The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 833 Northern Expedition

Chongming City

This is the city of Yanzhou. The Blood Sea Immortal League took it from Dagan and handed it over to the people, and it was taken away by Wu Guo. Now the traces of the blood sea soldiers appeared here again.

"Shouldn't be able to fight, we can't even appear in the city."

Zhou Bihu brought hundreds of his own soldiers and looked at the tall city wall in the distance.

According to intelligence, the kings and players in the martial arts area, including the three kings, retreated here, surrounded by heavy troops.

Especially the Three Kings, it would be extremely dangerous to encounter them in the wild, even if she had Karina's support.

But as Zhao Shi said, she only needs to be stationed at the county town.

Looking around, the gate of Chongming City was opened, and a cavalry came out of the city, with a silver spear shining, without any subordinates, and the sharp murderous aura could still make the divine sense feel a slight knife stabbing pain several miles away.

"The only female sky-level king..."

Zhou Bihu's eyes showed eagerness, he turned around and rode away, and disappeared near Chongming City.

The silver knight chased for a while, but couldn't close the distance, so he could only stop slowly and return to the city.

Turning off the horse and walking up to the city wall, what she saw were Heiyan and Kuangxu who were looking at the horizon.

"Zhao Shi and his first front army are marching in Mingzhou and are expected to reach Liangzhou in March."

Seeing Bai Feng coming in, Kuangxu pulled out a light blue light screen from his system panel and handed it to her: "The territory of the three prefectures of Wu Kingdom is also unstable, and the support of many big families has become much less for us recently. , Many families are planning to divide the family and land to preserve the family wealth to the maximum extent."

Due to the fact that there are only more than 3,000 players in the Feitian Realm in the Martial Arts District, and they still have the burden to control the army, coupled with the barriers of alien races, the Martial Kingdom and the Dagan Landlords have made more compromises than the Great Immortal League Empire, relying on them for conscription and grain requisition.

This is also the fact that the Martial Dao District is far weaker than the Blood Sea Immortal League, but it can occupy the grasslands at the same time, the three states of Liangzhou, Maozhou, and Xuzhou. In a short period of time, an army of 400,000 was integrated to attack Yanzhou and Qingzhou. , which once occupied the land of five states, is not considered a vast grassland.

Now, with the successive defeats of the army, the quick and bad results are also revealed.

The grain and grass transported to Yanzhou from the rear has recently been less than a quarter of the original.

The same goes for recruit replenishment.

If we can no longer give the big landlord class in the territory a victory and let them see hope, the current support will decrease again.

There are always many reasons, such as poor harvest, fire, being robbed by blood soldiers, and it is reasonable to guarantee that there will be no flaws on the surface, and there is no senior official who has failed in his duty.

Bai Feng took the light screen and looked at it for a long time, then said: "Can Zhou Bihu's army be annihilated? If they are annihilated, Zhao Shi will definitely be forced to return to defense, and the crisis in Dadu will be resolved immediately."

"It's hard."

Kuangxu shook his head and said: "She is hoarding food and grass in Yanshi County and building the city, she is completely guarded, and she has no intention of leaving the city before we leave Yanzhou."

"If we want to cut off the supply line and besiege the city, I don't know how long it will take to force her out of the city for a decisive battle. By then, most of them should have been captured by Zhao Shi."

There was one more thing he didn't say, but the other two knew it well.

Even in the wild, Zhou Bihu's army of 150,000 and their hundreds of thousands of cavalry and more than 10,000 infantry were fighting head-on, but there was no absolute certainty of victory.

As for forcibly attacking the city guarded by an army of 150,000 players, this is a crazy move that Zhao Shi would not even do, and it is no different from suicide.

In the end, the three of Heiyan decided to divide their troops. Heiyan led some players who were in the middle stage of Feitian Realm and above, 40,000 cavalry and 10,000 infantry to garrison Chongming City, and the other two returned to the capital of Fangliang Prefecture.

"The king of the martial arts district seems to be unwilling to admit defeat."

Half a month later, Zhou Bihu, who was about to disappear into Liangzhou, had a cold look in his eyes after receiving the news that the two kings, Bai Feng and Kuangxu, led their troops to leave Yanzhou.

She looked at Karina, who was like a statue of a goddess in front of her, and said politely: "Fellow Daoist Karina, I wonder how your strength compares to that of Heiyan in the early Yuanying period?" Ba Shanai

After waiting for a long time, the fair-skinned blond girl didn't respond, which made Zhou Bihu frown slightly.

"terribly sorry!"

The waterfowl baby quickly said: "President Zhou, Sister Angel has been in this state recently except for fighting, please wait a moment."

There was a bloody light behind her, and four bloody sword wings, which were one size smaller than Karina's, condensed into shape, stirring rapidly like bees, with a high frequency and special information fluctuations.

What a weird way of communicating.

Zhou Bihu was thoughtful.

After a while, the waterfowl baby said: "Sister Angel said, and the president also said that Heiyan is not her opponent, but she cannot kill Heiyan."

"I see."

Zhou Bihu sneered: "In this case, the mere Chongming City is nothing."

The 15th army came out of the city, rushed to the outside of Chongming City, and surrounded it.

Heiyan once led 40,000 cavalry to harass, but found that the Blood Navy, which had experienced many wars, was able to march normally under the watchful eye of the cavalry.

He lingered for a long time, but still did not dare to lead the extremely precious cavalry into the battle.

"There are at most 10,000 infantry in the city, plus tens of thousands of strong men, and 40,000 cavalry that can be converted into infantry at any time. The supplies for defending the city are fairly complete."

Zhou Bihu looked at Chongming City in front of him, and said coldly, "If that's the case, why can't we attack the city and take a lot of time?"

When Zhao Shi used soldiers, he really cared too much for his soldiers and took too much time, which caused many kings to complain.

Three days later, dozens of siege towers were slowly advancing, and nearby were infantry phalanxes arranged in dense formations, weapons and armor reflecting light in the sun.

Standing at the head of the city, Hei Yan was surprised by Zhou Bihu's move to attack the city, and then he was delighted.



More than 1,500 bed crossbows and trebuchets were fired together, five times the ultra-long-range weapons in the current Chongming City. This was supplemented by the capture of Qingyi City, and the relevant ammunition was abundant.

As the largest force in the world at this stage, the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance is even more so in terms of manpower and material resources. They can mobilize far more power than the enemy with their rule at the grassroots level.

If there were no players and sky-level kings around, the outcome of the war would basically be without suspense.


Huge boulders fell, destroying the turrets protruding from the city wall, smashing four or five Wu Guo soldiers into meat paste, and killing three or four people with bed crossbows.


The Wu Kingdom players shouted on the city wall, and more than 300 bed crossbows and trebuchets smashed down on the exposed ultra-long-range troop positions of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance, destroying dozens of trebuchets and causing more than a hundred casualties.

While achieving the results, they also exposed their location. The coordinates were quickly captured by the players of the Blood Sea Immortal League, and more than 1,400 crossbows and trebuchets adjusted their positions.


The huge rocks and bed crossbows like dark clouds flooded the positions of the ultra-long-range troops in Chongming City. More than a hundred bed crossbows and trebuchets were destroyed, hundreds of people were killed and injured, and the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance lost more than ten machines.

The two sides came and went, and after a few rounds, the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance, which had a great advantage, was completely victorious, destroying all the ultra-long-range troops in Chongming City, losing more than 50 trebuchets and bed crossbows, and nearly 200 casualties.

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