More than a thousand riders were wiped out in an instant, and more than 300 people were captured.

To Zhao Shi's surprise, after this army was wiped out, the grassland cavalry scattered everywhere still did not gather, and were still collecting food and grass in their own way.

In front, there are more densely distributed prairie cavalry.

"Stay here and wait, don't go."

Zhao Shi closed his eyes slightly to cover up the waves of murderous intent in his heart.

In front were four small towns not far from each other. There must have been heavy troops gathered there, but they were not scattered enough. He would not go there.

Heiyan must have known this situation, but he still did it. He was threatening the lives of tens of thousands of people in these four small towns, forcing himself to die.

"Zhao Shi..."

Ouyang Wu was a little worried about Zhao Shi's current state.

"No need."

Zhao Shi interrupted her with a wave of his hand: "Hei Yan is right, I am not a saint, I will not give up the people of the world for the sake of the people of a few small towns, don't worry."

The blood sea cavalry stayed on the outside of the Wu country cavalry group, and never took a step closer, as cold as steel.

Outside the small town surrounded by tens of thousands of cavalry, Heiyan, who received the information, looked cloudy and sometimes cold and ferocious.


Heiyan raised his hand slowly.

Wei Tianyang couldn't bear it, and advised: "Give up this practice, people who cultivate the blood line will not be threatened by this, you are cutting yourself off from the majority of players."

He had never seen such a paranoid person as Heiyan.

The player is no one's subordinate. Heiyan's move has already caused Gaoshan Zhiyan to be dissatisfied, and he is about to fall into a collapsed situation.

Look at Bai Feng and Kuang Xu, they never expressed any opinion on this kind of matter from the beginning to the end, neither agreeing nor rejecting, maintaining a vague and indeterminate attitude.

They will never admit their involvement in this matter, and all blame belongs to Heiyan.

Although I don't know what kind of interest exchange formed between them,

But once there are no players in the Alpine Rock Guild, Heiyan, the sky-level king, will die completely.

With a stern look in his eyes, Heiyan, who was about to give an order, paused in the air.

"Withdraw, return to Qingzhou, return to our home."

Hei Yan turned and left, Kuangxu and Bai Feng followed behind, followed by other martial arts kings, no one took another look at Wei Tianyang and the two.

The Wu Kingdom cavalry turned their direction and rushed towards Qingzhou, which had already been occupied for a small part, and completely gave up the surprise attack plan to rush to rescue Chongming City.

The cavalry around him left little by little, and in the end only a hundred or so cavalry were left alone.

The strong wind blew up, curled their hair, and made their clothes rattle, and there was a smell of death from top to bottom.

For a long time no one moved.

"President, we... actually still have a chance."

"That's right, that's right, the people in the Martial Arts District are the icing on the cake, and we can do it ourselves."

The hundreds of players around are all diehards of Taixu Guild and Huahong Guild, and they regard the guild as their own home. At this moment, their eyes are red, and they are about to shed tears, comforting their guild leader.

"I know, I know..."

Wei Tianyang lowered his head, covered his face with his sleeve and secretly wiped it.

Hua Youwei had betrayed everyone and didn't know what he was doing.

One day later, Zhao Shi got the news that more than 90,000 cavalry from the Wu Kingdom, who had been entangled for a long time, gave up their journey, burning, killing and looting, and returned to the original road.

"Ordinary players in the Budo District are real players, and successfully resisted Hei Yan and other crazy people." 1800 Literature

Zhao Shi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and praised: "If the players in the martial arts area can go one step further and overthrow the evil rule of Heiyan and others, our Xianxia area will give all the help, so that the players in the martial arts area can regain their control. own freedom."


Huang Qiu took a photo of him, ending the short speech just now for players in the martial arts area.

Huang Qiu is the daughter of the boss of Fenghuang News Network. She joined the Blood Sea Guild two hundred years ago and is currently working in the Propaganda Department.

With her help, and after occupying the Cangqing Realm, the human and material resources of the Blood Sea Guild have been greatly improved, and related changes have also been made in publicity.

Although the real realm and mana are the most important, the hearts of the players are also a powerful force, and it is good to be able to regain some.

The forums in the Martial Arts District were so excited that most of the players were affected. Most of them were Heiyan who did too much, and a small part was the result of the propaganda work of the Blood Sea Guild.

"President, this is the first draft, what do you think of this?"

Huang Qiu handed a manuscript to Zhao Shi, titled: "Praise the Great Players of the Martial Arts Zone".

Zhao Shi waved his hand: "Show it to Sun Yue, I haven't learned the knowledge about manipulation of public opinion, so I can't judge good or bad."

"Oh, I see."

The cavalry in the Martial Arts District retreated, but Zhao Shi did not pursue them, forcing them into a hurry.

Without the hidden worries of food and grass, he could not fight against the cavalry who could go on their way wholeheartedly. The most important thing now was the Chongming County battlefield.

As long as Wei Tianyang and the others are dealt with, the mere Heiyan and others are nothing to worry about.

Half a month later, Zhao Shi returned to Tonghe City, the capital of Hezhou.

The Great Immortal League Empire and more than 300,000 large and small troops near Duanlongguan still have not moved, and their food and grass can last for at most five months.

After a maximum of five months, without beating, they will collapse automatically, and no one can survive without food.

Also, Deep Blue and Jiang Hua's 300,000 troops will arrive at the battlefield in two months. If the two armies converge, they will be able to crush the enemy.

There is no doubt that this battle will be won.

Zhao Shi and the Supreme Military Council are already considering how to face the Wu Kingdom, annihilate them faster, and finally completely unify the imperial world.

Drip drip.

The system panel flickered slightly, causing some doubts to appear on Zhao Shi's face.

Click it, connect it, and a blue video frame slowly unfolds, revealing Wei Tianyang's figure.

He is still handsome, but his eyes are haggard.

"Brother Wei, are you here to surrender? All the brothers in the Immortal League welcome the arrival of the brothers, and will guarantee all your current interests."

Zhao Shi said seriously, his words were full of sincerity, no ridicule, no deep hatred.

This is his fellow Taoist, but he has gone in the wrong direction and needs to be resolutely corrected.

"Brother Zhao is joking, that's not the case, he's just here to make a deal."

Wei Tianyang refused, and never considered this possibility from the beginning to the end.

The way of the sea of ​​blood, extreme and bloody, is not the right way, at least not for most players.


Zhao Shi frowned: "Brother Wei, to be honest, with the situation at this point, I really don't know what else you can trade."

Wei Tianyang's face remained unchanged, and he said calmly: "How about the deal of surrendering 300,000 troops in exchange for 50,000 leaving safely?"

Zhao Shi was stunned for a moment, quickly calculating the gains and losses in his mind.

If there were no accidents, the 300,000 troops should be wiped out in five months, but there would inevitably be many casualties, and they were all citizens of the imperial world, so he couldn't bear it.

And Heiyan and others have attacked Qingzhou frantically since they returned. Poshan has asked for help several times, but there is no way to support him, so as to avoid accidents on the most important battlefield of Chongming City.

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