The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 824 Maybe the future

"Your deal looks impressive."

Zhao Shi thought for a moment, and said, "I need to know your purpose of keeping 50,000 people here."

If the battlefield of Mingren City fails, Wei Tianyang has no hope of turning back with only Qiongzhou and Kezhou, and 50,000 people. Such unnecessary actions make people puzzled.

Zhao Shi did not doubt the truth of his words.

Although the king is the master of a party's power, but in essence, most of them are men of science and engineering with a pure personality.

In their negotiations, generally speaking, what they put forward at the beginning is what they think is a reasonable request, which is the final bottom line, and they will not make a decision after entangled for a long time like professional politicians.

This kind of character is very disadvantaged in society.

However, in this extraordinary world, their talents in scientific research make up for their disadvantages, and scientific research strength is military force.

"There is no comment on this matter."

Wei Tianyang shook his head slowly, waiting for Zhao Shi's decision.

There are 300,000 troops, including more than 2,000 players. This is a huge force. Even in the current predicament, he is confident that he can tear off a piece of flesh from Zhao Shi.

If it wasn't for worrying about the bottom line and the public opinion of players, it could have done more, at least halving the population of Minnesota would be no problem.

Zhao Shi gave up his curiosity.

"Okay, I agree. As long as you don't do any hostile actions, I won't take the initiative to attack you before you enter Qiongzhou."

"That's good, all our departments will be evacuated within one month."

Wei Tianyang hung up the video, and his figure disappeared, as if he was not worried that Zhao Shi would go back on his word.

Three days later, at Broken Dragon Pass, the closed gate opened, and more than a thousand blood sea cavalry holding bloody lotus flags slowly entered the pass.

At the front of the line, Long Spear sighed: "If there are no major accidents, the war between the dynasty and the world should be over soon."

The soldiers of the Great Immortal League Empire and the Great Officers on the city wall watched their former opponents enter their city with complicated faces.

Most of the soldiers at the lowest level have expressions of rejoicing and relaxation,

The big general school is full of humiliation, and the players are not here.

Walking through the passage of the city, the spear saw 50,000 soldiers of the Great Immortal League Empire neatly arranged, both infantry and cavalry, and the number of players in them was very large.

At the front of the team are the three heavenly kings of Wei Tianyang, the prince Dagan, and the kings of bones, ghosts, and dark fire.

The players were in low spirits, and the Dagan Prince was arguing with Wei Tianyang angrily, but he was ignored from the beginning to the end.

Regardless of the entanglement between them, the spear stepped forward and gave a military salute to the superiors within the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance: "I have seen President Wei, the two kings, and other kings. I am here to see you off on the order of my president. .”

Wei Tianyang nodded slightly at him, but didn't say anything.

"Hello Brother Long Gun"

Hua Youwei said with a smile: "Why didn't Zhao Shi come in person? We've been friends for so many years, and he's too airy."

The long gun said in a regular manner: "It should be like this, but the president has urgent matters at the moment, I am really sorry."

Just kidding, there are hundreds of thousands of troops here, if the president dares to lead a thousand people here, he will definitely be surrounded and killed by the opposite few people, he is not stupid.

Yuan Qianjun withdrew his disappointed gaze from the remaining 50,000 people: "We will set off today, don't worry."

"Thank you, former president."

Long Qiang handed out a document stamped with the seal of the Blood Sea Flying Sword, and said respectfully: "The president of my family thought that the tens of thousands of troops would have a long journey and might lack supplies, so he specially ordered me to arrange it. Collect food and grass from the cities along the way." Yeye Chinese

Ming Feng walked out from behind Yuan Qianjun and took the document: "King Zhao Shi has a heart."

He understood the implied meaning, urging them to leave quickly and not to disturb the people along the way.

The 50,000 troops left one after another, heading towards Qiongzhou and Tangzhou.

The sky is covered by dark clouds, the light is dim, and the ground is the backs of soldiers slowly leaving in the distance. The whole picture looks extremely bleak.


This scene was filmed by the flying snail and named withdrawal: Twilight of the Empire.

Prince Dagan, who was ignored by others, had a bluish and red face and hesitated for a long time.

In the end, he led more than a thousand Habayashi guards to catch up with Wei Tianyang's team.

He wanted to bring more, but Wei Tianyang only allowed him to do so, and the quota was still within 50,000.

Huang Degong, who was left with a bitter face, trotted over and said with a smile: "Mr. Longlance, my department is not from the Great Immortal League. I don't know when your negotiating envoy will come. I only need to keep 10,000 people to surrender to you." .”

After fighting for so long, Dagan has a good understanding of various situations of the Blood Sea Immortal League, and Long Spear, as one of the few senior generals, also has relevant information.

The long gun shook his head and didn't speak.


In the distance, the sound of rumbling horseshoes came here, and the earth trembled. After a while, a tall blood lotus banner appeared outside the Duanlong Pass, pouring in from the opened gate.

"Blood Sea King!"

Some generals screamed instinctively, and their faces turned pale.

Having experienced the battlefields of heavenly kings many times, they understand how terrifying the location of the Blood Sea King will be. If there is no such strong person to stop him, no matter how powerful the army is, it will be killed if it is allowed to slaughter wantonly.

Huang Degong's face turned pale in an instant, extinguishing the last recalcitrant thoughts, even though the prince issued a secret decree before leaving.

Zhao Shi commanded 20,000 blood sea cavalry to enter the Broken Dragon Pass. All he had to do was to suppress the 200,000 troops and prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry.

There is another one, to prevent Wei Tianyang and others from going back on their word.

Three hours later, the 120,000 infantry stationed in Tonghe City also slowly entered it.

Zhao Shi said lightly: "Let's start accepting the surrender. The only condition that can be given to the large-scale Forbidden Army is to ensure the safety of all officers and soldiers."

"Yes, President!"

The Blood Sea soldiers slowly advanced in battle formation, and all the Great Immortal Alliance Empire and Dagan soldiers along the way scrambled to put down their weapons, lined up in an orderly order to receive the steamed white flour steamed buns and devoured them.

"Loyalty to His Majesty!"

"Kill the thief!"

Not long after the surrender ceremony, some unwilling diehards rushed forward shouting and killing, and the soldiers along the way stayed away from them like the plague.

"The recalcitrant, kill."

A company commander of a player showed no expression on his face, and led his soldiers to surround them. The cold light flickered and blood blossomed. They wiped out the dozens of rebels within half an hour, and no one died.

The respectful expressions on the faces of the officers and soldiers of Dagan and Daxianmengmeng were even stronger.

Three days later, more than 200,000 enemy troops have been surrendered, resettled, demobilized, and some of the heinous generals will be tried, but they will not exceed ten years in prison, and they will be treated as meritorious service.

Their surrender means that the blood sea fairy alliance has completely quelled the civil strife, and there is no longer the risk of being attacked by the enemy. Lingzhou, Shanzhou, Qingzhou, Hezhou, Mingzhou, Yizhou, Kezhou, and the seven states are completely connected. one slice.

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