The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 826: Inferior Cavalry

The 500,000 army, divided into three groups, marched towards Qingyi City, covering the mountains and plains, attacking the city and pulling out the villages along the way, and regained the city.

A small town adjacent to Qingyi City.

Po Shan personally led a battalion of soldiers to attack the city wall, and the army poured into the city along the torn gap, quickly sweeping away the defenders of Wu Kingdom.

It's very easy, the main force here is one or two players leading a small number of Wu Guo soldiers and recruiting Qingzhou strong men to defend the city.

When encountering blood sea soldiers, the strong men did not fight, but immediately obeyed the command, dropped their weapons and hid in a safe place. If an officer within ten men's length blocked them, they would be killed immediately.

Wu Guo's idea of ​​using these small towns to delay time fell through.

In less than an hour, the city was quickly recovered under the joint efforts of the army and the people, and the administrative team was rebuilt in a very short period of time, no different from the mainland.

"Take care of the affected people, and we continue to march."

Zhao Shi glanced at the city wall, and led the army to continue marching towards the real target.


The sound of horseshoes as dense as thunder came from a distance, and a line of black shadows jumped out of the horizon, quickly turning into a large sea of ​​cavalry, rushing towards the marching blood sea army with rapid speed.

At least a group of tens of thousands of cavalry charged, as if Mount Tai suddenly collapsed, with a huge momentum.

Many recruits from the Jianghua Department and the Huanghuo Department trembled and instinctively wanted to escape, and adjusted their formation only with the loud encouragement of the officers.

The soldiers of the First Army at the forefront did not even look at the enemy charging in front of them, and continued to march without changing their speed.

Zhao Shi's headquarters were also extremely calm, treating the enemy's cavalry as an insignificant breeze, and did not respond.


What Bai Feng saw was this kind of scene. The cavalry army under his command was about to charge into battle, but the enemy did not make any response and continued marching, completely ignoring it.

As proud as she is, the murderous intent in her heart is even stronger when she sees this.

"Detour to avoid their elite."

Bai Feng said coldly, turning around when he was hundreds of meters away from the Blood Sea army,

Kill the Jiang Hua Department and even the Phoenix Fire Department behind him.

Heiyan and Kuangxu in the other two directions also made the same move, 200,000 cavalry were constantly wandering around, looking for the weak point of the blood sea army.

The quality of the recruits of these two armies is inferior to that of the first and second armies. When faced with the danger of a cavalry charge, they must stop and form an formation to resist, and they will not continue marching until the cavalry is far away.

This stop-and-go, change of formation made their formation a little bit scattered, and there was inevitably a lot of confusion.

After pulling back and forth for several hours, the cavalry army led by the three of Bai Feng gathered at the rear of Jiang Hua's 150,000 troops. The vast area made these recruits who had not experienced many battles terrified.

After waiting for a long time, the Wu Kingdom cavalry outside the army formation still did not charge into the formation, they just stared at the blood sea soldiers who formed a tight formation outside Lixu.

In the center of the army, the adjutant worried about Jiang Hua: "President, we have opened a distance of three miles from the army, which has affected the march of the entire army."


Jiang Hua pondered for a moment, then ordered: "Release the formation and continue marching."

The 150,000 infantry of Jiang Hua's troops, who stayed for a long time, continued to march in a relatively loose and chaotic formation, ignoring the eyeing cavalry of Wu Kingdom.

Wu Guo's cavalry did not rush to the formation immediately, but followed them for three days until their formation became more scattered.

Bai Feng slowly raised the silver spear in his hand: "Charge!"

The horses of the more than 60,000 Wu Kingdom cavalry trotted first, then trotted, and finally reached a peak speed, turning into a torrent like a landslide and crashing into the scattered bloody infantry.

"Come closer! Get closer! Squat down!"

"Don't be afraid, the people will win!"

Liu Qi and other battalion-level officers who graduated from Lingzhou Army Military Academy, as well as platoon-level non-commissioned officers who were promoted from outstanding soldiers, shouted frantically. There was no fear on their faces, only yearning for victory, and devotion to their beliefs .

Under their infection, the fear of the recruits who had only experienced a few battles around them decreased a lot.

The infantry formation did not collapse under the weight on a large scale, but became tighter and tighter over time.

"Faster, faster..."

Liu Qi muttered to himself, even though they were not as good as the old army, if they were given another quarter of an hour, they would definitely be able to restore the formation to the standard formation in the textbook.

The infantry in front of him gathered together, and the figure of Bai Feng riding a white horse and holding a silver spear didn't pause for a moment, and rushed headlong into the infantry position with long spears in front of him with extreme speed.

Click! Click!

The heavenly king led the king's tent cavalry to charge, like hot knives cutting butter, heavy stones crushed groups of thin wooden sticks, and the blood sea infantry who were blocking them were easily torn apart.

The broken spears mixed with flesh and blood paved a road of bloody warfare, allowing the Wu Kingdom cavalry to swarm in behind them.

"Run away!"

"They are not humans, they are demons!"

After just a few breaths, a battalion of blood sea soldiers who had never participated in the battle of heavenly kings collapsed in front of them, and fled in all directions in horror. The Wu Kingdom cavalry under the command of Bai Feng continued to charge with a huge impact without any resistance.

This situation happened on all three sides of Jiang Hua's Yizhou Corps. The three heavenly kings personally led the cavalry with superior forces to charge, and they were invincible for a while.

Blood Sea soldiers suffered countless casualties, but achieved almost no results.

This unfavorable situation made many soldiers and even more convinced officers despair, and morale declined further.

The command headquarters of the Chinese army remained orderly and quiet. Jiang Hua said to the other two kings: "You lead your elite soldiers to the reinforcements. Be careful not to show your face in front of the heavenly kings. Use soldiers to consume them."


Huitu and the other two nodded, and their figures quickly disappeared into the command headquarters.

After the three heaven-level kings rushed to kill the soldiers of the blood sea, they collapsed wave after wave, but there was no large-scale collapse. One wave lost its organizational system, and the other wave continued to replenish.

With the passage of time, the blood sea infantry's army formation became more and more dense, and many places were like hedgehogs, making Bai Feng and the others afraid to speak.

Bai Feng looked at the sea of ​​blood soldiers, whose morale had plummeted, but still poured in, and he had no hope of breaking through the formation and causing them to collapse completely.


In the army, there were more than 60,000 cavalry rushing to kill like no one around the corner, passing the extremely thin blood sea infantry on the flanks, and no longer continued to penetrate into the increasingly dense blood sea army.

They were quick to kill, but the Blood Sea Immortal League also had cavalry, and more than 80,000 cavalry had gathered at this moment, commanded by Zhao Shi himself.

Coming from three miles away, Zhao Shi, whose speed had reached its peak, drew his sword and pointed at the head of the half-evacuated cavalrymen of the Wu Kingdom, where the Baifeng King's Banner was located.

"Kill! Clear the way for the unification of the country!"


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