The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 869: Heitian Divine Court

The moment the black dragon's claws shattered, three huge domain spaces shone at the same time, as if three scorching suns crashed into the dark and deep Heitian Court in the sky, and were swallowed by the thick black mist.

Zhao Shi's eyes blurred, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a strange place.


Under the dim sunlight, thousands of horses howled, thousands of knights increased their speed to the peak, their lances shone with black light, and they stepped through the entire void to kill Zhao Shi who was surrounded by bushes.

"The ten wolf generals of Hezhe, under the order of the Great Khan, kill the traitors in the sea of ​​blood!"

At the front of the army, a bald man with a blue wolf roaring totem on his face shouted, attracting thousands of nearby soldiers to shout at the same time.

They are full of momentum, and their respective domains spread outwards. With ten people including the bald villain as the core, they form a super army formation of ancient poisonous wolves roaring up to the sky.

Zhao Shi's eyes narrowed slightly.

The bald man is a general of the late stage of the transformation of the gods, and the nine people around him are the middle stage of the transformation of the gods. Maybe they don't call themselves the transformation of the gods, nor the system of cultivators, but that is the case in the eyes of the cultivators.

In addition to these ten people, there are more than a hundred Nascent Soul centurion commanders around, and the weakest soldiers are also in the Jindan realm, more than 10,000 people.

This is the benefit of living for a long time, and the accumulation of background has reached an unimaginable level for the newborn Shenting.

It's just that if this army of Yin soldiers wants to attack Dashun Shenting, it will definitely not take more than a day.

Also, as soon as he entered this space, the surrounding pressure suddenly increased, compressing Zhao Shi's Blood Sea Domain which had already recovered to 9,000 kilometers to 7,000 kilometers, and the strength was the same.

The only fortunate thing is that there is no such thing as the symbolic means of refining the virtual monks, the real space of refining the void that prohibits all dharma.

If the real Void Refining Space appears, without any means, the Blood Sea Domain will be completely shattered, unless the master of the Void Refining Space allows it.

On the other side, Wei Tianyang and Hua Youwei were also entangled by the army of Yin soldiers. A large ancient giant tiger formation and an ancient iron eagle formation smashed their respective fields to pieces and were at a disadvantage.

He Zhe said coldly: "Blood sea traitor, if you surrender now, I will personally plead with the Great Khan and give you a happy ending, so that you will not suffer from the ghost snake's lingering delay for thousands of years."

The black light is constantly gathering towards the ancient poisonous wolf,

Every hair on it is extremely heavy, causing tremors in the void, the eyes and sharp claws are blue, and the slightest touch of the consciousness will cause pain like splitting.

"You are kind."

Zhao Shi stood in front of the blood moon transformed by the blood lotus sword, surrounded by nine hundred and ninety-eight blood ice flying swords, and said lightly:

"But I'm different. I don't have good intentions. After I cut off your head, I won't let Heitian go."

"Arrogance! I don't know how to live or die!"

He Zhe was enraged, the ancient poisonous wolf formed by the army roared, turned into a black light and bit Zhao Shi.

Zhao Shi lightly tapped the blood lotus sword array around him to get them out of his surroundings, and centered on the blood lotus sword, he formed a world of bloody sword energy rotating at high speed, enveloping the oncoming ancient poisonous wolf.


The Ancient Poisonous Wolf transformed by Hezhe was not afraid, and rushed from left to right, killing dozens of bloody ice flying swords with each bite, and the broken sword body splashed in all directions, punching the space into dense and deep dots like a sieve. 360 literature network

There were often blood-ice flying swords that were not protected in time and slashed on his body, but only cut off a shallow layer of purple-black fur on his body surface and drifted away with the wind. Healed instantly again.

After a while, under his slaughter, the blood lotus sword formation became weaker and weaker.

Although the sword array has the power of regeneration and can continuously draw the sea water in the blood sea domain to condense the bleeding ice flying sword, but it can't keep up with such a powerful destructive power.

The Blood Ice Flying Sword in the key part of the sword array is vacant from time to time, all because the blood lotus sword in the center of the sword array occasionally cuts out a huge sword energy to force the ancient poisonous wolf back a step, so that the sword array can get a little respite, the incomplete sword array Take this opportunity to quickly complete.

There was a glimmer of haze in Zhao Shi's eyes.

In the special suppressive environment of the black space, the strength of this ancient poisonous wolf is at least three times that of him, and it is definitely not an opponent to fight head-on.

"Lotus flower form." Zhao Shi said lightly.

The nine hundred and ninety-eight flying swords slashing around the ancient poisonous wolf at high speed took a step back, avoiding the bite of the wolf's mouth and sharp claws, and the twelve blood ice flying swords quickly folded and twisted as a group.

As if time was speeding up suddenly for a lotus flower, blood-colored lotus petals appeared under the gloomy sky, with sharp tips, intertwined with the surrounding companions layer by layer, and the patterns of the formation flickered rapidly.

In an instant, before the ancient poisonous wolf could react, a blood-colored sword lotus with a size of hundreds of kilometers appeared between the sky and the earth, slowly rotating, and countless red sword qi inside it came and went.


The changes in the sword array are exquisite and mysterious, but the ancient poisonous wolf is not afraid, there is no change, it just roars and rushes into the group of blood-colored sword lotus petals, and the two pairs of blue and blue sharp claws slash across at the same time, splitting the space into six deep canyon-like cracks .

The dozens of sharp petals in front of him were broken into three pieces under the two pairs of sharp claws, and then turned gray and white under the strange force.

The countless blood-colored sword energy generated inside the blood lotus wrapped around his body like rain, but it could only wipe away a thin layer of fine hair.

'Strong attack and defense. '

Zhao Shi pondered silently, without further action.

The ancient poisonous wolf shattered pieces of blood-colored lotus petals, and the rain of blood-colored sword energy did not affect him much. He was really invincible, and the fighting spirit in his heart became more and more hot.


After bombarding the bloody lotus petals in front of him hundreds of times in a row, he suddenly stopped, looking at the bloody lotus petals growing again behind him, and there were layers of lotus petals in front of him blocking his way.

This scene was within his expectation. This thief is the strongest founder of the country since dozens of dynasties. Although he is confident that he will win, he doesn't think he will win quickly. It is impossible to defeat him in just a few hundred moves. It hit hard.

What really surprised him was that he killed so many blood-colored lotus petals, and the power consumption of this huge blood-colored sword lotus formation was very small, far lower than his mana consumption.

The bloody lotus petals that shattered every time only destroyed their appearance, and the power contained in them was transferred to other places through unknown means, and then quickly regenerated.

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with it."

Zhao Shi appeared in a corner of the blood lotus space, and the blood lotus sword was by his side.


The concentrated power of the nine hundred and ninety-eight flying swords in the blood lotus sword formation, and the increase in the rules of the blood sea kendo, turned the blood lotus sword into a sword light that could not be seen by the naked eye and spiritual consciousness, and pierced the head of the ancient poisonous wolf.

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