The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 847 Eastern Expedition


"... Patriarch Shilong... people who are close to immortals..."

Zhao Shi restrained the sword intent of the sea of ​​blood that had reached the peak of the sky, and his eyes were full of coldness.

When Qingzhou was liberated two years ago, he personally beheaded Wu Sheng's old mother in Qingyi City. Apart from the fact that the law of immortality was a bit difficult to deal with, her strength was mediocre, so it was not worth paying attention to.

However, some information was revealed in the memory of the spirit that formed part of it, the Patriarch Bailian, a cultivator of the Bailian sect before the end of the Dharma era.

Patriarch Shilong, a cultivator who failed to become an immortal, it was all because of him that the dynasty world changed from a prosperous world of cultivating immortals to a world of doomsday.

This person was at least 100,000 years ago. Did he die cleanly under the Great Tribulation of Immortalization?

Panic and uneasiness appeared on Zhao Shi's face very rarely.

The seed of rules is condensed during the transformation stage, and the power of rules that can be used at this time is limited. The next step is to bury your seed of rules in the void, make it thrive, and establish an independent space that belongs to you and is completely controlled by yourself.

Under the Void Refining Space, a cultivator at the transformation stage will instantly become a mortal.

The Void Refining Realm is so powerful, but it is not the last realm before Immortal.

The masters under the immortals are monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

Every bit of regulation in the void refining space of a cultivator in the refining realm belongs to the cultivator himself. It has nothing to do with the world but comes from the heaven and the earth. It is equivalent to cutting a large piece of flesh from the sky and the earth. hunt down.

This is different from the usual thunder calamity. The act of tearing up the world and turning it into its own property has touched a taboo. The world would rather destroy and kill this kind of monk.

In order to survive, a cultivator in the Void Refining Realm must learn to cover his own aura. Only after surviving three times under the lightning that destroys the world once every three thousand years can he become a cultivator.

At this time, the monk is no longer a monk, but a miniature world, and his status is completely equal to the world.

In a miniature world with its own complete consciousness, monks at the stage of transforming gods and the stage of refining emptiness are like bigger bugs in front of him, and they are not people who can be considered on the same level.

The greater the gap, the more powerless and fearful the king felt.

Ouyang Wu woke up from the sword intent of the sea of ​​blood, and immediately felt the fear in Zhao Shi's heart, and comforted: "Don't be afraid, no matter how strong he is, he can't kill us, and he can be resurrected."

Like a child lost in the forest at night, Zhao Shi's turbulent heart gradually calmed down when he saw people and lights.

Yes, there is a system, you can't die, everything still has a chance.


Zhao Shi let out a breath, and found that his palms were covered with sweat, he said with lingering fear: "Ouyang Wu, you are amazing, thank you very much."

In the past, he used the conflict between Qianjun's way and Yuan Qianjun's own choice to arouse his demons, causing him to collapse without a fight, but now he doesn't want his demons to appear quietly.

He is not as strong as others imagined. The pursuit of longevity is his greatest ideal. For this ideal, he can meditate, fight, and think for thousands of years without feeling tired.

But once he finds that his ideal cannot be realized, he will collapse instantly and become a boy who can only cry.

If he hadn't been woken up just now, it would not be impossible for him to blew himself up and died under the violent conflict between the inner demons.

"Really? Really?"

Ouyang Wu, who was praised so much by Zhao Shi for the first time, was pleasantly surprised, and said embarrassedly: "All players know this."

Zhao Shi affirmed: "But if you can say it at this point in time, that's very powerful."

Half a month later, according to the resolution of the Blood Sea Supreme Military Council,

Huanghuo commanded the Sixth Army, Seventh Army, and Eighth Army with 100,000 people in Yongdu, and Zhao Shi commanded the First Army to the Fifth Army with 150,000 people heading east.

This battle aims to recover Tangzhou and Qiongzhou, and completely annihilate Wei Tianyang and other three kings' forces.

The 150,000 troops from the Yongdu Military Region plus the 150,000 people from the Deep Blue Department combined made a total of 300,000 troops, which was six times stronger than the remaining 50,000 troops from the Great Immortal League Empire.

Coupled with twice the combat power of transforming gods, no one thinks that the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance has the slightest possibility of failure in this battle. The only thing it needs is time.

Two months later, the 300,000 troops from the Zhao Shi Department and the Deep Blue Department marched into Tangzhou in a mighty manner, destroying cities and villages along the way, without a single enemy. This was attacking two states with the power of twelve states.

The idea of ​​unity is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even the most stubborn patriarch of the big family is already desperate. After witnessing the fate of Xiao Zheng Li Hailai and other recalcitrant army leaders, he dare not resist the blood navy's soldiers anymore, and instead tries his best to make contributions for wealth.

The change in their attitude made the war in Tangzhou extremely smooth.

The Great Immortal League Empire has arranged several players in these cities. It could have used the majesty of the imperial court to control thousands of soldiers, mobilize the power of a city to cause many deaths and injuries to the blood sea army, and delay a lot of time.

But the soldiers and civil servants and military generals in these cities are not real NPCs. In the Great Immortal League Empire, the players are already at a dead end, and they will listen to the players' words and die.

On the contrary, these unlucky players of the Great Immortal League Empire were besieged by their own subordinates, tied up, and turned into military exploits for the Blood Sea Immortal League.

After so many times, the three of Wei Tianyang did not dare to send players to die.

You must know that every time a player dies, he will drop a level. If the king does not love his players, then the players will not sincerely follow his king.

Tanghai City.

This is the capital of Tangzhou. It is adjacent to the East China Sea. There are many excellent ports outside the city. Fishing boats come and go from time to time, supporting many people on the land.

At this moment, there were few soldiers of the Great Immortal League Empire inside the city walls, and more people gathered at the port and boarded the ships in an orderly manner.

"Soldiers from Tangzhou and several other states don't want to go to Qiongzhou, so it's up to them."

Yuan Qianjun sighed: "Fortunately, Qiongzhou Island is where we started. Most of the soldiers are still willing to go back, but this is not because they are loyal to us, they just want to go home."

"If Zhao Shi invaded Qiongzhou, they would not fight to the death for us. Even if they wanted to, they would lose."

"I have ordered the destruction of all medium-sized ships in Tangzhou, but it is estimated that we can only stop Zhao Shi March, who has the power of thirteen states. After March, we will face several times of ship attacks."

Although his mood was dripping, Yuan Qianjun still meticulously informed the two of what might happen with his professionalism.

His military command ability should be the strongest in the Xianxia District, but he can't beat the strong with the weak, especially the person opposite is both cowardly and strong, and his personal strength is terrifying.

Hua Youwei looked into the distance and didn't answer.


Wei Tianyang picked up a handful of soil on the ground and put it into a handkerchief: "Don't worry, our ultimate goal is not Qiongzhou, but a place farther away, and surviving is not a problem."

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