The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 858: Predator

Blood Sea God Court Center, Blood Lotus Palace.

This palace that appeared at the same time as the Blood Sea God Court was the same as the Blood Lotus Palace in all the worlds. It was shrouded in a faint red mist, deep and silent, and often it was difficult to make any sound for decades.

Da da da……

Amidst the sound of two footsteps with different timbres, the red mist was pulled away, revealing two figures wearing nine-tailed imperial crowns.

The person on the left is wearing a bright yellow five-clawed dragon robe, smiling and very friendly.

The person on the right is wearing a yellow robe, embroidered with a fiery red five-clawed red dragon. He has a thick beard and a deep scar on his forehead, exuding the victorious military spirit all over his body.

The founder of Dashun, Gao Li, was born as a low-level soldier. At the end of the "Mang" dynasty, the world was in chaos.

Gao Li boasted that he had obtained the destiny of Huo De, and respected red, and the children of the royal family of all dynasties all regarded fire red as noble, which is slightly different from Dagan and other royal families of all dynasties.

At this moment, they stepped into the Blood Lotus Palace to have an audience like courtiers. Their faces remained unchanged, but there was a lot of haze in their hearts.

But at this time, there is no need to worry about some etiquette regulations for the time being.

After walking a further distance, they saw a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy with bright eyes and an ordinary appearance.

"Your Majesty, welcome to my Blood Lotus Palace as a guest, please sit down."

The huge spiritual energy of thousands of miles was swallowed, gathered into clouds and raindrops, and merged into Zhao Shi's body, which made his dantian's sea rise a little bit.

"Haha, Brother Zhao, you're being polite. The two of us came to visit rashly, so don't take offense."

Gao Li laughed, not used to sitting on the futon that Zhao Shi had arranged, he pulled out a large dragon chair from the void, and handed one to Fang Ding by the way.

Fang Ding smiled and did not refuse.

They are the supreme beings in the world, and they have always made laws and etiquette for others, but they themselves don't need to follow any etiquette to maintain their demeanor and dignity.

The two emperors were sitting on chairs, and Zhao Shi was cross-legged on the ground. From the outside, it looked like Zhao Shi was kneeling down to worship the two people.

Zhao Shi didn't care about this situation, and said with some doubts: "Your Majesty, I don't know what you mean by coming here? The current battle situation in the underworld is clear, and there are only five players on the chessboard, and there is almost no strategy. room to maneuver."

Now, there are five major powers in the underworld.

The two black and golden stars exuding ancient vicissitudes as a whole have fallen into a deep sleep, let alone.

The rest are the Blood Sea God's Court, the Dagan God's Court, and the Dashun God's Court.

When the Daqian Shenting was in its heyday and entered the prosperous age, the dynasty was ended by the Blood Sea Immortal League, and the luck it could get was extremely limited, and it was congenitally stunted.

At this moment, under the continuous attack of Dashun Divine Court for nearly a hundred years, it is in danger, and it may be breached at any time. The flesh and blood are swallowed by Dashun Divine Court, and its strength has risen several levels again.

However, even if this is the case, the newly born Blood Sea God Court can still remain undefeated under the full attack of Dashun God Court, even if Zhao Shi and other Huashen's combat power are not counted.

With the passage of time, the luck of the Human Blood Sea Republic was absorbed by the Blood Sea God Court, and Zhao Shi estimated that the Blood Sea God Court would grow to surpass the Dashun God Court in a maximum of three hundred years.

And don't forget, before the Blood Sea Republic was destroyed, the Blood Sea God Court was invincible, protected by the world, and immune to all external attacks.

Of course, the premise is that the Blood Sea God Court does not take the initiative to attack others, otherwise this protection will automatically dissipate.

The rules of these levels were known the moment Zhao Shi entered the underworld. The Dashun Shenting and Dagan Shenting who were born many years ago relied on this rule to survive until now.

Zhao Shi's plan is also very simple, wait for three hundred years, gather the crushing power, and then wipe out the Dagan Shenting and Dashun Shenting,

Free your enslaved fellow Underworld.

His straightforward inquiry caused the expressions of the two great ancestors to change slightly, and they fell silent.

Especially Dashun Taizu Gao Li, judging from the current situation, even if he annexed Dagan Shenting, he was far from being an opponent of Xuehai Shenting.

The Blood Lotus Palace fell silent for a while.

After a long time, Gao Li's dry voice sounded: "Brother Zhao, I don't know if you are curious, I am so weak, where are the courts of Damang, Song, and Wu?"

In the annexation between the divine courts, the loser will perish, and the winner will be strengthened. Even if there is a dark wind from the underworld blowing away strength all the time, Dashun should not only have this strength.


Zhao Shi and Daqian Taizu Fang Ding raised their eyes at the same time, looking at the two ancient and lonely stars in the sky.

"It seems that both of you know something."

Gao Li said slowly: "When I annexed the Damang God's Court, Damang Taizu Chu Renfeng told me that when he first appeared in the underworld, there were only these two stars in the sky, and everything else was empty. .”

"When he died, he smiled and said to me, at most five thousand years, I will die, because the two of them are not allowed to appear in the court of gods that have existed for more than three dynasties."

"Every three dynasties is a boundary, and it will be cleaned up, because the strength of the surviving gods who devoured the three gods can already threaten something."

He stared at Zhao Shi, the hidden meaning was self-evident.

Zhao Shi was noncommittal about his threats, and asked, "What does His Majesty Gao mean?"

"It's very simple. Let's stop the dispute and choose to kill one of the two ancient dynasties before they wake up. Even if we can't kill them, we must severely damage them."

Gao Li grinned and said, "The ancestors of these two dynasties who don't know how many years ago regarded us as food, so one wonders if one of the ancient gods was severely injured, and the other came to beat us, or swallowed the injured ancient dynasty?"

The words were full of killing intent and madness, and he didn't know how long he had endured.

"Brother Gao is right."

Daqian Taizu Fang Ding also agreed: "This is the last way of life for us, the more we drag on, the less likely we are to survive."

Both of them looked at Zhao Shi with sincere eyes, wishing to show him their hearts and lungs.

Unfortunately, the two were still disappointed.

"Your Majesty, I am very sorry."

Zhao Shi pondered for a long time, then shook his head and said, "The current Blood Sea God Court has just been born and is too weak. I won't attack anyone, but if I wait until the end of the Blood Sea Republic, I will immediately agree with your ideas."

"During this period, out of goodwill and peace, I advise the two Majesties to exercise restraint and not let our common strength be consumed in internal strife."

Gao Li's face was ugly, and he said gloomyly: "Brother Zhao, I know you are worried, but if time continues to drag on and the two ancient gods wake up, their strength will not be what it seems now."

Zhao Shi still shook his head, changed his words, and turned to talking about some things in the underworld, obviously unwilling to say more.

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