The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 850: What kindness is there?

Zhao Shi on the super wing flagship stared at Qiongzhou Island on the horizon, waiting for the decision of the three of Wei Tianyang.

Should we just turn around and fight the Blood Sea Fleet under the disadvantageous wind direction and the terrifying eight-to-one crushing force, or continue to move forward to the sea area that is difficult to explore in this era, or does not exist.

The ocean is a monster that needs to be treated with care for the Blood Sea Immortal League, and it is even more so for the three of Wei Tianyang. Once the supply base of Qiongzhou Island is lost, how will tens of thousands of people survive on the vast ocean.

The Imperial Fleet of the Great Immortal League, no, it is about to perish, and now it is the Fleet of the Eastern Immortal League.

It lingered on the edge of Qiongzhou Island for a while, escaped from Qiongzhou Island under the pursuit of the shark-like bloody fleet behind it, and sailed towards the vast ocean, leaving its last home behind.

"Very good, enough for stalking."

Zhao Shi said indifferently: "Keep chasing, I want to see if the people of Qiongzhou Island are also willing to give up their families and go to the dangerous and unknown ocean desert when Wei Tianyang wants to die."

Facts have proved that Wei Tianyang's personality charm is not high enough to make Qiongzhou Island soldiers willing to die.

Only fifty miles away from Qiongzhou Island, the fleet of more than one hundred warships of the Eastern Immortal League was like a ladybug in the water, and the straight and fast marching trajectory became distorted.

"What the hell, Dutou, where are we going?"

In the cabin, all the commander positions are in the hands of the players of the Eastern Immortal Alliance, so it should be foolproof.

However, the sailors and combat soldiers manipulating the battleship suddenly stopped what they were doing, and asked their commander a little timidly.

Most of them who have not abandoned the Great Immortal League Empire are from Qiongzhou Island, and they know very clearly what lies ahead.

It is a real place of death, and even the best old captain may not be able to get back and forth safely.

That's all, the old captain can come back anyway, no one will stop him, how should they come back after they have gone?

The head of the battleship was a round-faced male player at the Golden Core level. Hearing this, he immediately changed his face and shouted sharply: "A mere pawn like you can know the secrets of the military!"

Binghan's killing intent suddenly surged, and before the homesick soldier could defend himself, the waist knife in his hand turned into a silver thread and slashed towards his neck.

In this critical autumn of life and death,

Iron and blood must be used to suppress all dissatisfaction in order for the guild's policies to be implemented.

However, the premise of suppression is to pull one faction to fight another, and not to drive all the soldiers to a dead end.


Almost at the same time that the round-faced player touched the handle of the knife, there was a dense sound of drawing the knife in the cabin, and the bright silver light of the knife enveloped more than a dozen players of the Eastern Immortal League.

They are also veterans who have experienced many wars and have been taught various combat skills by the players. They are not ordinary cowardly civilians.

One hundred and fifty people confronted more than ten people, and in such a closed cabin space, there was no room for maneuver.

The round-faced male player's blade rested on the neck of the soldier who spoke first. The blade cut through the skin, showing a line of blood, but he didn't dare to move forward.

He could clearly feel that the nerves of these old subordinates of his were already tense. Once they smelled blood, they would fall into complete madness. At that time, no player would be able to survive.

This made him feel at a loss for a moment, and the subordinates who were familiar with him in the past seemed to have suddenly changed into a group of people.

The other players also panicked, and instinctively gathered around the round-faced male player, forming a battle formation, back to back, staring at the other soldiers.

The atmosphere in the cabin suddenly became extremely tense, only a spark was missing.


The round-faced player suddenly sneered, and said to the soldier who had just started to speak: "Wang Er, I remember that you were almost beaten to death by the chieftain of the Yang family three years ago, who saved you and made you marry a wife and have children? The Master's life?"

"Why, now that the wings are stiff, do you want to fly solo?"

A look of shame appeared on Wang Er's face, and he didn't dare to look directly at his piercing gaze.

Many soldiers around reacted similarly. They are the servants of the Great Immortal League Empire, and their previous backgrounds were very poor. It was the players who changed their lives.

But all the soldiers' grip on the handle of the knife did not relax at all, and even tightened a little bit.

"Fat head and tiger head, don't fucking say these are useful or useless!"

Wang Er didn't speak, surrounded by many soldiers, he looked like a bearded man with high prestige in the past and said coldly: "You save us, don't we know what purpose? It's a business, you give us riches, we It was right to give you my life.”

"After these years of fighting, how many brothers have died, and how much credit have they made? These are enough to repay your kindness."

"Now you want to take your brothers to die, leave behind the old people and children at home, and want your brothers to follow, who do you think you are?"

His words immediately aroused the sympathy of the surrounding soldiers, and some soldiers cried red-eyed when they thought of their young son and mother.

"Dutou, Shichang, let's be brothers, you can let the brothers down, we really don't want to die!"

"The Blood Sea Emperor already has the world. He is kind and generous. We can't turn over. If we surrender, at least we won't lose our lives!"


This pleading, like a complaint meeting, made all the soldiers more and more determined, and their hearts became more and more united. A resolute and tragic killing intent permeated little by little, covering all the space in the small cabin.

The combat effectiveness of the players is indeed strong, and they all know that if they kill these ten or so players, at least seventy or eighty of them will die.

But it's better than all dead!

Some players were moved, some were expressionless, but none of them took any action. Those who have persisted until now are loyal to the guild. Even if they can't bear it in their hearts, they will firmly implement the exact order from above.

The two sides confronted each other like this, and the warship turned around without anyone controlling it.

The players were waiting for orders from the upper echelons of the guild, and the soldiers were unwilling to take the lead, but any further action to force them to move forward would have dire consequences.

In this short chaotic time, the blood sea fleet chasing behind also seized the opportunity to quickly approach.

The news of the soldier's riot was transmitted to the headquarters of the East Immortal League, and the three of Wei Tianyang were silent for a while.

"This is the case of the desperate situation where the strength is not as good as others. All the bad news that can be imagined will appear, and no one will fall."

Yuan Qianjun laughed at himself: "Order, abandon all non-guard warships and the soldiers on them, and players will take the Yuyu micro-warships to keep up with the large forces."

Personal guard battleship, a fleet composed of three heavenly kings' personal guards, the player ratio is as high as three to one, and their relatives have been transferred to a safe place in advance, and they remain loyal even in desperate situations.

As the order was issued, the lagging warships put down the small boats, and the players carrying the Eastern Immortal Alliance Empire caught up with the more than forty warships in front, and no soldiers dared to stop them.

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