The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 849 Naval Battle

Under the super-wing type is the large-wing type warship as the main battleship. It is 25 meters long and 5.2 meters wide. It carries 42 sailors, 108 soldiers, and 18 bed crossbows.

Below are the mid-wing small warships responsible for pursuit and entanglement, and the flexible small-wing micro warships.

On a sunny morning, with perfect wind direction, gentle breeze, and calm sea, the battleship Qianfan headed towards Qiongzhou Island twelve miles away with a fierce army of hundreds of battles.

With such a short distance, even if the formation is to be maintained, it only takes an hour at most to land on Qiongzhou Island.

Once an army of 200,000 blood seas lands on Qiongzhou Island, it can basically announce the end of the Great Immortal League Empire.

Zhao Shi looked at the sea in the distance and waited silently.

The wind passed through the blood sea army, sending the cold bloody smell far away.

Seven miles away, more than 200 main battleships and several times as many auxiliary ships were undulating on the sea against the unfavorable wind direction. The battleships were well formed and well trained, but their morale was not high.

Hua Youwei smiled wryly with the latest information he had in hand: "At least a thousand main battleships of the Dayi class are worthy of the unified dynasty of the Central Plains with thirteen states, and the training seems to be correct."

He really couldn't think of any advantage on his side.


Can the battles we fought with the Dagan navy at the beginning of the advent be used as experience?

Yuan Qianjun did not respond to his words, and carefully observed some dark shadows on the sea with a telescope.

"Mingfeng, you lead the First Army to test it out."

The army of the Daxianmeng Empire is similar to that of Dagan, with 2,500 people and 16 main battleships.

"Yes, President."

Mingfeng responded in a deep voice through the system panel, and the sixteen warships under his command moved at the same time, heading towards the edge of the huge blood sea fleet, and the bowstrings of the bed crossbows on the ships were already on the heavy crossbow bolts.

Now perhaps the only place where the Great Immortal League Empire has an advantage is here. More than 2,000 players have gathered in the 40,000 navy, and the player ratio has reached 20 to 1, and some parts have even reached 5 to 1.

The blood army on the opposite side is as high as 200,000,

Except for the first army and the second army, the ratio of players in other armies is only 144 to 1, and there is only one player in a company.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer, and soon reached the range of the bed crossbow.


Yang Yang's younger sister, who served as the battalion commander after the large-scale expansion of the army, was a little nervous, but she didn't show it to the soldiers below.

She put on a majestic and confident look according to the method taught by Tutu Cotton Candy back then, and said in a deep voice: "Attention all companies, shoot!"

jump jump jump!

The sound of bowstrings exploding one after another, twelve large wing-class battleships from twelve companies fired a wave of crossbow arrows at Mingfeng Department under her command, covering the opponent's fleet.

Not only that, the strength of the blood sea army is everywhere, even in this place that Mingfeng deliberately found, there are three battalions of fleets, and they fired their own arrows at the same time under the order of the regiment headquarters.


There is no doubt about the combat literacy of Jindan players. Even on the rough sea, it can't affect their aim too much. In an instant, the powerful crossbow bolt smashed through the solid wall of the ship, mixed with wood and blood. The fragments of the explosion splashed in all directions, and the seawater poured into the airtight chamber.

The accuracy of the Ming Feng Department was indeed much higher than that of the Blood Sea Army, and the salvo of sixteen warships instantly severely damaged three large-winged warships.

At the same time, the terrifying effect of the Blood Sea Fleet's three-fold crossbow coverage shooting was also revealed. More than 600 crossbow bolts with a lower accuracy blasted a battleship of the Great Immortal Alliance Empire, severely damaged five ships, and most of the battleships were instantly damaged. .

With the high precision provided by the player, naval combat becomes brutal and direct.

Ming Feng's heart was shocked: "Quick retreat!"

Under his command, the soldiers paddled desperately as if they had been pardoned, turned their sails and fled behind them.

This is still at sea, trapped in a small cabin, if it is on land, some soldiers have already collapsed and surrendered.

After all, the blood sea republic on the opposite side is so powerful that it divides the fields and gives preferential treatment to the prisoners. They can't find any reason to continue to work hard for the royal family of the Wei family.

There is only one state left, and the Daxianmeng Empire, which has a weak landlord class, also tried land reform, with some results, but it didn't help.

"Want to run?"

It's a pity that the current battlefield is not a battlefield where the Great Immortal League Empire has the advantage of mobility. Mingfeng retreats, and Yangyang's sister and others immediately set up their sails and row their oars to pursue.

The heavy crossbows clashed constantly between the two, and the five battleships of the Great Immortal League Empire, which had been severely damaged, were a little slower. They were shot through the sails in the ensuing battle, stopped, and raised up immediately when the large-winged warships passed by. white flag.

While escaping for his life, Mingfeng still had ten large-winged warships that continued to focus their fire and pursue them under the advantage of higher precision.

The two chased and fled, but the speed could not be separated.

For the remnants of Mingfeng who were at an absolute disadvantage, this meant destruction.

Half an hour later, Mingfeng's flagship was blasted to pieces under the concentrated fire of hundreds of crossbow bolts. The sailors and soldiers fell into the water, surrounded by twenty-eight warships including Yangyang's sister.

"Don't shoot, we surrender!"

Many players from the Great Immortal Alliance empire shouted, and honestly followed the orders of the players of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance to board the boat, and were bundled into balls of zongzi.

These guys don't want to die and fall into the realm, but they won't join the Blood Sea Immortal League either.

Those who want to join have already joined, and now Wei Tianyang and others are all diehards, and Ming Feng is also in it.

For the ordinary soldiers of the Great Immortal League, the Blood Sea Immortal League is much more tolerant and gentle, and tried its best to help them, appease their fear of entering an unfamiliar environment, and did not tie them up, just collected their weapons and it was over.

They are also the people of the Blood Sea Immortal League, which is different from those dead-headed players.

Mingfeng's defeat was a corner of the battlefield. While they were attacking, the two armies also came into contact. The 200,000 men of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance fought against the 40,000 men of the Great Immortal Alliance Empire, and more than 1,000 main battleships fought against more than 200 main battleships.

As a result, there was no surprise. All the warships of the Great Immortal League Empire in front of them were concentrated fire by several times or even ten times the strength of the local forces at the moment of contact, and the warships instantly turned into fragments and blood mist.

In a short period of time, more than 200 main battleships have been seriously injured and more than 50 ships have been destroyed.

"There are no miracles, and their combat power has no shortcomings."

Yuan Qianjun sighed: "Let's go."

More than a hundred warships of the Great Immortal League Empire that had not yet engaged in battle ignored their heavily-lost vanguard, and sailed into the distance without looking back.

They wanted to leave, but the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance did not allow it.

Zhao Shi said coldly: "Pursue and annihilate these sinners who are trying to split the dynasty and the people of the world."

More than 100 battleships were left to deal with the wrecked ships of the Great Immortal League Empire, which dropped in an instant, and the remaining 800 large-winged warships continued to pursue, and the force advantage reached a terrifying eight to one.

The two fleets chased and fled, and soon came to a black spot, enlarged into a long coastline, covering the sight.

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