The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 884: The Spirit World

"Bastard, you take away my inheritance, I can't wait to eat your flesh and sleep on your skin!"

The moment the ten kings stepped into the prison, the four cultivators went crazy, the three Binglian Tianjun, and even the big turtle Tianjun who had been sacrificing his life all the time had red eyes, and the blood in his body burned without hesitation, and his flesh and blood turned into blood. Dust.

This small space is covered by ice lotus flowers, black iron giant tortoise roaring real body, etc. The space with a radius of ten thousand miles is in constant turmoil, and the power of several laws disrupts the world into chaos.

The complexions of the kings such as Bai Gu changed slightly, and various life-saving methods that have been cultivated for hundreds of years are about to be triggered, although even if this is the case, less than 10% of them may survive.

"Several fellow Taoists have taken pictures."

Wei Tianyang smiled faintly, but no movement was seen, twists and ripples appeared in the space, and huge pressure appeared in a radius of more than ten thousand miles. Little by little, but unstoppable, all the chaotic spiritual fluctuations were smoothed out.

Whether it is the black iron avatar of the Great Turtle Tianjun that is stronger than space, the blow of the strongest Ice Lotus Tianjun burning blood essence, or the rotten demon gods and black and white chessboards of the other two Tianjuns, they are all in the same place. The collapse under the realm of the void space is like a fleeting firework.


In the end, the four monks who turned into gods desperately exhausted all their desperate blows, resulting in a crisp clanging sound three feet away from Wei Tianyang and others.

Like pouring a basin of cold water, all anger was extinguished, and there was a dead silence.

The four Huatian Lords stood there in a daze.

"Your Excellency... have you recovered to the Void Refining Realm?"

After a long time, the Great Turtle Tianjun said bitterly.

From what they saw, the person who could completely ignore the desperate blows of the four cultivators who turned into gods was definitely not a cultivator who turned into gods. Only the fabled cultivators who were able to do so were able to do so.

"No, virtual refining is also a completely unknown area for me."

Wei Tianyang explained, and then said: "We have a covenant with you, how can we harm a few of you?

The previous actions were nothing more than fellow daoists reacted too aggressively when they saw me and other players advancing on a large scale, and counterattacked in self-defense in desperation. "


Binglian Tianjun and the others wanted to scold their mothers when they heard this,

The covenant is useless when you attack us, but the covenant is very strict when I attack you.

Also, you took away the inheritance treasures passed down from the five sects, and even the resources accumulated over tens of thousands of years, is this called a self-defense counterattack?

"You Daoist Wei Zhai has a kind heart, I was the one who was reckless, and I made mistakes first."

Dagui Tianjun felt ashamed, and asked tentatively: "Now that the misunderstanding has been solved, why don't fellow Taoists return the Void Sealed Spirit Boat?

Don't worry fellow daoists, if you want to use it in the future, just say it. "

"It's natural."

Wei Tianyang smiled slightly, took out a five-fold hill with faintly visible runes from his arms, and handed it to them without hesitation.

"Thank you fellow daoist, thank you fellow daoist!"

Dagui Tianjun couldn't believe it, and quickly recovered, took the five-fold rune hill, and thanked him repeatedly.

All of a sudden, they all began to sincerely regret their previous actions.

"You're welcome, since we are fellow daoists, we should be like this." Wei Tianyang smiled and said modestly: "Not only that, but for the sake of several fellow daoists, I also spent a lot of mana and used many rare materials to make this The treasure was refined again, making its power more than three times that of before."


The expressions of Dagui Zhenjun and the four froze, but they didn't dare to say anything slightly malicious.

"With this treasure, I am sure that when I cross the space, I will safely ascend to the spiritual world. I don't have to be as trembling as the ancestors of the five sects. After hundreds of thousands of years of preparation, more than a dozen generations of people dare to take this step."

"When we arrive at the spirit world, according to the abundance of natural resources and earthly treasures in this world, we and the others must be expected to refine the void and become immortals!"

Following Wei Tianyang's approach, the four Huashen Tianjun not only stiffened their bodies, but even their souls were almost frozen, and a chill arose in their hearts.

Dagui Tianjun forced a smile: "Fellow Daoists are joking, where is there any spiritual world? The ancestors built this boat just to prevent the sect from suffering disasters and to have a chance to recover."


The smile on Wei Tianyang's face instantly subsided completely: "It turns out that it is like this, I just missed it."

He glanced at the four of them coldly, turned and left without looking back.

Binglian Tianjun felt great anxiety in his heart.

The sky and the earth suddenly went dark, and when they opened their eyes again, the four of them were already in the boundless universe and starry sky, and the stars were shining brightly, especially the three golden, gray, and fire-colored stars near them were the brightest. The field is illuminated brightly.

A huge pressure as heavy as the world suddenly came, compressing the domains of the four of them into a thin layer, clinging to the skin, the muscles all over the body creaked, and the next moment, the tendons and bones would be broken and the flesh would be turned into mud.

"Friend Hua, what are you doing?"

Dagui Tianjun was shocked and furious.

Hua Youwei, who looked like a gentle and fat man, was full of murderous intent: "Guys, I happen to need a few master souls of cultivators who have transformed themselves into magic weapons recently, so please cut them off."

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, the heaviest golden star left its orbit, and under the action of inertia and gravity, its speed became faster and faster, covering the people below, and turning the current space layer by layer into dust.

There was no extra nonsense, it was just a matter of simply taking a few lives.

In an instant, the shields of the four Apotheosis monks shattered, and the flesh and blood on the surface exploded into blood mist, while the metal stars above did not slow down at all, but accelerated again.

The incomparably clear death was close to the soul, and Da Gui and the others instantly understood that this was not just a hypocrisy, but a real, real death!

"Stop! I do know the spirit world!"

"Only I, the elder of the five sects, know the undercurrent channel of the spiritual world. If you kill us, you will never get it!"

Under the heavy weight of death, several people were terrified, not only Dagui Tianjun, but also several other people eagerly spoke out at the same time.

"The spirit world? What the hell is that?"

Among the stars, Hua Youwei didn't even lift his eyelids: "As I said, I need this magic weapon urgently, but it is a treasure with great usefulness. The main souls of the few will never be humiliated."

The communication of spiritual consciousness is like lightning, and now the four cultivators of transforming spirits can already see the golden magic weapon stars one kilometer away.

This distance is no different from sticking to eyelashes for the cultivator of the God Transformation.

"Quick stop!"

"I'll admit defeat and be willing to lead the way!"

Under the heavy pressure, the four spoke eagerly again, and some even sent a coordinate to Hua Youwei.

The metal stars that were close to the hair of the four people and crushed them into powder came to an abrupt stop.


Wei Tianyang reappeared in the arena at some point, and angrily slapped Fei Huayouwei's golden star magic weapon: "I told you to entertain distinguished guests and fellow Taoists, is that how you do it?"

The sword of Taixu shot out from the surging waves in the transparent space, cutting Hua Youwei far away, and a wound deep in the chest appeared in the middle of the body, and blood flowed out.

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