The speed of the blood dragon sword was extremely fast, and it cut along the back of the Nether Black Dragon, leaving a huge wound with deep bone visible on it. Wei Tianyang and the two also seized the opportunity to blast a gap on the black dragon's wing.

An instant encirclement caused the black dragon to be severely injured, especially a huge black hole appeared in the place where the bronze rusted sword pierced its abdomen, which could not be healed for a long time.

Under this kind of siege, the black dragon was afraid, the black light of the dragon tail condensed, and it slapped from top to bottom like a nine-day galaxy, smashing the golden dragon's bronze rusty sword into the air, ignoring the celestial demon halberd on the left wing, and turned its head towards Zhao Shi and the others bump away.

"Go away!"

Zhao Shi and the others didn't dare to forcefully stop them, and followed his power to scatter in all directions, leaving a blank battlefield.

The black dragon slapped its own dragon wings violently, turned into a black light and escaped from the gap, the Wanzhang Demon God and the golden dragon roared and attacked, but they could only leave some wounds on his body, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

It would be very difficult for an opponent of the same level to kill him if he wanted to escape and refused to fight head-on.

However, Hei Tian is not a monk or a warrior, and his strength does not come from self-cultivation. He can leave and come whenever he wants.

"It doesn't matter, just smash the Heitian Divine Court."

Zhao Shi said in a low voice, and turned into a ray of red light to kill the majestic Heitian God's Court behind him, instantly breaking through the wall of the God's Court that had become extremely weak due to the large amount of power drawn by the Lord of the God's Court, turning the majestic Qionglou palace into ruins.


Behind them, Wanzhang Demon God and Golden Dragon came striding forward. They were super heavyweights. At this moment, the Bronze Rusty Sword assassinated, and the Heavenly Demon Great Halberd swept across, smashing a third of the Heitian Divine Court in a few strokes.


In the vast night sky, Heitian yelled mournfully and continued to accelerate, as if a huge world descended from the sky, blasting towards the Wanzhang Demon God and Golden Dragon who were wantonly destroying.

As soon as he appeared, everyone on the battlefield who had been preparing for a long time moved at the same time.

The celestial demon halberd, the bronze rusted sword, the two blue and purple sword lights, and the magic weapon of the stars burst out with all their strength, and simultaneously killed the falling black dragon.


The black light exploded, flesh and blood flew, and bones were broken and scattered. The black dragon, which had been seriously injured, was in a miserable state under the combined attack. Its muscles and bones were broken everywhere, and one dragon wing and one black dragon claw had disappeared.

Even the hundreds of miles of physical space that has surrounded him for a long time is now completely shattered, and the breath in his body has plummeted, to the level of a general transformation of a god.

Zhao Shi and the others continued to kill without saying a word, the sword light and the cold light of the halberd and ax blade reflected on his body.

"Blood Dragon, do you think Yan'an is kind?"

Heitian roared angrily: "After my death, Heitian Shenting fell, and at least half of his power was obtained by him. What good will this do to you?"

Unfortunately, he found out in despair that Zhao Shi and the others were all expressionless, and killed them again without any delay, as if they hadn't heard what he was saying.

The ax blade of the Omen's halberd smashed on the black dragon's huge and ferocious head, the bronze sword light pierced the black dragon's heart, and other people's attacks tore apart other parts of the black dragon's body.

In a blink of an eye, the real body of the lord of the Heitian Divine Court turned into ashes in various fields, and there was no longer any vitality.

The demise of the real body does not mean complete death. Zhao Shi and the others aimed their targets at the Heitian Divine Court under their feet. All kinds of terrifying attacks broke out one after another, destroying the land, palace, and everything of the Divine Court.

Ruins of earth and rocks continued to fall from the sky above Shenting, rapidly shrinking.

A translucent figure of a strong man appeared in the central palace, wearing a black dragon robe, begging bitterly: "Don't kill me, I am willing to work for you, I know many secrets, Emperor Shilong is uneasy and kind..."

A rusty bronze sword suddenly burst into dazzling golden light, slashing across the transparent figure and the final central palace below him.

Heitian Shenting, which had been turned into ruins, suddenly stood still at this moment.


Like a volcanic eruption that has been accumulated for hundreds of millions of years, a huge explosion occurred in the Heitian Divine Court, countless fragments of the Divine Court flew outward, and the huge shock wave sent Jin Long, Zhao Shi and others flying.

Among the countless ruins, the rules of the dynasty world were roaring and vibrating, and in the place where Heitian Shenting was originally located, a sea of ​​purple luck was condensed, rolling endlessly.

"get it!"


Zhao Shi's eyes quickly turned blood red, and the consciousness of the blood dragon suppressed in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly soared at this moment, breaking through layers of seals, breaking through the freezing of the sword intent of the blood sea, and turning into countless howls in Zhao Shi's eyes. Roaring in the mind.

The purple sea of ​​luck gathered and separated, and slowly divided into two groups of different sizes, flying towards Zhao Shi and Jinlong respectively.

The big one occupied about 70%, which was acquired by the Golden Dragon, and the small one occupied 30%, which infiltrated into Zhao Shi's sea of ​​consciousness, causing the Blood Sea God's Court to grow several times, quickly surpassing the previous Dashun God's Court, regardless of the distance, and quickly became stronger. And Zhao Shi's original consciousness showed a tendency to fight against courtesy.

Scales appeared on half of Zhao Shi's body, his left hand turned into a blood dragon claw, his left eye turned into a vertical pupil, and antlers appeared on his head, rushing out with the mana of the blood sea, attacking each other.


Zhao Shi let out a muffled snort from the intense pain in his soul and body, but he suppressed himself forcefully, staring fixedly at the golden dragon in front of him.

Seventy percent of the purple sea of ​​luck poured into his body, causing the golden dragon to undergo tremendous changes.

The golden scales became thicker, from two layers to five layers, the dragon's claws became more slender, and the rusty bronze sword in its mouth became more piercing.

The most important thing is that the golden physical space around him has undergone tremendous changes after absorbing into the purple air transport sea. It undulates like boiling water and undergoes drastic changes. From time to time, some gray-black impurities are discharged.

The golden space became brighter and purer, and a suffocating feeling emerged from it, and faint shadows of regular lines were formed.

Wei Tianyang and the others were staring at these regular lines, not even daring to interrupt him for fear of any accident.

Jinlong fully manipulated the real space, and there was pain and struggle in his eyes.


After an unknown amount of time, there was a soft sound in the golden space, and the regular patterns entangled into silk threads exploded in all directions, and the phantom of the regular lines completely fell silent.


The Wanzhang Demon God transformed by Yuan Qianjun laughed wildly, and his voice made the Wanli Space tremble endlessly: "It's a great fortune to be able to live for such a long time for a mere heretic God, and he wants to condense the Void Space!"

"Are you kidding me? You fucking don't even know how to condense the seeds of rules! Who gave you the confidence?"

The Heavenly Devil's Halberd was raised high, encompassing the power of a hundred thousand li domain, carrying a heavy chaotic aura and smashing it down towards the golden dragon, accompanied by the blue-purple sword light and the starry sky domain.

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