The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 871: Super Powerful Original 0 Army


The ancient poisonous wolf howled in pain, and his body collapsed like a phantom, revealing the miserable real body of a dark soldier.

Four Huashen Generals were killed, most of the Nascent Soul Centurions and Jindan soldiers died, and the rest including He Zhe were seriously injured, their faces were extremely pale, and the army formation had completely collapsed under the devastating blow.

At this time, let alone counterattack, any normal god-forming combat power can destroy them.

And Zhao Shi did exactly that.

The blood dragon sword that blasted the abdomen of the ancient poisonous wolf did not disappear again, and cut out four sword qi to the remaining Yin soldiers one after another, three to He Zhe and the three generals who turned into gods, and one to all the remaining Nascent Souls and Jindan soldiers.

Hezhe and the others were desperate, struggling to resist, but their strength was extremely weak.

"Blood Dragon, stop!"

A roar that shook the space came from the dark night sky, and the world suddenly became extremely heavy. Whether it was the three huge sword qis or Hezhe and others who barely resisted, their movements were all slow.

Looking up, a huge black dragon appeared in the sky. Its whole body was made of ghostly iron. Its horns, head, and neck were the same as those of ordinary dynasty dragons, except that it had a pair of large wings covering the sky and the sun behind it.

The black eyes the size of a small mountain peak were full of anger and killing intent, and the ferocious and thick Nether Dragon Claws grabbed Zhao Shi who was moving slowly, and the space with a radius of hundreds of miles moved with him.

He should indeed be angry, the army commanded by He Zhe was already one-third of the strength of the Heitian Shenting, but now it was killed almost extinct without any notice.


"I'm incompetent, please punish me!"

He Zhe and the others wept with joy, kowtowed on the ground, ignoring the four sword qi that were about to cut themselves into pieces.

With profuse sweat, what are these things?

It was the cunning blood dragon in front of him. If Da Khan really made a move, he would die immediately, regretting the offense he had done.

chi chi!

Then, they were beheaded by three slow-speed Tongtian sword qi, and their souls and flesh and blood turned into gray powder without any vitality under the destruction of the blood sea sword qi.

With the wind, they sprinkled to the ground.

Heilong was stunned.

"Blood Dragon, you are courting death!"

Hundreds of miles of space exploded, and all the rules of this piece of heaven and earth changed a little bit, repelling Zhao Shi, and trying to destroy him.

The blood sea domain was compressed layer by layer under this destructive force, and it quickly changed from 8,000 kilometers to 3,000 kilometers before it barely came to an end.

At the same time, Zhao Shi's strength was also restricted, and his flying speed was extremely slow. He could only watch helplessly as the two pairs of ghostly giant claws fell from the sky, trying to turn his body into bloody mud.

On the verge of such a desperate situation, Zhao Shi's eyes were still extremely calm, he didn't even look at the black dragon, and flew towards the battlefield where Wei Tianyang and the Iron Eagle Army were located at a slow speed. Not interested in the future.

"You are fine!"

This kind of direct contempt and ignorance caused the black dragon's anger to rise again, the murderous intent was cold, and the speed of its claws became several times faster again.

A ten thousand zhang demon god stopped in front of him.

"Stay here, Hei Tian, ​​the battle between us is next, I have been waiting for a long time." Qingfeng Literature

The Heavenly Demon Armies Domain exploded from a singular point, turning into a super domain of thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, or hundreds of thousands of miles, more than ten times the size of the domain that any sky-level king had ever shown.

Immortal cultivators are different from other professions. They take it as their duty to control the aura of heaven and earth. The larger the domain and the more aura they control, the stronger their strength is.

At this moment, surrounded by an army of millions, Yuan Qianjun, who obeyed the orders of many kings, seemed to be in high spirits. The gloom accumulated on his face for more than a hundred years was swept away, and he turned into a self-confidence that he wanted to be invincible in the world.

Click! Click!

The huge domain was instantly in contact with the hundreds of miles of real space around the black dragon, and this time the domain was no longer instantly suppressed.

Although it is rapidly shrinking, there is also a strong counter-shock force that makes the solid space that has been as solid as iron tremble and twist, deforming under the huge force.

In an instant, Zhao Shi, who was moving slowly under heavy pressure, lightened and turned into a beam of rainbow light to avoid the black dragon's claws.

Heitian wanted to pursue him again, but he heard a booming sound, like a god pushing a millstone, and a halberd full of chaos, as if it had gathered the entire weight of a world, slashed at him. The real space is broken.

His expression froze immediately, and the big wings covering the sky and the sun slapped the void, and between the claws appeared a square, black jade seal with five dragons intertwined, made of the same material as the ghost god gold, and slammed into Fang Tian's big halberd.


There was a loud noise that shattered all the observing consciousness, and hundreds of miles of space were reduced to powder, and a huge space black hole appeared on the spot. A celestial demon army field opposed hundreds of miles of real space, and the space black hole with huge suction could not have any effect on them.

Boom boom boom!

The Wanzhang Demon God in the Heavenly Demon Ten Thousand Armies domain took three steps back, but there was no injury.

Heitian's dragon wings slapped the void, and his face finally became dignified: "Who is Your Excellency? Why did you come to my Heitian Divine Court?"

Yuan Qianjun didn't answer his words, the magic power of the million monks was mobilized in one thought, dragging the heavy celestial demon halberd down again, making the void unable to heal for a long time.

Iron Eagle Battlefield

Wei Tianyang walked through the hazy realm of Taixu, the light of Taixu sword condensed, tearing off a piece of flesh and a piece of wing of Huanggu Iron Eagle from time to time.


The desolate iron eagle roared again and again, and the black and regular power pervaded the iron beak. A random pounce could turn tens of miles of space into a spider web, and also destroyed some Taixu domains, but it could not be compared with the injuries it suffered. compared to.

If Wei Tianyang is given half a year to a year, he should be able to kill the barren ancient iron eagle transformed by this army formation. The specific time depends on how many flaws he can find in this army formation.

Small flaws are not enough, they can only be consumed slowly, he does not have the attack power of Zhao Shi.

A blood-colored rainbow light came from a distance, with extreme speed, the closer it got, the more transparent and hazy it became, and finally disappeared, but the cold sword intent became stronger and stronger.


The roaring Huanggu Tieying suddenly became terrified, gave up chasing and killing Wei Tianyang who was flying around him like a fly, and fled to the distance.

He felt the crisis of death, he was about to die completely, and even if he tried his best, he couldn't cause any harm to the opponent and get a little result of the battle.


Amidst the icy words, a Tongtian Dragon Sword that condensed all the power of the Blood Sea Domain appeared on the fleeing Huanggu Iron Eagle, and a bright red light burst out, cutting off one of his wings.

At the same time, Taixu Sword, who had been dodging all the time, only knew that from time to time he would pluck down some feathers and flesh, also showed his ferocious side. The power of the Taixu domain was concentrated like never before, smashing the abdomen of the ancient iron eagle.

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