The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 836 Rank Suppression

"kill him!"

The waterfowl baby pulled out the angel sword, and led the encircled angel army to rush forward, with spears like forests and swords like seas, without any loopholes.

This is the human sea tactics, the battlefield where life and death are fought, there is no place to hide, only head-to-head and strong.

"Go away!"

Heiyan did exactly the same thing. A heavy battle ax the size of a wheel slashed from top to bottom, beheading dozens of soldiers and players in front of him. The baby water bird barely used the god-level faith holy sword angel sword to stop him, like It was split into the air like a mosquito, spitting blood in the sky.

However, her face was full of surprise: "He has become weaker, much weaker, keep going!"

Baby Waterfowl has a clear understanding of her own strength, and her strength is at the top of the first echelon of players with the help of her earlier exposure to the blood belief.

But she is no match for any king, no matter what.

The fact that she didn't die under Heiyan's blow is enough to explain everything.


"Blood Angels never back down!"

All the nearby Blood Angels shouted frantically, neatly and holy, as if they were singing praises to their own gods, and rushed towards Heiyan recklessly, their blood swords piercing brightly, only to leave an insignificant wound on Heiyan's body.

"You are courting death!"

Heiyan's face was ugly, and he held a heavy battle ax with both hands and slashed at the waterfowl baby and other angels. This time, there was a gray-black aura on the blade of the axe.

The waterfowl baby only felt his body sink, and the power of blood and faith in his whole body was almost frozen. It was difficult for him to move, let alone escape.

"No, you will be the one who dies."

She didn't care about her body, the four blood-colored sword wings flickered behind her, and all her power was concentrated on the angel sword, making it reveal a dangerous red light.

Heiyan's tempered instinct had a warning sign, but he ignored it. The heavy battle ax had already arrived on the small waterfowl baby's head, and it would draw a trajectory to cut through dozens of people's heads.

Suddenly, the slight warning sign in his instinct quickly became extremely terrifying, to the point where his body and soul trembled at the same time, and his instinct gave him the greatest warning he could give.

Without half a second of thinking, the heavy battle ax that was about to smash the baby waterfowl turned around and slashed together. The movement was smooth and scientific, mobilizing the muscles of the whole body, and still using its maximum strength even in the situation of being attacked.

"A mighty knight in the east."

Karina finally opened her mouth, and the movement of the eight blood-colored sword wings stabbing forward did not change at all, with the power of strong blood faith, they stabbed at the blade of the blue-black heavy battle ax at the same time.



The bloody sword wings collided with the ax blade, and the ax blade was not damaged at all, but Heiyan's muscular arms were broken into several sections by the influx of blood power, and fell to the ground together with the heavy battle axe, making a bang. sound.

There is no blood, because Heiyan's body is made of rocks, but it was distorted into a human shape by the dynasty world.

Heiyan was extremely cold, without even looking at his broken arm, he used his right foot as a fulcrum, and his left foot made a straight line, stabbing into Karina's abdomen like a spear.

The broken shoulders were squirming, and in a short period of time, a small baby-like arm had grown out, which was khaki and was rapidly turning black.

"Too slow."

Karina's first feather condensed into the Holy Sword of Bone, and pierced Heiyan's brow first, piercing through the hard brow bone, and penetrated into it.

Heiyan's left foot, which was about to pierce into Karina's stomach, froze and did not move.


His body shattered into tiny fragments all over the sky, splashed in all directions, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Zhou Bihu was startled, she couldn't find where Heiyan was.

"Within a ten-foot radius, no one is allowed to move, and those who violate it will be punished as collaborating with the enemy!"

The newly recovered baby waterfowl shouted loudly,

Let the other somewhat flustered kings stop their search.

Zhao Shi must have given a plan to hunt Heiyan, as long as its strength is not strong enough to suppress, there is nothing to worry about.

The wings behind the eight-winged blood angel fluttered slightly, and the misty red sword light gushed out densely, entwining every grain of dust and every small stone around, and the runes of formations changed in it, and there was vaguely a blood lotus sword formation the taste of.

Zhou Bihu's heart was completely relieved, and Zhao Shi made a spell for Karina to locate Heiyan.

A red light shimmering in a ten-foot range is brighter than other places, and it is extremely conspicuous.


The ground sputtered soil outward during the roar, and Heiyan slashed at the eight-winged blood angel with a heavy battle axe. The giant ax whipped up a strong wind, which made the clothes of the nearby soldiers rattle.


Karina, whose eight wings were in front of the defender, was smashed into the air, dragging two deep marks on the ground, and her breath dropped a bit.


The waterfowl baby couldn't believe it. Heiyan's strength became stronger than when he faced her. It was like being reborn. All the bad states were removed, and the blood volume returned to full.

This is simply abnormal, BUG!

The king of the sky level is already strong, and he can surpass many levels of challenges, but he can't be beaten to death now, how can other people compare?

"Mere God, you shouldn't be participating in the battle of the heavenly kings!"

Heiyan said coldly, approaching Karina step by step with a heavy battle axe, his aura became stronger and stronger, as if the clouds of smoke from the sky were used by him, and the aura spread throughout the whole world.

Karina looked at Zhou Bihu.


Zhou Bihu was helpless, but still had to stand up with Huitu and other kings. Green silk threads full of vitality shot out and connected with each other. A complex and exquisite formation was quickly formed, and the phantom of the green grass forest world loomed.

She has always tried her best to avoid joining the battlefield of heavenly kings, but every time she is unsatisfactory.

Fortunately, Karina's strength is stronger than Heiyan's, but the consumption is not as good as him.

It can also be filled with human lives, but Zhao Shi will go crazy.

Zhou Bihu, who was at the center of the Green Grass Forest Formation, waved her hand lightly, the grass-green light flew out from her fingertips, and landed on the ground where Heiyan was advancing step by step.

In an instant, dense bright green light spots appeared on the ground, and countless grass seedlings broke through the ground, revealing tender yellow buds, and grew rapidly until they were half a meter high and no longer than human knees.

The wind blew gently, and the tender yellow grass blades turned dark green, with firm leaves and sharp edges.

Click click click!

Hei Yan came striding forward, as if walking on a ground made of broken jade. The extremely sharp blades of grass were as fragile as paper, which didn't hurt him at all, but dimmed the black aura on his body a little.

Very faint, but just dim.

"court death!"

Hei Yan suddenly turned around, and his speed suddenly accelerated, charging towards Zhou Bihu like an invincible chariot, and the grass blades shattered into powder along the way.

People were still dozens of feet away, and an extremely heavy momentum was suppressed, making Zhou Bihu's breathing extremely heavy, and the speed of mana mobilization in his body was slow.

Her complexion couldn't help but change.

Heiyan, who is only at the elementary level of Nascent Soul and has already fallen into the first echelon of heavenly kings, still has such strength, it is simply hopeless.

The figure of the eight-winged blood angel appeared in front of her, and the six blood-winged flying swords suppressed it, entangled Heiyan tightly, and quickly consumed his indestructible body, faster than before.

Heiyan roared again and again, but could not escape.

The gray-black light dimmed and then brightened, brightened and dimmed again, repeated five times, and finally fell silent.

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