The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 859 Nascent Soul Tribulation

The two left disappointed.

Zhao Shi looked at the background of the two of them and did not stop them. Even though the two of them appeared to be real bodies carrying power, they might surround and kill them to death when they suddenly exploded, swallowing the two divine courts in an instant, greatly enhancing their strength. The power of the Blood Sea God Court.

The risk is too great, and there are many unknowns.

For example, Wei Tianyang, Yuan Qianjun and others who have not shown up from the beginning to the end, although the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance has close ties with them in scientific research recently, the serious military hostility is still continuing.

If there is a chance, Wei Tianyang and the others will eliminate Zhao Shi without hesitation.

The same is true for Bai Feng and Hei Yan.

On the battlefield of the Underworld, the six of them are equivalent to the combat power of six Transformation Gods, and combined with the Dagan Shenting and Dashun Shenting, they are a force that can destroy the Blood Sea Immortal League.

However, the information about the ancient gods in the sky should be true.

Zhao Shi looked coldly at the black and golden stars in the sky, his instinctive sense of crisis became more and more urgent, and the other party's malice was hardly concealed.

They are clearly telling the kings below that I am going to eat you up, struggle quickly, fatten yourself up, and the stronger you are, the better.

Therefore, Zhao Shi estimated that the Blood Sea God Court should not be attacked in a short time.

After all, even the most impatient butcher will wait until the suckling pig has finished its rapid growth period and its weight has stabilized before slaughtering it.

The Blood Sea God Court is still carrying out its own big infrastructure construction, building the vast land of the underworld little by little, and has no idea of ​​​​moving outwards.

Dashun Shenting's aggression stopped for two years, and after confirming that Blood Sea Shenting would not send troops to interfere, the war to annex Daqian Shenting started again.

Ten years later, the fiery red aura of Dashun Shenting flourished, swallowing the last bit of bright yellow residue.

The Dagan Shenting, which was born for more than 700 years, was destroyed. Fang Ding, the founder of the country, came to the Xuehai Shenting in person when the Shenting was about to perish, and begged Zhao Shi for help. allegiance.

All this without any response.

The icy wall of the divine court blocks all sounds, and the rules of the world protect it. As long as it does not actively attack, it can be immune to external attacks during the duration of the dynasty.

Even if the rules can be broken, the breakers must pay a huge price.

Zhao Shi has returned to Cangqing Realm at this moment.

The blood starfish that disappeared for more than a hundred years reappeared in the sky, bringing a touch of fresh color to the boring night.


The moment the blood starfish appeared in the Cangqing Realm, dark clouds gathered in the sky, and electric snakes swam among them, instantly dimming the area hundreds of miles away.

This kind of celestial phenomenon appeared not in one place, but in more than forty places at the same time. The momentum was extremely huge, and the creatures on the entire interface were surrounded by the roar of thunder, and lost all sound perception.

"Zhao Shi, we are about to advance to the Nascent Soul Stage, please protect us for a while."

Zhou Bihu flew the bleeding starfish, and flew towards the center of the thunder cloud in the distance. Beside her were Huang Huo, Jiang Hua and other twenty-four kings, as well as Ji Rong, Tian Mu, Lin Ye and other top kings. players.

It is now three hundred and fifty-one years in the sea of ​​blood, which means that they are only forty-nine years away from the life limit of Jindan monks.

Being able to delay for such a long time was also delayed by the war in the imperial world.

In the next forty-nine years, there should be a large number of players advancing to the Nascent Soul Stage, the power of the player group will explode, and the Nascent Soul Cultivation Corps will appear.

It is extremely difficult to advance to the Nascent Soul stage, and at the same time, there must be a large number of talented veteran players who have to face the fact that they cannot advance and their lifespan is exhausted.

"Go, with me here, Binglian and others can't stop your tribulation."

Zhao Shi's words were a little low,

When the thirty-sixth district came to Cangqing, there were 831 people. The number decreased by more than 200 people 150 years ago. How much will the 400-year mark be reduced now?

For four hundred years, with four hundred years of companionship, he knew everyone, their names, appearances, hobbies, and he also tried his best to help them while taking care of his own cultivation, giving them the best cultivation conditions.

But this is Nascent Soul, a Nascent Soul cultivator who can only appear among tens of millions of mortals, will there still be three hundred old friends after forty-nine years?

The only consolation is that these old guys didn't really die, they just went back to the real world.

When they return to the real world at the beginning, they may be confused and helpless, but human beings are very adaptable. It will not take a few years for them to gradually forget the past hundreds of years and start their careers again. career.

Maybe when I dream back at midnight, I will still think that I have spent an interesting hundreds of years.

The robbery cloud continued to rumble, and the thunder light flickered. This kind of celestial phenomenon lasted for more than a month before it slowly stopped, but there were still rumbles from time to time.

"Zhao Shi, in the past month, all the kings in the Immortal League have advanced to the Nascent Soul stage, and other players who have reached the critical point have also advanced. There are hundreds of people, but the remaining 7,000 players said that their promotion is very difficult. Aid is needed, a lot of aid."

After Zhao Shi appeared in Cangqing Realm, Sun Yue returned to his side, said in a complicated tone, and moved closer to Zhao Shi, feeling a little relieved.

They have been separated for more than a hundred years. Although there are remote voice and video provided by the system at all times, they are always different.

Moreover, among those who had a hard time advancing to the Nascent Soul Stage, she was included in particular.

Never before like this moment, she smelled the icy smell of death penetrating into her bone marrow, and panic and fear entwined her soul bit by bit.

Forty-nine years is really too little for a monk at the peak of the golden core stage.

"Support? Of course we must."

Zhao Shi said in a deep voice: "From now on, suspend all non-urgent infrastructure and scientific research projects, gather immortal cultivation resources and scientific research resources, and give all players of the Immortal League the greatest help based on their combat achievements. Peak players design a suitable promotion plan."

"All the king's laboratories can be transferred, the king himself can be transferred, and the sky-level king must also be transferred, desperate to save our partners."

"Yes, I will immediately pass these orders to the Supreme Committee of the Xianmeng, and pass this plan in the shortest possible time."

Sun Yue, who has always paid attention to workplace etiquette, didn't even bother to modify the wording this time, and sent Zhao Shi's words exactly, and activated the first-level emergency plan of Xianmeng.

"Of course, and you."

Zhao Shi felt the anxiety in Sun Yue's heart from the very beginning, and comforted him gently: "Don't worry, I designed your exercises by myself, and I gave you the details of every step of your cultivation, and I will correct you all the time. Wrong place in cultivation."

"It can be said that this is equivalent to a heaven-level king replacing you in cultivation. What is a mere Nascent Soul stage?"

Sun Yue instantly relaxed and nodded heavily.

"Well! I see!"

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