Blood Sea On July 1, 242, Dynasty World Blood Sea Republic was established, and the founding ceremony was held.

Yongdu is legally the capital of the country, and the Second National Day is July 1st, which is a statutory holiday.

The real founding day is January 1st of the year of Blood Sea, which is the day when the player was born in the Cangqing Realm, and the founding day of the Blood Navy is also that day.

This is the common national day of all the blood sea guild worlds, and the statutory holiday is seven days.

The sea of ​​blood in the heavens and the world are all people from the same country, and they are all fellow Taoists on the same long life path.

After the founding ceremony, the entire country settled down except some areas, and with the supplement of a large number of retired officers and soldiers, construction work began in full swing.

Behind the Dagan Palace, which has been transformed into a scenic spot museum, is a building made of wood and stone, dotted with flowers, plants and trees, without the dazzling gold, silver and precious stones. It is simple and quiet, which is the classic architectural style of immortals.

This is the seat of the highest administrative organ of the Blood Sea Republic, and the outside world calls it the Red Lotus Pavilion.

Ouyang Wu reported softly in front of Zhao Shi who was practicing cross-legged.

"...At present, the 450,000 people of the First Front Army and the Third Front Army gathered in the capital have been arranged to retire and change jobs. Now there are only 250,000 left. Eighth Army, our first phase of disarmament plan has basically been successfully completed."

"How did the soldiers and officers react? Do you have any comments?" Zhao Shi asked with his eyes open.

"The response is very good, and everyone's enthusiasm for retiring and building the country is very high."

"That's good."

Zhao Shi instructed: "Everyone has fought for so long and sacrificed so much, it's time to rest.

Meritorious soldiers and family members who sacrificed should pay attention to special preferential treatment and give tangible benefits, so as not to chill the hearts of those who have paid and dedicated to the country. "

Ouyang Wu said seriously: "I know, I have been supervising and handling this matter this month, and the soldiers in the army are also brave and brave soldiers, and they will not be knocked out of their teeth and swallowed in their stomachs."

"As long as we can find any player to report the injustice he has received, we can deal with it."

Zhao Shi nodded, following the instinct that appeared after the founding ceremony, he closed and opened his eyes again.

There was a blur in front of my eyes, and there was a hazy ground, the noble and magnificent palace, the majestic city wall of Yongdu, the peasants working in the fields and villages on the land of Yongzhou...

All of this quickly spread in all directions, Maozhou, Qingzhou, Kezhou, Yizhou, Lingzhou... phantoms of twelve states in the world appeared in front of Zhao Shi.

There is purple smog on every state, and Yanzhou has the lightest color, but there is a layer of floating purple spots in the bright yellow.

The purple in Yongzhou is the strongest, and almost every part is made of purple. The purple luck in the center is condensed like a liquid, and it is swallowed by the huge five-clawed blood dragon in the center, using the law to suppress all the evil spirits in the twelve states.

Zhao Shi realized something in his heart, and his eyes were on the five-clawed blood dragon and its law net that spread all over the world.

This should be the reason why the imperial world can suppress all supernatural beings.

The French Open is imposing, mysterious and unpredictable, and the five-clawed blood dragon in the center is even more majestic, purely pressing people hard, unstoppable.

"This is a higher level of knowledge!"

Zhao Shi's eyes lit up, not letting go of the five-clawed blood dragon and the French Open, observing and improvising every rune structure.

Most of them can't understand, and a few of them are familiar, corresponding to the knowledge of cultivating immortals that I have learned, and only a few places can be understood.

It was this part that he understood very little that made him very excited. He had some insights into the Void Refining Realm that he had no clue at all. Countless thoughts came and went in his mind, as if he had returned to the time when he first came into contact with the immortal way.

Like a fool, Zhao Shi stared at the air in front of him and fell into a dazed state,

Do not move for hours.

"...Deep Blue's fourth front army reported that the Qiongzhou and Tangzhou occupied by Wei Tianyang and others have been frequently moving recently, and there seems to be a change. The Deep Blue King requests to send troops to destroy them as soon as possible."

Ouyang Wu finished reporting her work without being surprised, took a rice ball and stuffed it into Zhao Shi's mouth, and found a cloak to cover him.

Zhao Shi has been in this state for the past month. If he hadn't been watching, he would have been starved to death by the rules of Dynasty World.

It was dark, when the candles lit up in the Red Lotus Pavilion.

Zhao Shi woke up under the stern warning of his extremely tired body, his face was full of unhappiness that his body's survival instinct blocked the retreat.

It's like being interrupted by life when the ultimate physical pleasure is about to erupt.

It's a pity that he can't vent his anger on himself.

"I want to come to a two-hundred-year retreat!"

Zhao Shi complained: "The body of a mortal is too fragile to afford the foundation of cultivation."

Ouyang Wu sighed: "Can you not be so crazy."

After a while, Zhao Shi recovered from his waking up, and began to deal with the official business that Ouyang Wu reported to him.

Just like being with Sun Yue, he has the ability to block all irrelevant things when he is in seclusion, and to receive all the things that happened around him when he is awake.

"Wei Tianyang, a rebellious minister and traitor, is really hateful!"

The moment Zhao Shi saw the words Qiongzhou and Tangzhou, strong anger and desire to devour instinctively arose in Zhao Shi's heart, as if a part of his body was taken away by someone, and his supreme majesty was trampled by ants.

It all happened naturally, out of the mouth.

"No, it's not me!"

Zhao Shi was startled.

He will inevitably seize Tangzhou and Qiongzhou next, but this is a natural part, how could he have such weird and abrupt emotions.

The soul of immortal cultivators is the foundation, and they attach great importance to their own soul. The birth and disappearance of every emotion has its own basis, just like every ripple on a vast lake is produced by force.

But now, an emotion out of his control suddenly appeared in his heart, which meant that something out of his control appeared in his soul.


Ouyang Wu, who was about to say something to Zhao Shi, felt a chill in her heart, and instantly fell into the cold and quiet world of blood moon, her spirit froze.

With Zhao Shi as the center, all the players, attendants, and personnel who came and went on business within a radius of one mile suddenly froze, as if falling into an ice cave.

This feeling was only momentary, making people mistaken for an illusion, shook his head, and continued to do things.

Foreign enemies, the blood sea sword will attack foreign enemies with all its strength!

The faces of Huang Huo and other kings who also worked nearby changed, and they instinctively rushed to Zhao Shi for support.

What kind of enemy is he who can force Zhao Shi to unleash his Blood Sea Sword Intent?

"Sorry, it's just that there is a little problem with cultivation."

Zhao Shi said a little tiredly, to appease the panic in their hearts.

Inside the Heart Lake, the quiet moonlight shines on every corner, bit by bit tearing apart the unknown forces hidden in the shadowy corners.

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