The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 885: Martial Arts League

Wei Tianyang didn't see Hua Youwei's tragedy, and said coldly: "Hurry up and apologize to the gentlemen!"

"Yes, yes, I was wrong."

Hua Youwei came to Dagui Zhenjun and the other four, respectfully said: "I was the one with shallow eyelids and bumped into several gentlemen before, please punish me."

The four of them retreated sideways, not even daring to say anything, but their hearts became much more secure.

They are all overlords who have ruled Cangqing for thousands of years. Naturally, they know that this is a pretentious gesture, but it is also a gesture made by an invincible person who has turned into a god at such a price.

Being able to do this shows that they still have some value, and they won't be killed casually one day.

After all, no one would give so many detours to someone who would kill in the next moment.

Wei Tianyang said solemnly: "I swear by my way of Taixu, if I can find the spirit world, the four fellow Taoists will no longer act hostile to us, and I will definitely not do any harm to the gentlemen again, and return I am willing to help several gentlemen advance to the Void Refining Realm."

"If you violate the oath, let me cut off the Dao, and I will never be reborn forever!"

Swearing on the Dao is basically the highest level of sincerity for an immortal cultivator. If it is not necessary, no immortal cultivator is willing to violate it.

Going forward, it is to bind both parties by law and contract, similar to the previous covenants signed with Wei Tianyang, to bind both parties by law, but this has been proved to be useless.

While Dagui Zhenjun and the others had a little more confidence in their hearts, they also knew that they had no choice.

They looked at each other, and at the same time cupped their hands and said: "Fellow Daoist, I will definitely not let you down."

Wei Tianyang said happily: "It's very good."

Has been drifting away from the wall of the Cangqing Realm, and around the Cangqing World, the broken wooden boat Magic Treasure Zhou suddenly lit up with a hazy white light. Using space as power, he flew towards the dark unknown void, far away from the Cangqing Realm behind him. Leave behind.

In the blue sky of the world, in the quiet Blood Lotus Palace.

"The breath disappeared?"

Zhao Shi, who had been sitting cross-legged and practicing for a long time, opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

Although I don't know where Wei Tianyang and the others are, I can always feel their general aura, but I just can't catch up.

If you give him another fifty years,

Let him advance from the peak of the mid-stage Nascent Soul to the late stage of the Nascent Soul, and crush Wei Tianyang, that would make a big difference.

"Forget it, just leave, if you see him again, kill him."

Zhao Shi closed his eyes, and the aura of heaven and earth gathered thousands of miles to the Blood Starfish and Blood Lotus Palace, and the ten thousand miles of space moved regularly like a fetus in a mother's womb.

After the players advanced to the Nascent Soul on a large scale, they did not launch a new expedition. The entire Xianxia game area suddenly became quieter than ever, and resumed the extremely slow rhythm of the immortal cultivators.

Retreating, cultivating, alchemy, playing, high-ranking monks often spend several years or tens of years doing everything, and they don’t see a single person for many years, which is simply boring.

Where is it like other people's martial arts game area, there are constant hot spots.

Today is Donghu University's genius student Bawang Ding, who has shown off well as soon as he entered the game. He has comprehended the rudiment of martial arts will in ten years, advanced to the true energy realm in fifty years, and pushed the young generation of leaders in various guilds. He can be called the number one in a century. Tianjiao.

Tomorrow will be this Tianjiao Xueba who has just reached the pinnacle of his life, with a beautiful woman in his arms, and a low-key Xueba with a special move jumped out of the Heavenly King's Laboratory, and defeated Wang Ding with a single move at the peak of his true energy, without making a sound The land disappeared, which surprised the people who eat melons from all walks of life.

Not only middle and low-level fighters, but even martial arts kings are constantly challenging all directions, sharpening their martial arts will, raising their own rankings, and expanding or reducing their resource areas.

This kind of battle of kings will break out every few years, and a fixed league will be formed in the martial arts game area, and the league will be reincarnated every 100 years.

Whenever this time will be the most active and popular time on the game forum, everyone will live broadcast, open, and fans will chat with each other, which is extremely lively.

When the league draws to a close, the strongest three will be determined among the thirty-three kings, and they will be qualified to challenge the heavenly kings. Dream Literature Network

This kind of fist-to-hand combat quickly attracted a large number of audiences inside and outside the game, especially ordinary people who were not able to enter the game.

In their concept of time, there is one league a year, which completely fits their own schedule.

In just six years, the Budo District League has completely replaced other domestic e-sports events, surpassing the enduring traditional sports such as basketball and football, and becoming the most popular sports event in China.

As for the Xianxia game area?

Oh, which unpopular game in Miscellaneous is it? let me think again.

Having said that, the group of fans who yelled the most fiercely and enthusiastically in the auditorium seemed to be a group of nerds and nerds cultivating immortality.

"Look quickly! The Iron Lion King rushed over, towards the Heavenly Level King, going forward without fear!"

"Our iron lion, our eternal iron lion!"

"Come on! Beat Bai Feng and take her home to be your wife!"

In the center of Shengwujie, the largest martial arts competition square is called Shengwu Gymnasium. It covers an area of ​​500 kilometers and is the battle venue for the finals of the martial arts league every 100 years.

The centuries-old martial arts champion is Tieshi, the king of the twelfth district, and he has obtained the qualification to challenge the heavenly king.

The male commentator with a tuft of yellow hair on his head is shouting crazily, without using any magic weapon, which is equivalent to the cultivation base of the Shenqiao stage in the Nascent Soul stage, so that his voice can spread across a radius of 500 kilometers and reach the ears of every audience side, quickly ignite their enthusiasm.

Bai Feng's face darkened when he heard Huangmao's obscene commentary, and the silver gun in his hand turned into a silver dragon roaring, and he bit the thousand-meter high-speed iron lion in the late stage of Shenqiao Realm in front of him with a huge bite, and the silver tail bombarded it. The iron lion slammed into the ground deeply.

The iron lion king at the bottom of the pit was trembling all over. After struggling for a long time, he couldn't stand up. He had no choice but to change one of his ears from black iron color to white, and shook it vigorously a few times.


"My iron lion is so pitiful, Bai Feng is too much!"

"It still doesn't work. To challenge a heavenly king is to be abused."

Hundreds of thousands of spectators in the Shengwu Arena lamented in unison, but it was not too surprising.

The Martial Arts League has been held for six times, and none of the kings has successfully challenged the sky-level kings. There is basically no suspense, and it is just a post-match entertainment program.

Bai Feng cast a glance at the yellow-haired commentator who was 500 kilometers away, and flew towards his palace.

"Bai Feng swears to the death that he will not follow the iron lion, and the hundred flowers will eventually fall..."

The spitting yellow-haired commentator shuddered, and then he came back to his senses and said something casually, with a mournful face, he said quickly: "I announce that Iron Lion is the fifth martial arts champion! Let us cheer him!" "

Run quickly, run back to the president and retreat for ten years, no, a hundred years!

"Iron lion! Iron lion! Iron lion! Our eternal iron lion!"

All the people in the audience stood up, shouted frantically, and threw their hats into the sky, forming a sea of ​​colors.

"Snail, quick, prepare our spells!"

Sunset Sanxi's urging voice came from the VIP seat closest to the arena.


The aura of heaven and earth formed a phantom of a huge iron lion tens of thousands of meters high under the gathering of spiritual consciousness. The hairs were lifelike, and it roared upwards, completely covering the limelight of other people in the arena.

The other spectators immediately cast envious glances at this place.

At the same time, this overly powerful fluctuation of spiritual power quickly triggered an alarm in the holy martial arts world. Ten Shenqiao-level warriors led 300 flying-sky-level warriors to kill here.

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