The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 868: Incomplete Void Refining Space

With a look of reluctance, Gao Li's fire dragon spear quickly pierced deep into Zhao Shi's brain.

Although toys are good, being a minister is such helplessness. You must always abide by your duty as a minister, and you cannot just act according to your own preferences.


When the scorching spear tip was about to pierce Zhao Shi's tender brain, it was stopped by a layer of red sword curtain, and there was only a clanging sound.

Gao Li was stunned: "Why are you still moving?"

A ray of crimson blood flame emerged from between Zhao Shi's brows, and quickly spread all over his body. Powerful force emerged from the depths of his body, shattering the solidified space nearby, and rushing in all directions.

The tsunami-like sea of ​​blood rolled violently, freeing the 15,000-kilometer blood sea domain from freezing, and began to absorb spiritual energy from all directions.

Zhao Shi didn't take a look at the stunned Gao Li in front of him. He stood in the sea of ​​blood and looked at the black stars in the sky: "Your name is Heitian? The first emperor in the dynasty world to establish a grassland empire?"


The void is twisting and shaking, and the emperor who has been supreme since ancient times was offended by the ants.

A deeper black light fell on the ground, and stronger pressure came from around the Blood Sea Domain, which pushed Zhao Shi's body down several feet, and the domain of 15,000 kilometers was compressed to more than 10,000 kilometers.

But there was no such thing as being unable to move just now.

The three of Wei Tianyang, who were about to flee, stopped and looked at the black stars in the sky at the same time.

"You can also feel that it has the characteristics of a monk who refines the void, but the space of refining the void is incomplete." Zhao Shi said coldly: "In this case, it is a prey, and it is a very precious prey."

Even if he is as confident as he is, he must admit that he is no match for any Void Refining cultivator, even if he expands his domain in the Void Refining Space.

Refining void space is a higher level of knowledge, completely unknown, not to mention that his magic power is far inferior to that of refining void monks, even if he is given several times the mana of refining void cultivators, and he advances to the peak of transforming gods, he will not be able to beat them.


Zhao Shi's words finally caused a trace of anger to appear in Hei Xingchen's tone, and he no longer tried to suppress him with pure pressure.

The black light above the black stars rolled like water waves, and a dark dragon claw like a mountain peak slowly descended from the black light.

The speed is slow, this is the common illusion of consciousness and vision, it has been condensed with the space,

It moves as space moves.

The pressure around Zhao Shi became even greater, and the area of ​​the blood sea had shrunk to 9,000 kilometers, which was lower than the average level of monks in the stage of transformation.

"Oh, but that's all"

Zhao Shiyi stood in the void and tapped his finger. The Blood Sea God Court, which had been completely quiet all along, roared at this moment, and a blood dragon flew out of it, biting the giant claws of the black dragon descending from high above.


Silent and silent, like a bubble being blown away, the newborn Blood Sea God Court is extremely fragile, not even comparable to the Dashun God Court that Gao Li has grown for thousands of years, and it has no effect at all.

When the blood dragon was broken, the Blood Sea Divine Court suddenly wailed, its aura dimmed, and it kept roaring in Zhao Shixin Lake, and the voice of urging to seize more divine courts suddenly became extremely weak, like a dying snake.

Zhao Shi felt relieved, as if he had temporarily dropped a heavy burden.

"Blood lotus."

He followed the blood lotus sword into the realm of the waves of the blood sea, rising into a bright blood moon.

The strong wind was howling, and nine hundred and ninety-eight eddies with a size of tens of kilometers appeared on the sea surface, frantically swallowing the water of the surrounding sea of ​​blood.

A mouthful of blood-colored ice crystal flying swords emerged from the vortex, flew into the sky, and became the blood-colored stars surrounding Xueyue, slowly rotating with it.

The water of the 9,000-kilometer blood sea roared at this moment, turning into tens of thousands of blood dragons and pouring into the blood moon and its stars, amplifying it to the greatest extent.

In an instant, with the blood lotus sword as the center, the blood sea domain as the foundation, and the blood sea kendo rules as the connection, a huge blood lotus sword formation took shape.

In the midst of the blood moon, Zhao Shi pointed his finger lightly at the giant black dragon claw in the sky.


The blood moon flickered, turning into a huge moon front and rushing towards the sky, followed by nine hundred and ninety-eight blood-colored ice crystal flying swords, and the pattern of the formation was passed between them, increasing the sharpness and speed of the blood-colored moon to extreme.

At the edge of the Blood Sea Domain, the Scarlet Moon Front made contact with the black dragon's giant claw instantly.


The blood-colored aura exploded, as if being bombarded by a heavy hammer from the sky. Among the countless shattered pieces of the blood-colored ice crystal flying sword, the blood-colored moon was thrown into the air.

But there was an extremely obvious blood-colored sword mark on the black dragon's giant claw, which was several miles long.

Zhao Shi, who vomited blood and flew upside down, was full of positive surprises in his eyes: "That's right, he's not a real Void Refining cultivator, and he still beats."

The coercion of the refining space just now can be said to be an accident, but in the face-to-face battle, it can't be killed in seconds, which can explain the problem.

The eyes of Hua Youwei and Wei Tianyang, who were about to flee, turned around immediately.

With the three heavy planets of gold, red, and gray as the center, a starry field surrounded by stars took shape in an instant, filled with gravitational and repulsive forces, which could switch between each other at any time.

The power of the stars gathered towards the center, and Hua Youwei personally supported the three heavy physical planets to kill the giant black dragon claws in the sky.

On the other side, the hazy and transparent void space field appeared and then disappeared instantly, and the endless space power gathered at one point, forming a space cone with a size of tens of kilometers, which was constantly accelerating.


The attacks of the two hit the black dragon's giant claw at the same time, blasting two huge gaps in its body, and smashing three sharp toes.

Zhao Shi, who vomited blood and flew upside down, took the Blood Sea Domain and smashed into the place where Chi Yaoyue and the others were, smashing the confinement of the surrounding space.

"Be with me."


The blood lotus sword domain of Chi Yaoyue and the others merged into the blood sea domain, restoring the domain to a size of 9,000 kilometers, and the injuries in the body recovered a little.

Zhou Bihu, Karina, Yuan Qianjun and a few others were freed from the restraints, but every movement seemed to be in slow motion, and it was still very difficult.

Yuan Qianjun saw Zhao Shi being bumped over on purpose, and had a premonition of something, and his eyes showed excitement.

"That's right, the army will give you command, and all the kings will carry out your orders."

Zhao Shi said succinctly: "If you win, you will share 50% of the captured resources. If you want to sneak attack me, you will die together. Players in the Immortal League and even the Pseudo-Immortal League who are in urgent need of resource breakthroughs will not let you go."

Yuan Qianjun said seriously: "Please rest assured, I am a soldier, and I will never do such a despicable thing."

"Better so."

Zhao Shi slightly adjusted the injuries in his body, brought the nine hundred and ninety-nine flying swords of the Blood Lotus Sword Formation, which was more brilliant after Chi Yaoyue and others joined, and more agile after the resurrection, to kill the half-broken Black Dragon Claw, and Wei Tian Yang and Yang joined forces to chop it into tiny pieces.

The 9,000-kilometer sea of ​​blood swept across, engulfing all the black fine slag, and completely killed it amidst the dense explosions.

"Continue, kill it! Obtain a precious specimen of near-refinement."

The three heaven-level kings gathered together, and each of them excitedly killed the furious Heitian Shenting in the sky with a monstrous killing intent.

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