The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 820 Blood Rain

The breath has recovered to its peak, and all the scars have disappeared.

"It's really mysterious."

Zhao Shi said indifferently, he struck out with a sword, and transformed into thirty-six sword qi in mid-air to cover Heiyan, leaving deep wounds on his body between the criss-crossing sword qi.


Regardless of the attack he was facing, Hei Yan raised his battle ax high and strode towards Zhao Shi. He slammed the ax down on Zhao Shi, passed in front of his nose, and blasted a big hole in the ground.

Even comparing the pictures sent back by Bai Feng is still useless.

The blood lotus sword turned into a streak of light piercing Hei Yan's brow, making his movements stiff.

This is not the end, the blood lotus sword that penetrated Heiyan's head flew high into the sky, shooting streaks of blood-colored sword energy towards the ground and fell on the ground, quickly turning the land of ten feet into a sea of ​​blood-colored sword energy, standing still move.


Hei Yan's body collapsed, and a bulge protruded, exposing his body.


He just appeared and wanted to say something, but the sea of ​​blood-colored sword aura around him rushed towards him like a shark smelling blood, drowning him in layers of blood-colored sword aura.

A huge blood-colored sword balloon appeared in the center of the ten-foot space, and the overlapping red sword aura inside was connected to each other like gears, quickly annihilating the black-gray rock inside.

After three breaths, the last bit of rock of the seemingly solid and immortal black rock body was obliterated and disappeared.

The red sword aura ball without a target spread out, and the surrounding ground was covered with layers of sharp sword aura, like a beautiful sea of ​​blood-colored flowers.

After waiting for a while, Heiyan did not appear.

Zhao Shi said lightly: "It's a very good method of concealment, but it's a pity that there is too little room for you to use the forbidden methods in this world."

The sea of ​​sword energy within ten feet flickered, annihilating everything that could be touched on the ground, and the soil, stones, and vegetation turned into powder and smoke and disappeared.

The ground is constantly dissolving, slowly descending, revealing a deep hole, which still does not stop, and continues to go deep under the strangulation of thousands of sword qi.

Black Rock's way of concealment is indeed brilliant,

Zhao Shi couldn't find out where he was, but there was no need to find out.

When he was seven feet deep into the ground and the surroundings became dim, a huge black-gray rock appeared in Zhao Shi's eyes. The red light that could dissolve ordinary rock and soil shone on his body, only making the rock on its surface sizzling. ring.


Under the guidance of the Blood Lotus Sword, thousands of reds turned into streamers of light and plunged into the black rock, surrounding him layer by layer, his body shrunk rapidly, and disappeared without even saying a word.

The next moment, the Blood Lotus Sword pierced the ground nine feet away, and thousands of red sword qi followed like swimming fish, dissolving layers of soil on the ground and exposing a black rock.

Hei Yan wanted to hide, but there was no space for him to hide here, and he was killed again and again.

After five times, Bai Feng and Kuang Xu, who were madly attacking their opponents, were shocked.

The red mist within ten feet shrank layer by layer, revealing the inner scene.

In front of Zhao Shi, the blood lotus sword led thousands of red sword qi to fly out from the ground, turning into auras of aura and disappearing into the air, leaving only the blood lotus sword surrounding his body.

On the ground, the blood-colored sword aura like a flower and butterfly disappeared, revealing a half-human tall giant egg intertwined with metal and flesh-colored inside.


Zhao Shi frowned. The bloody sword qi just now fed back, and their attacks were useless, as if the giant egg had suddenly become something on another level, unable to even break the defense.

The blood lotus sword flew into his hand, the blood sea kendo was entangled with rules, and the blood light gathered, the eyes of all those who looked here became painful, as if cut by a knife.

The blood sea kendo rule focuses on sharpness and speed, and Zhao Shi has never encountered anything that cannot be cut at the level of transforming gods.


But this time, Zhao Shi miscalculated, and the blood lotus sword made a clanging sound when it stabbed the giant egg, but it still couldn't break through the defense.

This is the core technology of Black Rock's Indestructible Rock Body, which is completely unknown to Zhao Shi. He doesn't know the principle, so he can't decipher it at all. love 999

It's like others looking at the seed of the blood sea kendo rules, it's hard to understand why it produces such speed and sharpness.

"That's right, it's immune to attacks from kings of the same rank."

Zhao Shi said lightly: "I guess, this process should be related to my previous attack on you. If you can resist the next attack, you can live."

The tens of thousands of people who were fighting and killing on the battlefield suddenly felt cold, like falling into an ice cave.

The area within ten feet centered on Zhao Shi suddenly became hazy, and one glance would make people dizzy and forced to enter a dream.

Heiyan in the giant egg was instinctively terrified, but his eyes slowly turned black.

Opening his eyes again, he found that he had come to a secluded world. It was night, surrounded by bamboo forests and mottled shadows appeared under the moonlight.

Looking up, the sky is a quiet blood moon, and the moonlight invades people's hearts, which cannot be blocked or covered. This is the inherent law of the world.

Hei Yan involuntarily stood still for a moment, and said coldly: "...This is your sea of ​​consciousness? This time I lost the opportunity."

"You guessed right."

Zhao Shi's figure slowly appeared in the black night sky, and he waved his hand lightly. More moonlight shone on Hei Yan, pushing away the layer of transparent eggshell above.

There is resistance, and it is very large. If he is only a high-level sword at the sky level now, even in his own sea of ​​​​knowledge, he will fall into a long-term war of attrition.

When the time comes to a stalemate, Bai Feng and others will lose their fighting chance again if they free their hands.

But now, his Blood Sea Sword Intent has already reached the peak of the Heaven Rank.


After the moonlight fiddled with it a few times, the transparent eggshell shattered into tiny pieces of starlight and disappeared, exposing the fragile soul of the black rock inside.

The soul of the martial arts king is weak. At this time, even the monk Cangqing has the ability to kill Hei Yan's soul.

"It seems that your immortal rock body has not been researched and perfected to the soul, which is very good."

Zhao Shi held a ray of blood-colored moonlight in his hand, condensed into a blood sword and flew towards the soul of the black soul: "Go, I said, you should not exist in this world if you are not a fellow Taoist."

Heiyan had a premonition of a huge risk of death, and fled around in panic.

But where can he escape? The whole world is illuminated by the moonlight.

The half-inch-long blood sword gently pierced Heiyan's brow, it didn't matter speed or sharpness, it could appear anywhere in this world as long as it wanted.

Hei Yan's eyebrows were cut evenly, wiped out by the spewing out fragments of sword energy, and completely disappeared.


Outside, the clear sky suddenly thundered, dark clouds covered the sky, and the sky dimmed instantly, with electric snakes swimming around in the clouds.


A flash of lightning struck, and raindrops fell from the sky, the color of blood.

Thick panic appeared in the hearts of all soldiers and even some players.

"King, a heavenly king has fallen!"

A player who was fighting lost his voice. This kind of celestial phenomenon can only occur when the king of the heavens who is closely connected with the vitality of the heavens and the earth dies.

Bai Feng and the two who were defeating their opponents were stunned, unable to believe this fact.

"Will this world be the same?"

Zhao Shi's expression was calm, and he held the blood lotus sword to kill the two of them.

This phenomenon did not occur when Yuan Qianjun died. Is it because he did not control the army and he was not a heavenly king?

"Go, retreat!"

Bai Feng and the two woke up as if they had just woken up from a dream. They burned their blood in an instant to force their opponents back, and frantically fled towards the nearby army.

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