A beautiful woman in a goose-yellow long dress was full of excitement in the thousands of miles of waves, and ran towards Zhao Shi with a blood-colored shield tens of kilometers wide.

"Haha, Zhao Shi, I am a Nascent Soul cultivator, and I have the same level of cultivation as you, let's see if you dare to throw me around!"

From far away, she could see her overflowing complacency.

"Zhao Shi villain, I will beat you up today!"

Accelerating, accelerating and accelerating, she and her blood sea wave shield turned into a meteor burning with blood flames.

Even without any specific spells, this force can instantly smash a mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivator into powder, and severely damage a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.

The premise is that there is no miss.

"Ah, help!"

Sun Yue, who had just been complacent for a while, screamed again. The blood flame meteor she transformed missed three kilometers away from Zhao Shi, and hit the first peak of the blood sea on the ground.

There are people on the ground, mortals, qi refining monks, and even Jindan monks, etc., it is no problem to wipe out the creatures in a radius of tens of kilometers with one blow.

Sun Yue's face turned pale, and he tried hard to control the mana in his body, causing the blood flame meteor to twist and turn, but the speed did not decrease much at all, and it was completely out of control.

"don't want!"

The speed of the blood flame meteor was getting faster and faster, and it reached its peak when it was about to hit the ground. Sun Yue could even see the space distortion scene clearly, and instinctively closed his eyes.

Her body sank suddenly, and she didn't hear the huge explosion that hit the ground.


With the whistling wind in his ears, Sun Yue was caught again in the sky like a little chicken, and returned to the expressionless Zhao Shi.

She said with a sneer: "Most people lose their composure after being promoted, can you understand?"

The aura of heaven and earth suddenly gathered here, transforming into mouthfuls of blood-colored sword energy, forming a formation of one hundred and eight flying swords to surround Sun Yue layer by layer, allowing the mana like the Yangtze River in her body to flow slowly , extremely heavy.

"What do you want to do?"

Sun Yue had a bad feeling: "Don't be so stingy,

I didn't do anything bad either! "

The Bloody Sword Formation ignored her, and continued to weave into a blood lotus, which quickly shrank inward, blended into her body, and disappeared.

Sun Yue only felt a huge pressure suddenly appearing in her whole body, restraining the magic power in her body, and the power she could use was much less than that of the peak golden core before.

She looked at a blood-colored sword lotus slowly emerging from the back of her left hand, and said in despair: "This is not fair, you are deliberately retaliating and oppressing a newborn Nascent Soul cultivator!"

"Your control over mana is too poor."

Zhao Shi ignored her crying face: "When you can use your own mana to wear away the sword lotus on your left hand, then it means that your mana control has reached the Nascent Soul level, and you can freely use the power of the Nascent Soul level. would hurt someone else."

Sun Yue wanted to say something more, but Zhao Shi had already grabbed her hand and brought her back to the Blood Lotus Palace.

"You need a year to stabilize your cultivation."

"All right."

Time flowed at a fixed speed, and twenty-four years passed quickly, and the roar of the thunder tribulation this year was particularly dense.

When this year passed and entered the blood sea on January 1st, 399 years, all the thunderous sounds of crossing the catastrophe stopped abruptly, and Cang Qing resumed her usual quiet and orderly rhythm. reading nest

At this moment, the blue, light and darkness, and the distant unknown plane of transforming gods and cultivating immortals simultaneously appeared a sea of ​​white light.

Some white lights appeared in the eyes of many players, some white lights appeared in restaurants in the mortal world, and some white lights appeared in the quiet mountains and old forests.

Some appeared in low thatched huts, only half a glass of bad wine was poured, and some sang presumptuously in the downtown area, and their pitches were about to climb to the climax...

After this moment, it was all gone, never to be seen again.

On the cloud platform of the Blood Lotus Palace.

Zhao Shi didn't cultivate, and while looking at the red glowing sunset in the distance, his cultivation base had recovered to the peak of the mid-Yuanying period.

A sense of sadness emanated from him, Ouyang Wu, and Sun Yue, making the air extremely dull.

"My son..."

Chi Yaoyue and Zhao Ling'er were worried, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

They are not players, so they cannot feel the emotions shared by players.

"Four hundred years..."

"Four hundred years of ups and downs, but now it seems like yesterday. They were born great and walked with glory."

The grief on Zhao Shi's body subsided, and he returned to the state of no waves in the ancient well: "However, we will not die, and we will never have this day."

Ouyang Wu comforted: "Of course, we are all sure of this."

After a while, after the grief in his heart gradually weakened, Sun Yue took out a document from the Ministry of the Interior.

"This time, a total of 7,528 monks at the peak of Jindan passed through the tribulation, and 3,854 people successfully advanced to Nascent Soul, with a success rate of 51.2%."

"Among them, 901 Nascent Soul cultivators from the Blood Sea Guild have advanced, with a promotion success rate of 61.9%, which is 10.7% higher than the average promotion success rate of the Immortal Alliance."

The Blood Sea Guild is now a giant, and the number of players is much more than before.

"Old brothers from Beiqiu County, there are 351 people who have advanced to Nascent Soul, with a success rate of 70.2%."

Zhao Shi was silent, thinking back to the 831 players who came to Beiqiu in the 36th district 400 years ago, 200 people left 200 years ago, and more than 200 people left now.

The road of cultivation becomes more and more difficult as you go further. After eight hundred years, how many familiar faces will disappear?

"Wei Tianyang and the others."


Sun Yue immediately said: "There are 3,232 Golden Core Realm players in the Pseudo Immortal League, and 1,324 people have advanced to the Nascent Soul Stage, with a success rate of 41.1%. It is 10.1% less than our overall promotion success rate, the gap is obvious, and the morale of the Pseudo Immortal League has been greatly hit."

"The staff of the Xianmeng believes that if the current situation of the Pseudo-Xianmeng does not change within a hundred years, we will welcome a large number of Nascent Soul player partners to join."

No matter how firmly you believe in the correct path, you will be shaken in the face of undeniable development facts.

No matter how eloquent the kings are, there is no real difference. Ordinary players will make their own choices.

"This is about the players. Thirty-two Nascent Soul monks were born to our native Golden Core monks. In the next 80 to 200 years, there will be a big wave of native Nascent Soul monks, but they won't be like players. Then expand, there are at most two or three hundred people."

The Blood Sea Guild now owns the worlds of Cangqing, Light and Darkness, Ellen, etc., and has carried out the highest level of immortal education in these worlds for more than 400 years, and now it is also ushered in the harvest season.

The number is relatively small, far less than the player group, but the future can be expected.

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