The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 881 Blood Sea Wave Shield

More than three hundred years have tempered the strong nerves of the proud sheep. At this moment, they are not angry, but full of helplessness.

My silly sister, how can you live in this cruel world without your brother.

"Brother, how do you know!"

Yangyang's younger sister looked at him in shock.

She had expected that the proud sheep might disagree, so she wanted to dismiss him for a while, and then secretly send him there.

"Because you're stupid."

Proud Yangyang said with a blank face: "I don't agree, I don't allow it, you can start crossing the catastrophe."

"No, no, Pan Lang only has a first-level basic tribulation suit, and it would be very difficult for him to succeed without my help!"

Tears appeared in Yangyang's sister's eyes instantly, and she shook the proud Yangyang's hand back and forth.

According to past experience, if you act like a baby first, most of the problems can be solved. If not, continue to implement the stalking strategy for up to a week, and most of the problems can also be solved.

Finally, there is the ultimate move, the hunger strike.

So far, Yangyang's sister program has not failed in the face of proud Yangyang.

The proud sheep's face was as sinking as water, without any reaction to his sister's actions, as cold and rigid as a statue.

Pan Lang? Is that handsome young man?

Very well, Yang Liu seems to have lost her favor.

Yangyang's younger sister was a little flustered by this unprecedented reaction, but she still refused to give up. She gritted her teeth and said, "Brother, if you don't agree, I'd rather not cross the catastrophe!"

The proud sheep is still silent, his eyes are extremely cold.

According to intelligence, this Pan Lang is very good at dealing with women. In the past, he was a scumbag. Seeing that he can provide good emotional value to his sister and make her happy, he didn't get involved because of some spirit stones.

Now he dared to put his hand on the key magic weapon to cross the catastrophe, did he think he didn't die fast enough?

Yangyang's younger sister became more and more flustered, and forced herself to say, "I'm telling the truth, brother, I won't lie to you!"

Only this time is different,

It's different from everything that's been going on for hundreds of years.

Proud Yangyang said slowly: "Sister, do you still remember your nephew Yang Yi? He is also at the Jindan stage, and at the early Jindan stage, he also wanted the Tribulation Suit, but I didn't give it to him."

Yangyang's younger sister felt increasingly guilty and wanted to refute, but she didn't know how to speak.

"This this……"

At the early stage of Jindan, there is basically no possibility of success in crossing the catastrophe, but a son prayed to his father for a hope weaker than fireflies when his life was about to come to an end, but was rejected abruptly.

If you speak again, you won't even be able to forgive yourself.

"Sister, I know you are playful, fickle, have a lot of petty tempers, have no strong will, are kind, and are weak. This is the real you and my cutest sister."

"The reason I give you the best I can get is because I love you."

The proud sheep looked at her seriously: "But I don't love Pan Lang, you can't force my love to him, it's disrespect to me, I'm also a normal human being, I need to be respected."

Yangyang's younger sister sobbed, "But, brother, brother, I..."

"I know, I know, at least at this moment you are deeply in love with your little boyfriend and hope that he will continue to live. Without him, you feel that your life will be incomplete."

Proud Yangyang begged: "But I love you, sister.

My father and mother passed away more than a hundred years ago, Yang Yi has no chance to advance to Yuanying, you are my only relative in this world, the only one! "

"If you die, how can I live through the years to come? I am not the president, and I regard longevity as my only goal. For this, I can endure endless loneliness and loneliness. I will go crazy and die!"

"Sister, please, survive, do your best to survive!"

"Brother, I will survive."

Yangyang's younger sister burst into tears: "The president said that I am very strong and have a great chance of success. A magic weapon of transforming god level will do." Three k

"I won't allow even one in ten thousand failure."

Proud Yangyang held her hand tightly and stopped talking.

After a long time, Yang Yang's younger sister said dejectedly, "I see, brother."

The stopped breeze blows again, slowly getting bigger, and the aura is getting stronger and stronger within a few miles, and it has been accumulating for as long as three years.


A bolt of purple lightning strikes down again, bursting out with the magic weapon and spells with bright aura, annihilating each other.

Finally, a field of more than 200 kilometers rose up, and there were sparse red sword qi fishes moving inside, barely reaching the size of the previous field of Cangqing native Nascent Soul cultivator.

After this kind of thunder and lightning phenomenon, the new scene of the domain often happens in the Cangqing Realm. The low-level players who come and go have long been numb. After watching it and continuing to play, the practice of cultivation has no effect.

In the 375th year of the Sea of ​​Blood, Zhao Shi rejected the questions that the retreat players would have at any time, and handed them over to other kings and Ji Rong and other teams.

He smiled at the uneasy Sun Yue in front of him, "Are you ready?"

Sun Yue in front of him had a pure mind and soul, his mana was running in an orderly manner, and the sea of ​​dantian and the aura of heaven and earth were efficiently exchanged.

However, the way she flinched made people feel that she had misread it.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, with a width of more than a thousand miles, and the terrifying purple electric snake inside is constantly swimming, making the air sizzling with electricity.

"Yes, ready."

Sun Yue replied, but couldn't help but said: "Are you sure, even if I don't have any combat experience, I can survive the thunder disaster?"


"Is there any possibility of accidents, such as..."

Sun Yue still stayed by Zhao Shi's side in a stern manner, refusing to stand out a little bit.

She knew that even if it was struck by thunder, as long as she was by Zhao Shi's side, she would be absolutely safe.


Zhao Shi sighed slightly, giving Sun Yue a bad premonition.

But without waiting for her to say anything, the collar tightened, and then with the sound of howling wind in her ears, the dark clouds in front of her eyes were getting closer and closer.


Amidst the sharp screams, the purple thunder that had already been full of energy was smashed down. At least 30% of the purple thunder had turned into pure red, and the purple and red colors intertwined with each other.

This means that the power of this thunder tribulation is around the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.


No talisman or magic weapon was triggered, and the purple-red thunder blasted on the frantic Sun Yue, making her face extremely pale and her screams even sharper.


Sun Yue's screaming stopped.

When the purple-red thunder was about to hit her, a crimson shield appeared, with blood-sea runes all over it, faintly revealing with the brilliance.

The purple-red thunder struck on the blood-red shield as if it had penetrated into a vast and endless world of blood sea. The destructive thunder energy only penetrated into one percent of the thickness before disappearing.

Zhao Shi, who had been looking at this place all the time, said softly: "The spare suit for crossing the catastrophe is no longer needed, and she can cross the catastrophe by herself."

It was supposed to be like this, anyway, it was the "Blood Sea Wave Shield" that he spent a lot of effort to build, and its defense power was comparable to that of a top king below the sky-level king.

The reason why he prepared so much and was armed to the teeth was because Sun Yue looked too weak.

In the past few decades, the six most terrifying thunder tribulations have fallen one after another, and the last one barely has the strength of the early stage of transforming gods, covering it with the Blood Sea Wave Shield.

The scattered aura caused by the thunderstorm disappeared, and the thousands of kilometers of crimson domain spread outward, and the bloody sea waves rolled in it.

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