The sound on Chongming City was silent for a while, and there was no longer any counterattack. The city wall was covered by boulders and crossbow arrows, causing heavy casualties.


Dozens of siege towers climbed up the city wall, heavy armored blood soldiers rushed out from the bridge opening, and soldiers ants on the ground attacked the city, shouting and killing.


"For the country!"

Gold juice, rolling stones, wood, etc. from the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom on the city wall fell from the city wall, killing seven or eight blood sea soldiers, clearing a ladder, and sparks falling from kerosene, turning it into a fiery hell.

In this way, blood blossomed, sparks splashed, Chongming became a purgatory on earth, and a large number of soldiers died all the time.

Moreover, very few soldiers of the Wu Kingdom died, and most of them died of blood sea soldiers.

As the most elite troops in the world, they had never encountered such a humiliation, their eyes turned red and they rushed upwards even more frantically.


"Dead, all dead!"

Will cannot completely replace reality. When the casualty rate was close to 40%, the blood sea soldiers finally showed signs of collapse, and many turned around and ran away.

It's still less than the blood navy's casualty rate standard line.

Because there is no contact with people at all, it is too morale-consuming to be crushed to death by flames and boulders without even seeing the enemy's face.

"The siege troops can retreat after a 20% casualty rate and hand it over to the friendly troops behind."

Seeing this, Zhou Bihu was expressionless, and said to his side.


Lin Ye's heart trembled, and he immediately replied.

The blood navy that was attacking the city suddenly retreated slowly. Before the soldiers of Wu Kingdom could breathe a sigh of relief, the blood navy soldiers in the second row immediately followed without giving them any chance to breathe.

A wave of blood sea soldiers went up, and a wave of blood sea soldiers retreated again. The attack was wave-like and continuous.

The war was cruel and ruthless, and the corpses of dead and wounded soldiers in the sea of ​​blood piled up a thick layer on the ground.

This tragic siege continued for seven days,

The attack intensity in Chongming City dropped a bit in vain.

Its defense materials were exhausted under this crazy siege.

However, at the cost of more than 10,000 casualties, there are still more than 10,000 elite blood sea soldiers in the world.

"Mo Yu, you personally lead people to block the gates on all sides of the city. Even if you die, you can't let any Wu Kingdom cavalry go out of the city."

Zhou Bihu's bright face looked so cold at the moment, it made people shudder.

"Yes, President!"

Mo Yu said in a deep voice, without any hesitation, turned and left.

Zhou Bihu turned his head to look at Karina who woke up at some point: "Fellow Daoist, there will only be one person left in Heiyan. If you lead ten thousand people to besiege, can you kill Heiyan?"

Since Hei Yan dared to lead a mere 40,000 Wu Kingdom cavalry to defend the isolated city, he would die and pay the price for his arrogance.

Karina stared at her, a little surprised at the woman's madness: "Yes."

"That's good."

On the eighth day, the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom who had lost the supplies for defending the city were attacked by the soldiers of the Blood Sea. The soldiers of the Wu Kingdom began to suffer a large number of casualties, and it was no longer as easy as before.

However, the advantage of the city wall is still too great. The blood sea soldiers are faced with the situation of being besieged by the enemy several times in many parts, and it often takes two soldiers to die to exchange for the life of a soldier from Wu Kingdom.

Zhou Bihu turned a blind eye to this, and still methodically commanded waves of soldiers to attack alternately, truly treating living lives as simple numbers.

You Wang couldn't bear to persuade her, but she refused.

Zhao Shi, who was far away in Liangzhou, was furious, but he did not remove her position, nor interfered with her command.

The blood navy led by the Blood Sea Guild is proud and powerful. Under Zhao Shidi's command, they never directly attack the big city, not because they have no ability.

In fact, they are the most powerful army in the world in the dynasty, the most powerful army in all ages, both in terms of military quality and ability to withstand casualties are the best in the world.

After another seven days of this crazy siege, the smell of blood on the battlefield wafted into his nostrils, making people sick.

Hei Yan looked at the sea of ​​blood soldiers fighting frantically on the top of the city, regardless of life and death, and for some reason, he felt chills in his heart.

The Black Stone Sheep who had just been resurrected panicked and said: "President, we have already killed and injured more than 10,000 people, and the soldiers are almost unable to hold on. There are at least 30,000 people killed and injured on the opposite side, but there is no sign of stopping." .”

"President, what should we do? If we continue like this, we will lose, and we won't even be able to escape!"

Heiyan couldn't answer this question.

Ten days later, the Blood Sea army suffered a total of more than 60,000 casualties, and when the overall casualty rate reached 60%, the Scarlet Lotus Banner finally gained a firm foothold on the city wall, and charged into the city.

"The city is broken!"

"Kill me, kill!"

Many blood sea soldiers had red eyes and formed a tight formation to rush into the soldiers of Wu Kingdom, causing a large number of casualties to them in an instant, and they were no longer in a predicament on the city wall.

In a face-to-face confrontation, even 50,000 soldiers of Wu Kingdom would not be able to defeat 30,000 soldiers of Blood Sea.

Blood sea soldiers came up from all over the city wall, tearing up the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom along the way, and the team grew stronger and besieged the soldiers of the Wu Kingdom furiously.

This time, even many soldiers, including the players, tacitly did not shout the slogan of "surrender, don't kill, give preferential treatment to prisoners".

They just want revenge, they just want to kill, and no one wants to admire the enemy's so-called strong will and courage and loyalty.

The blood navy suffered many casualties, and the Wu soldiers were not much better. Up to now, more than 20,000 people have been killed or injured, and the casualty rate is about 40%.

There has never been such a disgrace since the blood sea started its army in 239 years. The blood navy had three times as many troops onlookers, and played a three to one exchange ratio.

You need to kill three people to take the life of one enemy!

Losing the shackles of the city wall at this moment, the soldiers in the bloody sea of ​​blood suddenly went crazy. During high-speed movements, they besieged with several times, or even ten times the number of troops, killing all Wu Guo soldiers.

It's like all ghosts are devouring the world, cold and bloody, wanting to make all spirits in the world die, thirsting for blood.

Wu Guo soldiers were instinctively terrified, their bodies and souls were all icy cold.

Instincts are telling them that they will die, everyone will die, and there will be no one left. They call themselves warriors, but the other side just wants blood and life, without admiration or sigh.

"We surrender!"

"Forgive us, we were all persecuted by Heiyan!"

Wu Guo soldiers collapsed, weeping in pain on the ground, begging on their knees, all their courage disappeared in the bloody silence.

However, it is said that the blood sea soldiers who have been treating the captives preferentially are still killing them, no matter standing or kneeling.

"Stop! Stop!"

"Soldiers, they are also people, they were just bewitched by Heiyan!"

"Our enemy is the evil royal family of Wu Kingdom!"

Many player commanders woke up from the killing and grief and anger, and hurriedly shouted to stop, and the squad leaders and platoon leaders at the grassroots level did the same. They were more determined blood sea warriors.

The chaotic and frenzied blood navy slowly regained its composure under such constant adjustments. Even if there were people who continued to slash and kill wildly, as long as the squad leader stopped in front of the surrendered Wu soldiers, he had to stop, feeling uncomfortable and crying. .

The Wu soldiers who witnessed this scene hurriedly surrendered, fearing that they would be killed by the blood sea soldiers who barely regained their senses a little later.

A large-scale collapse and surrender occurred among the soldiers of the martial state, and soon spread to the entire army. Sporadic players in the martial arts area were surrounded by blood sea soldiers and quickly killed them.

Chongming City Wuguo has been completely defeated, and all soldiers have been wiped out.

East City Wall.

A burly figure jumped down, wearing the logo and military uniform of the blood navy, blending into the blood navy as usual, moving little by little to the edge of the army.

"Stay here, your concealment method is very good, but the outside of the city has been surrounded by our army, and players are watching every section of the city wall."

The pleasant and gentle voice made Heiyan stiffen, and he turned around slowly.

It was Zhou Bihu, and the blond girl beside her, with eight blood-colored swords piercing sharply behind her.

"This time I was eager for success and suffered heavy casualties. Although there was no problem in tactics and strategy, it was obvious that he didn't approve of it."

Zhou Bihu sighed: "For me not to be settled by Qiuhou, you, Heiyan, should die. You who have lost your power to transform into a god have this value."

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