The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter eight hundred and thirtieth eight bear the burden of humiliation

Now that Tianli City is broken, there will be no place in the entire Xuzhou that can stop the bloody army.

Within one month, the entire Xuzhou was liberated.

Two months later, the land reform work in Xuzhou was completed, the rule penetrated to the grassroots, and the Second Front Army swelled to 250,000 people.

This is still considering food and grass and the burden of the people, and the reason why Wu Guoguo does not need so many troops to attack the city, otherwise it can expand the army on a larger scale.

About a month earlier, Jiang Hua's third front army had broken through Maolin City, the capital of Maozhou, liberated the whole prefecture, completed the corresponding land reform work, and expanded its army to 200,000 people.

So far, the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance has occupied Lingzhou, Qingzhou, Hezhou, Yizhou, Kezhou, Yanzhou, Maozhou, Xuzhou, Shanzhou and Kyushu, with millions of troops, and the posture of the world's hegemon has been determined for the most part. .

Next, the only ones who can destroy them are themselves.

Blood Sea In March of 242, Zhou Bihu received a transfer order, and the 250,000 troops of the second front army went north to Liangzhou, where the capital of Wu Kingdom was located, to join Zhao Shi's first front army, which had surrounded the capital for several months.

Jiang Hua received a new order to suspend his advance, and Chen Bing 200,000 soldiers were on the border between Maozhou and Yongzhou, both to prevent the big gang from jumping over the wall and preparing to attack.

As long as Liangzhou is captured, the transportation and logistics capabilities of the Blood Sea Immortal League will be vacated, and they will leave to attack the city.

All of a sudden, people in Yongdu were in a state of panic, and wealthy businessmen and nobles who were capable fled to the countryside one after another. Those who were clever or courageous even hid in Yizhou, which had been occupied by the Blood Sea Immortal League and order had been restored.

Counting the times when dynasties changed, they were all filled with blood and killings. They need to determine whether the situation is stable before coming out to make their own choices.

Whether to seek refuge with the blood pirates, no, the master of the blood sea, or to remain anonymous, hoping that there will be a large number of adults in the new dynasty, and don't care about them, the old people from the previous dynasty.

Yes, there is no option to stay on board the Dagan.

As for the dispersal of the descendants of the descendants of the descendants of the direct lineages, changes of names and surnames on the surface of the relatives of the big clans, and the secret genealogy, etc., these are the routine operations of the big families when the dynasties change in the past.


Zhou Bihu led the army into the western region of Liang. This was not the marching route of Zhao Shi's first front army. It was not conquered, and it still belonged to Wu Kingdom.

At this moment, more than 100,000 troops have surrounded the Fufeng City in front of them. Various ministries are building siege towers, ladders, etc., and ultra-long-range troops are being deployed.

From experience, it is easy to attack such a city without player troops guarding it, and there are not many casualties. They marched all the way to attack the city and pull out the stronghold, and they did not delay much speed. The earth relieved the logistical pressure.

From this point, it can be seen that Wu Kingdom's current administrative order does not seem to be smooth, otherwise, when the city is broken, the grain and grass will be burned, just like Heiyan and the others broke through the city of the Blood Sea Immortal League.

At this moment, the gate of Fufeng City opened, and many figures walked out of the gate.


"Cavalry, prepare to charge and seize the city gate!"

Zhou Bihu was startled, and instinctively ordered through the system panel.

Regardless of whether there is a conspiracy or not, as long as the city gate is captured, a large number of casualties can be reduced again, and Zhao Shi's increasingly dissatisfied and forcibly patient gaze at himself during the remote video conference.

Every meeting scares people to death. If she didn't know that this person's emotions have always been stable, she would have suspected that she would be stabbed to death by a sword when she went back.

"Wait, hold off on action."

The next moment she immediately retracted her order.

From this distance, she could already see that the people coming in front were not well-armored soldiers, but weak civil servants, most of whom were in their forties or fifties, and there were very few military officers in armor.

The leader wears a crimson robe with a white pheasant pattern embroidered on the chest,

This is the symbol of Wu Kingdom's fifth-rank civil servants.

Within Fufeng County, the only person who is qualified to wear this official uniform is Liu Chengzhi, the magistrate of Fufeng County.

According to intelligence, this person was a juren who had been in the army for the first year of his career. Later, when the prairie army went south, he was one of the first to defect to the Wu Kingdom and was promoted to the county guard. From then on, the family began to show signs of taking off.

Naturally, Zhou Bihu would not pay attention to such a character, and it was even more impossible for her to change the military orders she had issued.

What really made her make this decision was the way Liu Chengzhi held the wattle in his hand and his hands were tied behind him by a thick hemp rope.

Regardless of their personalities, the kings of cultivating immortals attach great importance to knowledge. After the capture of Lingzhou, all the kings have read through various historical books and miscellaneous notes of Daqian, unofficial history and customs novels, etc., and their understanding of the imperial world can be said to surpass most of them. A scholar who claims to be a saint's disciple.

Liu Chengzhi's gesture is a common ancient ritual, which began with the "Shi" of the first dynasty, expressing a very sincere surrender.

Coupled with her status as a sheriff, she is qualified to be valued by her.

"Guardian, come with me."

"Yes, President."

Carrying the banner of the Chinese army, Zhou Bihu led a battalion of 1,728 cavalry out of the Chinese army, and waited quietly one mile away.

At this distance, the bed crossbow could not shoot, and the heavenly king personally led the cavalry to charge, and she had time to escape and hide among the army.

If the sky-level king dares to chase after him, it depends on his luck and whether he can escape for his life.

Her personal guard, Mo Yu, continued to move forward, and learned of their purpose from Liu Chengzhi and other Wu Guo officials' trembling explanations, and closely inspected everyone.

Nothing else, but to prevent the heavenly kings from entering within ten meters of Zhou Bihu in disguise.

Although this possibility is very small, after all, the sky-level king also needs face, but he has to guard against it, especially when this Bai Feng and others are about to reach a dead end.

In the end, the trembling Liu Chengzhi and others passed Mo Yu's inspection.

"Student Liu Chengzhi, meet Commander Zhou!"

Arriving in front of Zhou Bihu, Liu Chengzhi and the civil and military officials behind him knelt respectfully and bowed three times in succession.

After the three prayers, he bowed his head, and held up the twig thick as a baby's arm in his hands: "The prairie barbarians invaded the south, burned, killed and looted all kinds of crimes, millions of people were displaced, hungry and cold, their bones were exposed in the wild, and the nation would not survive. "

Liu Chengzhi's old face showed sadness, his eyes turned red instantly, and tears flowed out: "Students can't bear to see the people miserable, and gave up half their lives to be famous, so that they can protect the people of one side and leave the foundation for the rejuvenation of our nation."

All the officials behind him were full of emotion, deeply convinced.

"The destiny lies with the nation, and now that the Blood Sea King Master has recovered..."

Liu Chengzhi's mournful face suddenly became determined: "How can I stay in this world with my weak and shameful body!"

After finishing speaking, he took out a white porcelain bottle from his arms and poured it into his own mouth.

The fishy smell inside is tangy, it should be the top-grade poison Hedinghong, and the throat is blocked when it sees blood, but the movement is a little slow, like a movie slowed down three times, moving the hand little by little into the mouth.

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