The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 837: Kingdom of Blood God

Heiyan's body in situ disappeared, and a gigantic egg appeared.


The red sword qi and blood-colored sword wings condensed by the blood belief divine power slashed up, and could only make clinking sounds on the metal and flesh-colored eggshells, without leaving even a white mark.

Karina frowned, and the crimson divine power of faith flowed out of her hands, wrapping the giant egg layer by layer.

The sizzle sound kept coming, and after a long time, he withdrew the power of blood faith after there was no response.

The giant egg is as clean as new, without a trace of dirt, and even a thin layer of soil on the ground has been peeled off, without any damage.

The surrounding kings gasped.

Under the king of the sky level, I am afraid that even a casual attack cannot make Heiyan lose blood.

Even if he is a heavenly king of the same level, he can be defeated, but he shouldn't die.

Someone tried to lift the giant egg, but as expected, the giant egg is connected to the ground, no matter how much force is used, it cannot be shaken, just like facing the paradox of a strong man lifting the planet under his feet.

Karina's six blood-colored winged flying swords flew out from behind, and slashed across the ground in a radius of thirty feet at high speed, drilling into the deep soil layer from time to time.

After a while, the ground shook, and a small mountain with a height of more than ten feet and a radius of thirty feet broke out from the ground. The top of the mountain was a giant egg intertwined with flesh and metal colors.

There is a black-gray force on the edge of the small mountain, like tentacles pulling in all directions, constantly absorbing the surrounding air, soil, flesh and blood, and even everything on the ground, increasing its volume and quality little by little.

If he was given twenty years, a mountain higher than Mount Tai would appear here, and even Zhao Shi would have difficulty hurting him by then.

Karina is like a little ant in front of this small mountain.

Her voice was soft, but she naturally carried great majesty and holiness: "Summon, Blood God Kingdom."

All the players of the Angel Legion showed excitement on their faces.

A sunset glow appeared inexplicably in the sky, and a hazy round of golden-red stars loomed, with the power of blood faith as huge as a tsunami, projecting a golden-red holy light downward, shining straight on the small mountain peak.

Like a flame, without making people feel hot, a hazy golden-red halo shrouded the small mountain, and puffs of blue smoke rose from it, shrinking the volume of the mountain little by little.

This process will continue for a long time.

Zhou Bihu and the others left after staying here for three days, and officially entered Chongming City to appease the people, restore the original grassroots administrative organization, and carry out disaster relief operations.

In addition, the army also suffered huge casualties, and it took time to recuperate, restore morale, and replenish the recruits sent by the rear training department.

It is gratifying that the huge casualties did not break the military spirit of this army, it will be more tenacious and its combat effectiveness will be stronger.

The people in the rear heard that the war was victorious and was about to end completely, and their enthusiasm for supporting the army was even higher, so that the training department did not have to worry about recruiting new soldiers.

Half a month later, the Second Front Army, under the command of Zhou Bihu, left half of Yanzhou that originally belonged to Wu Kingdom.

Due to the successive defeats of the Wu Kingdom and the serious depletion of the army, the landlord class did not continue to resist on the surface under such circumstances. The blood navy liberated these places very easily.

They didn't stop, and after the food and grass were transported in place, the Blood Sea army continued to go northward, invaded Xuzhou, which is adjacent to Yanzhou, and liberated half of Xuzhou within a month, until they encountered Tianli City, the capital of Xuzhou, Only then did Zhou Bihu order the troops to temporarily stop and stabilize their base.

The reason for this is that the Blood Sea Immortal League, which implements the land reform policy, cannot win the hearts of the landlord class. It must wait for the land reform to be completed before it can truly occupy the territory and obtain the soldiers and food needed by the troops.

And carry out land reform,

The landlord class will inevitably break out fierce resistance, and the army must be stationed in order to implement it.

Another point is that there are also 10,000 to 20,000 regular troops in Tianli City. Although the proportion of players is not many, about 100 to 1, it is also a real Wu Kingdom regular army, with 70,000 to 80,000 strong men.

Attacking this kind of city is easy to cause accidents if you don't have the power of transforming gods to sit in it.

Another month later, when the land improvement became calm and stable, and when the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance's rule penetrated to the grassroots level, Zhou Bihu's long-awaited battle power of transforming gods finally arrived.

The eight blood-colored sword wings behind Karina were slightly dimmed, and there was a strong look of exhaustion in the eternally burning eyes like divine fire.

The baby waterfowl next to it had a distressed face, holding a platinum giant egg in its hand, the size of which had not changed since the beginning.

A rare sense of frustration appeared on Karina's mechanical face: "I couldn't destroy him, and I also made the eggshell on his body resistant to blood and divine power, making it even more difficult to break."

Zhou Bihu was stunned and shocked.

The reputation of Heiyan's immortality is indeed not in vain, and there are very few people who can kill him.

Now that the combat power of Huashen has arrived, the repairs have been completed, and with the consent of the Supreme Military Council, the Second Front Army, which has expanded to 200,000 troops, launched a siege.

The second front army gained an absolute advantage in the ultra-long-range troops. Only the first round of bombardment destroyed more than a hundred bed crossbows and trebuchets with poor control accuracy in Tianli City.

Immediately, the infantry unit advanced without any hindrance, filling the moat outside the city that was not inferior to Mingren City in Mingzhou.

Hundreds of siege towers moved together and built on the city wall. Both sides broke out a tragic siege, causing a large number of casualties.

The Supreme Military Council now has two views.

One is led by Zhao Shi. The first goal is to save the lives of soldiers, and the second is to destroy the enemy. Even if it delays the time for the unification of the dynasty and the world, it will not hesitate.

One is the direct siege led by Zhou Bihu and other kings, with war efficiency as the first priority.

Moreover, they accused Mrs. Zhao Shi of being benevolent, caring too much for soldiers, missing many opportunities, and causing the people of Blood Sea Immortal Alliance and Dynasty World to take many risks of complete failure.

It has been proved countless times in the history books that hesitating, refusing to eliminate the opponent as quickly as thunder, and giving the opponent a chance to breathe will lead to unknown variables sooner or later. In the end, for the lives of a few soldiers, the fundamental interests of the people of the dynasty and the world will be ruined.

Obviously, after a period of fighting together, they have found a way to persuade Zhao Shi.

Zhao Shi did not continue to use his strength to subdue them for the statements made by most of the kings at the Supreme Military Council this time.

The tragic siege lasted for half a month. The city gate was broken under the sudden attack of Karina Land, and the bloody army rushed up the city wall and captured the city.

The casualties caused by this siege were more than 10,000 people, close to one to one with the casualties of the regular army of Tianli City. Most of the casualties occurred in the siege equipment. If Karina did not attack suddenly, there would be even more casualties.

As for the more than 100,000 strong men, they collapsed by themselves after attacking the city wall.

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