The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 851: Dynasty of Blood Sea

The more than 50 warships left by the Eastern Immortal Alliance fleet lowered their sails and stayed in place, with white flags made of obscene clothes raised on their masts, standing in forests on the sea, which was magnificent.

"Leave a hundred large-wing warships to receive the prisoners, and the rest continue to pursue."

Zhao Shi ordered, but he didn't have too much hope in his heart.

Wei Tianyang was not someone who wanted to die, and if he continued to flee now, he must have found a new hiding place, the kind that could accommodate 50,000 to 60,000 family members of officers and soldiers.

If you can't find this place, you can only go round and round with him on the sea until the food supplies of both parties are exhausted at the same time.

Even if it is found, the players of the Eastern Immortal Alliance can be driven away and the remaining native soldiers can be wiped out, but it is impossible to eliminate the players.

This is not land. In the vast sea, thousands of players and their fleets can go wherever they want. Supply players can solve it by fishing, and fresh water can also be used. It is very difficult to starve a player to death.

Even if hundreds of thousands of troops pursue and kill them together, there is nothing they can do.

The facts did not exceed Zhao Shi's expectations. After chasing the Eastern Immortal Alliance fleet for three days and three nights, and driving away hundreds of miles, the Blood Sea Fleet, which consumed most of its supplies, stopped.

Zhao Shi stood on the deck, watching his enemies disappear into a string of black dots.

Wei Tianyang, the family members of the soldiers who were transferred, used loyal loyalists who could be trusted absolutely. The spies bought in the Taixu Guild could not know the new location, but unless the Eastern Immortal Alliance fleet never returned, Zhao Shi would soon Know.

This is the case within the player guild. There is me in you, and you in me. It is difficult to keep large-scale operations secret.

But this is not important anymore, the players who cannot eliminate the Eastern Immortal Alliance troops, the thousands of indigenous soldiers and their families have nothing to do with the overall situation.

The mundane wars in the world of Dynasty are over.


Wei Tianyang, who was leading the fleet away, let out a sigh, and said to the surrounding kings: "Zhao Shi wants to see us."

The Blood Sea Fleet returned and headed towards Qiongzhou Island. It will complete the land reform work on Qiongzhou Island within a month, bringing Qiongzhou back to the embrace of the country.

This is the last territory of the traditional Central Plains Dynasty, and also the last part of the Blood Sea God Court.

Zhao Shi closed his eyes slightly,

Together with Ouyang Wu, it turned into white light and disappeared into the world of Dynasty.


There is the sound of the waves rolling in my ears, the sky and the earth are covered with red, the sea of ​​blood is rolling in the violent storm, countless flying swords circulate repeatedly in the sea and the clouds, in the gaseous flying sword, liquid flying sword, solid blood ice flying sword constantly switching between.

Flying swords, sea waves, rocks, air, etc., every inch is imprinted with runes, forming an ultimate blood lotus sword array with the world.

Zhao Shi's long-suppressed spiritual consciousness and domain expanded wildly, skimming every sea surface, frantically swallowing spiritual energy, until it covered fifteen thousand kilometers.

This is the Sea of ​​Blood Realm, one of the highest masterpieces of the Sea of ​​Blood Eternal Life, where all kinds of high-end conjectures and experiments are stored.

Zhao Shi and Ouyang Wu moved lightly, and walked into a lively island with birds singing and flowers scenting, and tables, chairs, sofas and various fruits and delicacies appeared with a wave of hands, not serious and orderly, but scattered in a relaxed and casual salon style.

After doing this, white lights flashed around him one after another, and Zhou Bihu, Huang Huo and other kings of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance appeared, and there were twenty-six of them in total.

"Liangzhou has not been attacked by Wu Kingdom recently."

Zhou Bihu briefly reported: "According to the information provided by the tribes we recruited on the grassland, Heiyan and others' Wangzhang army is currently migrating to the depths of the grassland with barren water and grass. A large number of tribes are alienated. In the future, it will be much easier for us to liberate the grassland people. "Number five

"But it is almost impossible to capture Black Rock's small army, unless there is a cross-age product like a car."

Zhao Shi nodded: "Understood."

Now he can defeat any sky-level king in the eastern game area, but if the sky-level king wants to escape for his life, there is nothing he can do.

After a while, the white light flashed again and again, revealing the figures of ten kings including Wei Tianyang and Yuan Qianjun.

Their morale was low as a whole, and their eyes were filled with gloom. The kings seemed to be on fire. As soon as they entered, they looked at the kings of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance with hatred.

Zhao Shi didn't care about their hostile eyes, after all, victory is always tolerant.

"Please take a seat. Welcome to the Sea of ​​Blood Realm as guests. I wish you all the best in your journey to longevity."

Wei Tianyang and the others didn't refuse, and each found a place to sit down.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you."

Yuan Qianjun said with a cold face: "If you are here to show off, you can shut up now, but don't think that you have won a complete victory. The heavens and worlds are boundless and time is endless. Sooner or later we will come back."

"It's mainly about reminiscing about the past, but there are indeed some things." Zhao Shi smiled and said, "The war in the imperial world and the ordinary world has ended, so how about we maintain the current situation and not interfere with each other?"

The three of Wei Tianyang looked at each other, and then pulled the seven kings next to them into the group chat for a long time.

"Yes." Yuan Qianjun said.

It is a great shame for them to maintain the current situation where they don't even have a state and can only rely on a few small islands to survive.

But there is no way, strength is like this.

If Zhao Shi continued to entangle, Zhao Shi could still chase them to heaven and earth in a few decades, and in the end it was estimated that only a few kings could survive forever.

The Blood Sea Immortal Alliance is stronger than them in all aspects, whether it is the strength of low-end soldiers or the top-level strength, they have this strength.

"Any thing else?"

Yuan Qianjun said coldly: "We are very busy and don't want to see you. Next we have to visit our friends in the martial arts district."

This is an open and aboveboard threat and warning. After experiencing a series of failures, the Budao District and the Eastern Immortal League will finally abandon the previous contradictions and distrust, and unite thoroughly to fight against the increasingly powerful Blood Sea Immortal Alliance.

They are worried that if this continues, a monster above the heavenly king will appear in the future, which will greatly erode the interests of all heavenly kings.

The faces of Zhou Bihu and other kings changed slightly.

The Blood Sea Immortal Alliance is invincible at the level of mundane warfare in the imperial world, but if it is in the outside world, the situation will change greatly.

If the six heavenly kings can unite closely, Zhao Shi will undoubtedly lose under the siege of six people, even if Karina and others restrain him.

The three of Wei Tianyang, as the kings of Xian Xia Tian, ​​have the ability to produce the battle power of transforming gods like Zhao Shi, but they lack resources.

Also, Beatrice, Goddess of Twilight, who believes in kings in the West, has a lot of malice towards Zhao Shi, and other Western sky kings are not happy to see a super-standard sky king appear.

It is terrifying to delve into these kinds of things in depth.

Muxiu will be destroyed by the forest wind, and the heavenly kings are extremely proud, and will not allow anyone to stand on their heads and absorb the resources that originally belonged to their path.

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