, and the forehead of the white bone was seen emitting blood sea sword energy, and healed quickly.

"Joke! What's the use of your opinion?"

Hei Yan sneered and said, "Talking about yourself like a saint, do you think I and other people don't know your details?"


The ten-foot space suddenly turned dark red, and there was a scene of sword qi rising and dying in the haze, mixed with frenzied fluctuations of consciousness. It was obviously only ten feet in size, but it looked like a vast and endless world when viewed up, down, left, and right. map broadcast the world


Heiyan's eyes were fixed, his legs exerted strength, shattered the space several feet away, and with the help of the huge counter-shock force, his speed was increased to the limit, and he held the heavy battle ax with both hands and slammed down more than ten feet away.

The ground was smashed out of huge pits, and cracks like spider webs bloomed in all directions, but they never escaped from the edge of the blood mist.

Hei Yan's heart sank, and he immediately realized that his hard power was indeed not as good as Zhao Shi's.

This is the normal method used by immortal cultivators, or legal professionals to deal with melee professionals.

Immortal cultivators refine their souls, warriors refine their bodies, and both sides have their own strengths.

Immortal cultivators often use their huge spiritual consciousness to suppress their opponents when fighting with warriors of the same level, causing them to misjudge the timing and direction of the battle.

Generally speaking, when a martial artist of the same level fights an immortal cultivator of the same level, the winning rate is 40-60, four for the martial artist, and six for the immortal cultivator. In addition, the escape ability of the immortal cultivator is much stronger than that of the martial artist.

Now Heiyan can't feel the boundary of this illusion at all, which means more disadvantages.

Bai Feng's silver spear pierced a silver-colored soul-splitting trajectory, beheaded the eight-winged blood angel in front of him, and glanced at the Black Rock battlefield with his spiritual sense.

Heiyan held a heavy battle ax in both hands and smashed the ground and sky to empty places, smashing a lot of ground and air. He who used to be able to go more than ten feet in one step is now turning in a small circle strangely. There is no overstepping.

Not far from the blade of the ax that he kept killing, Zhao Shi looked at him indifferently, chopping down a blood-red sword aura from time to time.

Seeing this, the only thing Bai Feng could do was to pass what he saw to Hei Yan through the system.


She shouted, and a silver flame burst out from between the silver guns, killing Karina even more fiercely, leaving silver gun marks on her body, and the strong will of martial arts invaded it, destroying her belief force structure.

"A mere hairy god of a different kind, who doesn't know how to live or die!"

Karina clumsily left and right, the six bloody sword wings on her back broke away, and fought frantically with the silver spear. Although her injuries became more and more serious, she never took a step back.

Hei Yan was overjoyed when he received the picture sent back by Bai Feng.

He didn't show anything on his face, he was still slashing chaotically, but suddenly changed the direction of the attack in mid-air, and the heavy battle ax accelerated and smashed towards Zhao Shi's head.

It did hit, and the heavy battle ax like a carriage smashed Zhao Shi's body into streaks of aura.

The joy in Hei Yan's heart quickly turned cold.

"Small means can't close that gap."

A faint voice came from behind him, his skull suddenly went cold, his brain was shattered, and he lost the ability to think.

Zhao Shi's Blood Lotus Sword pierced Hei Yan's head, and the frenzied blood-colored sword energy instantly spread throughout his body, corroding every flesh and blood, searching for the vital soul.

To Zhao Shi's surprise, he searched every inch of Heiyan's blood sea sword energy and found nothing with soul breath, no different from the rocks that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

This is an unknown field that he has never explored, and Heiyan has done more than him in immortality.


The body of black rock in front of Zhao Shi exploded, and a bag of earth as high as a human was raised on the ground.

"I, Immortal, no one can kill me, not even you."

The soil on the surface of the bag cracked, and clods of soil fell out, revealing the figure of Heiyan inside. The heavy armor on his body was gone, and a heavy battle ax the size of a carriage was resting on his right shoulder. His upper body was naked, and his lower body was woven from black rock armor. skirt armor.

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