
In the sixth year of Daqian Zhizheng, Emperor Zhizheng, who had just ascended the throne for six years, caught fire in the Taimiao, and the thick smoke covered half of the city.

During his reign, the country was in turmoil, the people were in dire straits, and all the great foundations of the ancestors were lost in a short period of time.

The history books of later generations call him Emperor Qianmo, without a temple name or posthumous title.

The new country will not think that it has inherited the destiny and legal system of the previous dynasty, because all the rights of the country come from the people, which is the only legal basis.

Zhao Shi, who led a bloody army of 450,000 to ten miles away from Yongdu, frowned and looked at the Dagan prince who hadn't seen him for many days.

"Prince of the old emperor, you surrendered on behalf of the Fang family's royal family, but what I need is not a ruin that was burned to ashes!"

A bit of killing intent entangled the handsome, pale young man. His crown had been taken off, and he was simply wearing a plain blue shirt.

Huang Huo and other kings also looked at him coldly.

Although the new blood sea republic has agreed to give preferential treatment to the royal family, all members of the royal family will be pardoned except for a few who have committed the most crimes and the people are angry. They will keep a small amount of wealth, and then use their own labor to transform the country and make it a better place.

This kind of tolerance is almost the most lenient towards the former royal family in all dynasties.

However, the premise of all this is that the royal family of the Fang family is willing to cooperate and sincerely surrender.

There will no longer be any amnesty for criminals in the new country, and perfect laws are established for this purpose.

"President, you misunderstood!"

Prince Dagan shuddered under the gaze of the kings, and quickly said: "This is not because Yongdu was burned, it's just that the father was summoned by the ancestors of the gods of the underworld, and took the Taimiao to heaven. Everything else is intact. .”

"Gu... I don't know why there is such a big momentum."

The position of the supreme leader of the newborn country is called the president. Generally speaking, non-players say the president without any prefix, which refers to the top leader of the country.

"Is that so?" The coldness on Zhao Shi's face dissipated a little.

The Taimiao has a great relationship with the Underworld God Court, and it is not surprising that the Daqian royal family used means to transfer it.

Ouyang Wu stepped forward, whispered a few words beside him, and passed a document on Yongdu's current situation to him.

The current Yongdu has gathered a large number of intelligence personnel from the Blood Sea Guild, and it is not difficult to obtain relevant information.

Prince Dagan said respectfully: "I dare not hide it."

"That's good."

Zhao Shi nodded lightly: "Don't worry, except for the heinous ones in the Fang family royal family who need to be judged, everyone else can live as an ordinary citizen, and the laws of the Blood Sea Republic don't have any stipulations about sitting down."

The Dagan Prince had a look of gratitude on his face.

Hundreds of thousands of troops came under the tall and majestic city walls of Yongdu, and many bloody soldiers from remote states and counties looked at the huge city in front of them in shock.

The city wall is nine meters high, with deep door openings and eighteen holes. Every brick of the city wall is intact, without a trace of war or blood.

The entire city was filled with a heavy majesty, which made people hold their breath, and a sense of awe and self-contempt arose spontaneously.

Looking up, he saw the blood-colored lotus flags standing on the city wall. The broad flags fluttered in the wind, and the sharp-edged sword lotus petals fluctuated.

In an instant, the awe and fear in the hearts of all the blood sea soldiers disappeared, and turned into a feeling of kindness and peace of mind.

This is our own city, our own home, where we will live happily ever after.

As an advance force, the First Army of the Blood Sea Corps has already entered Yongdu first.

Eliminate all the forces that are still resisting, seal up the treasury, guard the key military nodes, and cooperate with the administrative personnel transferred from various states to initially control the city.


"Blood sea! Blood sea!"

"Long live the people! Long live the country!"

At this moment, the people of Yongdu lined the road to welcome the bloody soldiers who were slowly entering the city. The atmosphere was warm, and everyone's face was full of yearning for a new life.

The eyes of the eldest girl and the younger daughter-in-law passed over the young soldiers from time to time, and their faces suddenly turned red.

Seeing this, the young Blood Sea soldiers held their heads up even higher, like a proud big rooster, and the bright red company lotus flag was their high crown.

Seeing this, Zhao Shi ordered the troops to slow down their marching speed.

The grand military parade lasted for a whole day, and the 450,000 blood-sea troops all entered Yongdu and controlled every pass, completely announcing the demise of the Daqian Dynasty that lasted for 851 years.

Next is the reform that the Blood Sea Guild has been implementing all along. The royal family and the rich and powerful who have sucked blood from the people for hundreds of years will have their property confiscated, the guilty will be tried, and the others will be released without guilt.

The aristocratic group headed by Xiao Zheng, Li Hailai and others still resisted when the Blood Sea Army was about to conquer Yongzhou, intending to sabotage the peace talks to satisfy their own personal desires, and was mercilessly killed under the unity of the people and the Blood Sea Army crushed.

Therefore, under the judgment of the court and the supervision of the people, the guilty people got what they deserved.

Fifty-two class-A war criminals including Xiao Zheng and Li Hailai were sentenced to death and executed immediately; 282 class-B war criminals were sentenced to between 20 and 30 years in prison; Class-level war criminals were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years and not more than twenty years.

These are war criminals on the military side.

In terms of politics, twenty-six vassal princes and sons of the royal family who were guilty of the heinous crimes of the royal family and the people were extremely angry were sentenced to death, and 84 people were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years but not more than twenty years.

Thirty-two of the aristocrats and civilian groups who were extremely angry were sentenced to death, and 323 were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than ten years but not more than twenty years.

If the above-mentioned people can make meritorious service in prison and sincerely transform into citizens of the new country, their sentences can be commuted.

This bunch of people sentenced to death adds up to a hundred and ten people, which is really an incredible thing when the old and new dynasties are changing.

Even the old aristocrats and landlords and scholars who hated the new republic most in their hearts had to admit that this was a great act of generosity and mercy.

Although it doesn't affect them to counterattack and discredit the newborn republic whenever they have the opportunity.

After cleaning up the weeds and dirt, it's time for vigorous construction. All the arrests, yamen, and officials in Yongdu will be removed and replaced with civil servants mobilized from various states and trained by the Blood Sea Republic to recruit local good people. Literate, Yongdu people who support the new republic.

There is another important source, that is, the blood sea soldiers who have received the most education and support the blood sea republic the most.

When the country has been stabilized, maintaining such a large army is too much of a burden for the people. The Blood Sea soldiers who have successfully defended the fruits of revolutionary victory after countless wars also need to start a new life of peace and happiness.

Yongdu, and other beautiful girls from the thirteen states will like them.

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