The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 825 Qingzhou War Situation

The capital of Qingzhou, Qingyi City.

"The city is broken!"

"Long live the sweat!"

Amidst the cheers, the siege that lasted for several months ended, soldiers of the Wu Kingdom poured into the open city gate, the bloody lotus flag on the city wall was broken and dropped, and replaced with a five-clawed black dragon flag.

Corpses are piling up, and in the county where the blood has not yet dried up, the kings of the Martial Arts District gather, including the three Martial Dao Heavenly Kings.

There is a tragic smell in the air that has not dissipated, and the wounds on many kings have not healed. Among the three martial arts sky-level kings, except for Hei Yan, who cultivates the immortal body, who has no wounds, the other two have not been able to continue to maintain the status of sky-level kings. demeanor.

There was a bloody opening on Bai Feng's left cheek, which smelled like a sea of ​​blood and sword energy, and there were more than a dozen wounds on his left shoulder and chest, without any remaining breath of power. It was done by ordinary players and ordinary soldiers.

In order to conquer Qingyi City, which had tens of thousands of regular troops and hundreds of thousands of militiamen, they paid a huge price and faced the situation of being besieged by tens of thousands of people several times.

But still survived and occupied Qingyi City.

Now that the state capital is conquered, there is no risk of cutting off the food and grass route, and then the entire Qingzhou can be captured.

It was originally a day of great joy, but because of the information from the east, the atmosphere became heavy again.

Bai Feng said angrily: "Wei Tianyang is really not a son of man. With an army of 300,000, it can be delayed for another five months at least. What good will it do him if he surrenders?"

This greatly exceeded their expectations.

For a moment, the martial arts kings present felt a little uneasy.

Soon, they will face the more than 500,000 troops commanded by Zhao Shi himself, no matter whether it is high-end combat power or low-end combat power, they are all the result of being crushed.

"Don't worry."

Hei Yan said in a deep voice: "We have 200,000 cavalry, we have an absolute mobility advantage, and we can recruit hundreds of thousands of infantry in several states. In terms of military strength, we are not weaker than Zhao Shi."

"As long as Zhao Shi is defeated this time and his elite troops are wiped out, we will be able to completely seize the imperial world."

The complexions of all the martial arts kings became firm.

half a month later,

Zhao Shi led the 120,000 troops under his command to slowly enter the eastern city of Qingzhou, where the mountains are adjacent to the city.

It is only 70 miles away from Qingyi City, which has already been occupied. It is currently guarded by a broken mountain. There are 10,000 regular troops and 50,000 militia inside. It is in danger under the attack of the martial arts kings and may be destroyed at any time.

Therefore, Zhao Shi ignored the exhaustion of the first and third armies after a long battle, and forced a half-month march to help here.

He left Huanghuo and the First Group Army in Mingren City to reorganize the 200,000 soldiers. These soldiers are all young and strong, elite soldiers who have undergone a lot of training.

As long as they go through ideological education, fill in the middle and low-level non-commissioned officers, and then undergo a period of training and adapt to the tactics of the Blood Sea Guild, they will all be loyal soldiers of the Blood Sea Immortal League.

Its designation is designated as the sixth and seventh armies, and the commanders of the armies are all held by Huang Huo.

Due to the large-scale expansion of the army again, the proportion of players in the army has dropped again, and its combat effectiveness has declined again, but it is still far superior to the main force.

The reorganization time is expected to be completed in another month. By then, the Blood Sea Immortal League will have 200,000 more regular troops.

Adding in the 150,000 troops of Jiang Hua's army who are coming, that's 500,000 troops.

As for the dark blue who came here, she will be stationed in Kezhou to guard against Wei Tianyang, who still has some strength. Niu Niu Chinese Website

Entering the city gate, Zhao Shi saw the four kings including Po Shan whose eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

Their cultivation has dropped from the peak of Golden Core to the middle stage of Golden Core, and many players around them have fallen to the early stage of Golden Core, and many players whose realm has fallen to the peak of Condensed Realm are forcibly cleared out of this world by the rules of the world.

Zhao Shi immediately dismounted, stepped forward and shook hands with Poshan and the others, and said solemnly: "Fighting against Heiyan and others, I have worked hard for you, and the Immortal League will remember your efforts."

Zhou Bihu, Feng Zi and other kings also showed similar gestures.

Being able to compete against the opponent with the strength of an ordinary king for so long, and died twice, the price he paid must be heavy.

Po Shan had a look of pride on his face, and said modestly: "We have nothing to do, you are the ones who have withstood the greatest pressure."

"Where, where..."

The two sides flattered each other shamelessly, making the atmosphere warm and relaxed.

A red ball flew from the sky, and when it reached the top of Zhao Shitou, it fell by itself and fell into his arms.

Then there was a slight snoring sound, indicating that he was asleep, and there was nothing particularly important, so don’t bother, if there is any danger, you go first, and don’t think of me.


The sound of horseshoes suddenly came from outside the city, temporarily stopping their meeting.

Po Shan glanced at the system panel, and said with a smile: "Heiyan and his troops have arrived, and now they dare to appear in the wild to fight in the wild, which is bold."

"Go and see."

Zhao Shi and others boarded the top of the city and looked into the distance.

Sure enough, there were a large number of cavalry units of the five-clawed black dragon flag, at least tens of thousands, forming a sea of ​​cavalry, and there were more infantry approaching in the distance, which was about the same number as the cavalry.

Feng Zi wondered: "Wu Kingdom only has 200,000 infantry, after so many sieges, how many infantry are there?"

"This is not their original soldier."

Po Shan looked cold, and explained: "Wu Guo forcibly recruited half of Yanzhou and Qingzhou that have been occupied to join their army. Many of them are our people."

The others looked at Zhao Shi, and seeing his cold face, they stopped talking immediately.

Zhao Shi said coldly: "Don't worry about them, the current Heiyan and others are just dying people, wait until the Phoenix Fire Department and Jiang Hua Department come to bully them with absolute numbers and superior forces."

The city is far away.

Hei Yan in the center of the army waited for a long time, but still did not see Zhao Shi leaving the city.

Bai Feng said indifferently: "Zhao Shi still doesn't want to go out of the city, even though our infantry unit is very weak and looks easy to break, let's go back and prepare to defend Qingyi City, this time I want to see if he dares to detour. "

Unlike in Mingren City, the cavalry of the Wu Kingdom has an absolute advantage in cavalry mobility, and can cut off the food and grass transportation of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance troops anytime and anywhere, allowing the army to collapse without fighting.

If the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance wants to continue to attack, it must pull out the Green Wing City.

It seems that the troops of the Wu Kingdom just wanted to lead the army to take a look, and left without too much nostalgia, or even tentatively launching a siege, leaving horseshoe marks all over the ground.

Two months later, Jiang Hua's 150,000 men and Huang Huo's 200,000 men arrived in Shanlin City, and together with Zhao Shi's men, they formed a super army of 500,000 men and marched towards Qingyi City.

This is the largest front army of the Blood Sea Immortal League so far, and it is also the largest army among players.

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