The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 872 Surrounded and Killed

Zhao Shi couldn't find out the flaws in the ancient iron eagle formation immediately.

But it doesn't matter, Wei Tianyang has already found it, and everything is unspoken.

At this time, the two cooperated tacitly, and immediately dealt heavy damage to the barren ancient iron eagle that could not be killed before. Nearly half of the generals in the army and the generals in the golden core state and the Yuanying state died.

Without stopping, with a murderous intent, the cyan sword light and the blood-colored sword rainbow reappeared, and the two heaven-level king domains blocked the escape of the ancient iron eagle. No matter how stabbing the iron beak was, it could not leave in a short time here.

"Don't! Khan won't let you off if you kill us!"

"If you can defeat the Great Khan, we are willing to surrender!"

As he was about to die, there was a panicked roar from inside the Huanggu Iron Eagle. It seemed that he was also a person of flesh and blood, not a puppet without any emotions.

Without any delay, the two sword lights of cyan and blood crossed from the head and body of the ancient iron eagle, chopping it into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and all the ten generals who formed the army and more than ten thousand soldiers died.

Zhao Shi already knew that the ordinary residents of Shenting were fine. The life and death of such high-ranking generals and the core army depended on the Lord of Shenting. It was impossible for them to surrender or join the player's camp.

Even if he surrenders for a while, he will rebel at any time under Hetian's order.

It's better to kill this kind of hidden danger.

There was no exchange of words, among the flesh and blood fragments of the ancient iron eagle, the cyan and blood-colored sword light rushed towards the giant ancient tiger who was entangled with Hua Youwei.

The cyan sword light resonates slightly with the surrounding space, and the body becomes transparent, blending into it, and disappearing.

The red sword light was full of murderous intent, and after the speed reached the limit, it chopped all the prying consciousness with its own sharpness and speed. It also concealed its body shape, and only knew its general position.

"Run away!"

The giant black iron tail slammed down from top to bottom like a pillar reaching the sky, smashing Hua Youwei's three heavy star magic weapons into the air with fierce and regular force, and then fled into the vast night sky without hesitation.

This is not fleeing without a fight, this is obeying the order of the Great Khan and trying his best to delay time.

Hua Youwei, who took the hard blow, turned pale, surrounded by three magic weapons of stars, and continued to keep up with the pace of the ancient giant tiger. The speed barely kept up with it, and it was difficult to catch up.

But he doesn't need to chase after himself.


In front of the escape route of the ancient giant tiger, two sword lights, one green and one red, came first and crossed towards his skull.

"It's you who died! Hushan!"

The ancient giant tiger roared, and the man stood up, with the king character on his forehead shining brightly, condensing into a bright yellow giant shield the size of a mountain peak, with a regular-level sturdy and immortal flavor, it fit him and merged into one, and hit the two sword lights go.

Unexpectedly, the thundering chariots clashed loudly, and the two blue and purple flying swords were like swimming fish, dodging briskly to the side, using their own speed and the speed of the ancient giant tiger to cut at its side, the blades were sharp, even the rules Can also be cut.

A large piece of flesh and blood burst under the edge of the sword, revealing the dense white bones inside. The sharp and tough sword energy poured into it, crazily destroying all the flesh and blood it encountered, and the soldiers forming the army burst into pieces of flesh and blood without saying a word.


The ancient giant tiger roared in pain, disbanded and merged with the bright yellow giant shield, turned into two giant claws tens of miles long and swept around, cutting the space into a huge circular crack with a circumference of tens of kilometers.

Two blue and purple flying swords flew up and down, dodging easily, and the blades pierced his chest and heart respectively, instantly killing four Huashen generals.

The speed of the ancient giant tiger paused a little, and Hua Youwei rushed behind him with the starry sky gravity field.

The three star magic weapons shined brightly, lined up in a row, and under the injection of the power of the domain, the speed was increased to the limit, and they smashed towards the head of the ancient giant tiger!


Boom, boom!

Three consecutive loud bangs pierced the void, and the ancient giant tiger's head was shattered, its chest and limbs were shattered, and it was turned into powder under the bombardment of the last golden stars, and even a piece of flesh and blood that was bigger than a fingernail could not be found.

Although they wanted to kill each other all the time, their cooperation was seamless, even better than the closest comrades-in-arms.

The red sword light stopped, revealing Zhao Shi who was wearing a black robe and had an ordinary face.

"Go, kill Heitian."

Cyan, red, and three-color lights reappeared, and went to the battlefield of Wanzhang Demon God and Nether Black Dragon, which were constantly exploding in the void. They were divided into three directions, with sharp edges and heavy gravity to block one space respectively.

"A mere ants, how dare you do that?"

The Nether Black Dragon was enraged by the killing intent of the three of them as if they were going to slaughter pigs and dogs. He wanted to make a move, but in front of him, there was another big and bigger celestial halberd, which cut through the real space and aimed at his dragon wings.

This is an attack of the same level, ignoring it will cause serious injury, or even death.

He had no choice but to sacrifice the great seal made by imitating the jade seal of Shilong Chuanguo after the capital Liangzhou was established 28,000 years ago, and block it in front of the demon halberd. Shield raised to max.


Between the clash between the jade seal and the celestial halberd, a large canopy of sparks was blooming, and the space with a radius of a hundred miles was blasted into powder.

This time, the Nether Black Dragon took half a step back holding the jade seal, and the ten thousand-foot demon god holding the celestial halberd remained motionless, with traces of chaotic energy spilling out, like sending thousands of demon dragons to suppress the sky and the earth.

With the continuous fighting, the powerful strength created by the rules of the world was finally glimpsed by Yuan Qianjun to some laws, thus realizing the reversal.

At the same time as the celestial demon halberd slashed, the cyan sword light and the red sword light accelerated all the way, and the three natal star magic weapons brought by the great momentum bombarded the body of the Nether Black Dragon at the same time.

The already extremely thin black shield was broken, and the Nether dragon let out a cry of pain. There were wounds on the dragon's wings, back, and side, and the scales were broken, exposing the flesh and blood inside.

"How dare you..."

The Nether Black Dragon was furious, the sky-covering dragon wings broke through the void, and the ferocious dragon mouth opened, biting towards the area of ​​dozens of miles where Zhao Shi was, intending to swallow him and the space into his body.

The substantial space emerged, making Zhao Shi's extremely fast movements froze and became extremely slow.


Indeed, there was no delay. Yuan Qianjun commanded the Wanzhang Demon God to stride forward, knocking back the head of the Nether Black Dragon and his jade seal that was biting with his halberd, and the solidified space around him shattered at the same time.

Zhao Shi, who escaped at Longkou, immediately turned back with the Blood Lotus Sword, and the liberated 15,000-kilometer blood sea water turned into hundreds of blood dragons and poured into the Blood Lotus Sword, madly increasing its speed and sharpening the blood sea sword. Unprecedented cohesion of the seeds of rules.


The moment the Heavenly Devil's Halberd and the Heitian Jade Seal collided, the Blood Lotus Sword also pierced the wide and weak Nether Dragon Wing, blasting a huge gap several miles across, and breaking three bones supporting the Dragon Wing.

This is the biggest result of the battle so far, and the Nether Black Dragon's speed has been reduced by a bit.

"Blood Dragon, you are courting death!"

The eyes of the Nether Black Dragon were instantly blood-red, and the dragon's claws were entwined with dense black light, like a goshawk preying on a snake mouse, blocking Zhao Shi's movement.

The ten thousand zhang demon god came with a big halberd, and slashed at the head of the Nether black dragon without any tricks, breaking the real space that trapped Zhao Shi.

This time it was cut short.

The seemingly crazy Nether Black Dragon disappeared in place, and even gave up his Heitian God Court, fleeing to the golden star that had been extremely quiet.

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