Heitian's escape was slightly beyond the surprise of Zhao Shi and others, and he chased after him without any hesitation.

Zhao Shi, who has always been very aggressive, shrank obediently behind Wanzhang Demon God, occupying a corner of the sky with Wei Tianyang and Hua Youwei, like three bright stars in the realm of ten thousand demons.

The four of them were closely connected with each other, advancing slowly, encircling Heitian and the golden star, and did not make a move immediately.

The ghost black dragon with a big hole missing in its wings sternly said to the golden star: "Yan, if you keep watching the show, you won't feel better if I die!"


Zhao Shi's heart moved slightly.

The ancestor of Shilong opened up the first dynasty, Shilong.

This dynasty lasted for a very long time, and there is no record in the history books. It is only known that the grassroots and civil and military officials on the earth have changed from batch to batch, and the god emperor who occupies the high capital of Yongdu is still immortal.

This dynasty is a dynasty praised by scholars and historians all over the world. The emperor is wise and his ministers are wise. The people know honor and disgrace when they have enough food and clothing. There is no war or famine.

About 30,000 years ago, Shilong died suddenly, the princes seized the throne, and the dynasty fell into civil strife. The princes launched a thousand-year-long war against each other.

All these things quickly exhausted the popularity left by Shilong.

At that time, the commander of the imperial army named "Yan" took advantage of the momentum, launched a mutiny to kill the tyrant "Chu", and separated the land, and then successively killed other kings of the Dashi Dynasty in fifty years, and finally unified the world and ascended the throne as the emperor. The name of the dynasty is 'Yan'.

In other words, Yan was the first emperor under Emperor Shilong, almost the oldest emperor.

Zhao Shi and the others stopped because of this reason.

If the two are inspired to join forces, the chances of victory are slim.

The light of the golden stars is still dim, and there is no change due to the words of the Nether Black Dragon.

"Yan, are you really unwilling to join forces?"

Heitian's deep and giant eyes instantly turned blood red, and the majestic murderous intent rushed towards the dim golden stars without reservation, carrying a maddening warning.

The golden star still didn't respond, like a dead thing.

Heitian laughed angrily: "Okay! Very good, it seems that you have made up your mind to become this fisherman!"


His huge dragon head roared up to the sky, the dragon's claws were cold, and it bit the golden star with one mouthful. The thick black substantive space covered hundreds of miles, like a miniature world attacking with anger.

"The fisherman! The fisherman must die first, do you know? Haha..."

Heitian laughed maniacally, and he used all his strength to take people's lives.

"Hei Tian, ​​why is this so?"

Amidst the vicissitudes of the sighs, the Great Flame Court finally changed. A bright golden light appeared in the space on the outer wall of the Divine Court, and it changed into large scales between breaths. The King Kong is not bad.


The angry blow of the Nether Black Dragon hit the Great Flame God Court, and the hundreds of miles of space in the overflowing golden aura and black aura were completely pulverized, and the sharp wind of space was swept across thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles.

With one blow, the Nether Black Dragon's claws were numb from the shock, and it took a step back.

He paused on the spot for a while, and did not attack immediately. The black light on his body became more and more intense, and his murderous intent became more and more cold.

The golden stars are also twinkling, communicating quickly.

"Then you will die!"

After only seven or eight breaths, Heitian suddenly became furious, flapping his great wings covering the sky, and turned into two giant knives that were hundreds of miles long and slashed at the Great Flame God Court below, a domineering and corrosive force The huge law fluctuations spill out.

The light of the knife was criss-crossing, chopping continuously on the outer wall of the divine court covered with golden dragon scales, leaving long and narrow wounds several miles deep on it, and the aura of the two kings was falling.

Zhao Shi and the others didn't make a move, they watched silently,

bide your time.

It would be great if these two people could get along with each other.

Someone sighed slightly in their hearts.

A beam of golden light shone in front of the four of Zhao Shi and turned into an old man wearing a golden dragon robe and a nine-pronged crown. His hair was white and his face was strange, but he was just an incarnation without any power .

But there is a natural majesty revealed, which makes people feel awe-inspiring.

"My name is Yan, I have met four fellow Taoists."

Yan still maintained a good demeanor in the fierce confrontation between the Nether Black Dragon and the Great Flame God Court behind him, and asked with a smile: "I wonder if fellow Taoists can take action immediately to punish this fellow? Otherwise, under the pressure of life and death, I might agree The idea of ​​joining forces."

The faces of Zhao Shi and the others changed slightly.

"Yan, how dare you!"

Hei Tian, ​​who was storming the Great Yan Court, turned his head and looked at the smiling Yan in disbelief.

Is he crazy?

Not only is he unwilling to join forces to kill foreign enemies and maintain the eternal divine court, but he also wants to help outsiders kill himself. Doesn't he know that after he dies, he will be the next to die?

Yan didn't look at him, and asked again: "Fellow Taoists, what do you think?"

An internal meeting of kings is held, and a consensus is reached between the three breaths.

Zhao Shi took a step forward: "Yes."

The blood sea domain gathered on his body, turned into a sky-reaching blood dragon sword, and slashed forward to attack the dark black dragon of the Great Flame God Court, accompanied by the Taixu domain and the starry sky domain. .

Yan clapped his palms and smiled: "Okay, fellow Taoists are really quick to talk."


The Great Flame Divine Court was shaking, golden light burst out suddenly, a golden dragon head roared out in the golden light, and the golden scales on the outer wall of the Divine Court gathered towards him, becoming a strong wall on his body that could stop the sharp weapon of the magic weapon.

"Hei Tian, ​​there should be an end to the tens of thousands of years of entanglement!"

The dragon's mouth opened, and a rusty bronze sword slashed at the Nether Black Dragon, which was madly attacking Shenting. The sharp points on the blade exuded an aura that made the soul tremble.

In a blink of an eye, the mighty Nether Black Dragon was surrounded, with magic weapons attacking him up, down, left, and right. They were attacks that could threaten his life.

The depths of Heitian's soul were icy cold, and he roared: "Black Dragon Seal!"

The black jade seal between the two claws radiated great light, releasing layers of liquid black divine gold, forming a round ghost iron shield all over his body, in which many rune imprints were born and died.

The moment the Nether Iron Shield was formed, the aura of the Hundred Thousand Miles Heavenly Demon Domain concentrated, and a Demon God's Great Halberd carrying the weight of the entire world slammed on it heavily.


The space was exploding, and the Nether Iron Shield was smashed down for dozens of miles. Most of the Nether God's light on it was dimmed, and it barely remained intact.

Golden Dragon's Bronze Rusty Sword struck at this time, the blade was extremely sharp, easily penetrated the Nether Iron Shield, and pierced into Heitian's body.


Heitian roared in pain, and the Nether Iron Shield on his body shattered under his initiative, sending the golden dragon and the rusty bronze sword in his mouth flying with unstoppable force.

Qingzi's two flying swords and the three star magic weapon caught the fighter plane, and they were extremely fast, avoiding the sputtering of the Nether Iron Shield fragments with great agility, and killed towards the center.

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