"What are you players in the Xianxia District doing, put it away!"

A baby-faced player in the lead surrounded the flying snails and said angrily, thinking of killing people.

He is wearing silver-white armor, with a silver spear badge on his chest, and the tip of the spear is gold, which means that he is a member of the 360 ​​silver armor guards of the Bingfeng Guild, a core member among the core members.

At this moment, ten Shenqiao-level players and 300 Flying-Sword-level players were united in one breath, forming a huge pressure to press down on hundreds of fans of the Iron Lion Support Group, including Flying Snail and Sunset Sanxi, and the air was slightly distorted. .

"Finished formation."

Instinctively, after many years of training in the war, all the cultivators concentrated on the flying snail with the highest rank at the same time.

Daoist formation lines emerged on them, and instantly formed a bloody sword-like formation with the flying snail as the center, which suppressed more than 300 martial arts players on the opposite side.

The baby-faced player had to take a few steps back, his face darkening: "Do you want to use force to fight against the Shengwujie law enforcement team?"

Many Shenqiao Realm players who were watching the battle of the kings nearby felt the sudden rise of the Xianxia Formation, and their sharp sword-like eyes looked here at the same time.

"No, no, bro, pure instinct."

The flying snail smiled mischievously, and disbanded his formation: "We are all fans of the Iron Lion King, you can't engage in shady scenes, or I will sue."

The baby-faced player snorted coldly, and pointed at the phantom of the tens of thousands of meters of iron lion above their heads: "According to the regulations of foreign tourists in the Holy Martial World, mana fluctuations must be limited, and you have far exceeded the standard.

Now I will give you three months of criminal detention and a fine of one thousand middle-grade spirit stones in accordance with the regulations. If you disagree, you can appeal in the future. "

"I'm going to appeal now!"

Sunset Sanxi refused to accept it and said: "Open your eyes and see clearly, this is just a phantom, and none of the 116 magic powers that make up it exceed the standard you set.

If you use chicken feathers as arrows, we Blood Sea Guild members will not be easy to bully! "

The baby-faced player said impatiently: "Even if it's a phantom, its overall aura has exceeded the standard by a hundred and ten times!

If you disobey again, I will not be polite! "

"What can you do if you're rude! Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Sunset Sanxi rolled up her sleeves and sneered,

His face was full of arrogance, like a football hooligan.

"I can see clearly the "Temporary Management Measures for Foreign Tourists" in your holy martial arts world. It only stipulates the fluctuation of individual mana, and there is no regulation for overall fluctuation."

"Thieves Sun, you're too young to try to beat your grandfather up!"

"Do you dare to curse?"

"What's wrong with scolding you?"

"You try to curse again?"

"Try it and try it!"

"I'll kill you bastard!"

"Blood sea dog!"

"Bingfeng dog!"

Bang Dang, Bang Dang!

Boom boom boom!

The phantom of the iron lion tens of thousands of meters away dissipated. At first, Sunset Sanxi and the baby-faced player pushed and shoved, and the people around dissuaded him. Then, at some point, someone put a small magic spell to wipe away the dirt.

This is quite normal. Xianxia players have already regarded spells as their own hands and feet, and generally they will never use spells where they can use spells.

This small spell fluctuation caused the martial arts players to overreact. More than a dozen silver spears pierced the air, and all rushed towards the player of the Blood Sea Guild, knocking him hundreds of meters away, and vomiting blood in the sky .

"You dare to hurt people?" Changsha asked.

The flying snail that had been fighting for a long time became angry, and a field of more than a thousand kilometers spread out in an instant. A red flying sword fell from the sky, beheading the dozen or so people until they vomited blood, and their spears flew around.

"Blood sea dog!"

The baby-faced player said angrily: "If you dare to be arrogant in our territory, I will arrest you immediately!"

With ten Shenqiao-level Silver Armor Guards as the center, each connected with their own Feitian-level subordinates, instantly forming an army formation soaring into the sky, crushing the flying snails to the ground.

Then, an incomparably condensed silver light appeared in front of his eyes. It was so powerful that it could instantly blast through the shield of a late Nascent Soul cultivator.

"Compared to the formation? You are still a little tender!"

The flying snail drank coldly, hundreds of years of tacit understanding made them instantly form a small blood lotus sword formation filled with sword energy, and silver light shot into it, hundreds of sword energy entangled and swallowed it without a trace no trace.

"Let you see what a legion formation is!"

It's not the Blood Sea Guild's style not to fight back after being beaten, the red light in the sword array crazily concentrated on his natal flying sword, condensed into a giant sword, and threw it down at the Bingfeng Guild's law enforcement team who retreated in panic!


The formation of the small-scale corps of the Bingfeng Guild instantly shattered, and more than 300 people, including the baby-faced player, spit blood and flew back in all directions. Black spots fell to the ground like raindrops, and the surroundings suddenly became empty.

Sunset Sanxi put his hips on his hips behind the flying snail and laughed wildly: "See? Our Blood Sea Guild is invincible, I ask you if you accept it, and quickly hand over your chrysanthemum... woo woo woo"

The flying snail's face changed drastically, and he quickly pressed his friend's mouth.

But it was too late.

Tall figures slowly appeared around them, with a huge aura, and the space around them trembled slightly.

At least a thousand warriors from the Shenqiao Realm!

There are at least tens of thousands of Flying Realm players coming behind them, a dense crowd of people.

A smile appeared on the flying snail's face: "My friends, my friends are just joking, just joking, hehe, don't mind."

"Do him!"

"Hit him!"


Suddenly there was a thunderous explosion all around, all kinds of spiritual lights shot up into the sky, the long knives, long spears, sledgehammers, and fists blasted back into the void, drowning the flying snails and others.

Sunset Sanxi became anxious: "Wait! What kind of heroes are you besieging? If you have the ability, come one by one... Fuck! My face! I will fight with you!"

The blood-colored sword formation disappeared completely under the dense fists and swords for only three breaths, scattered into individual individuals, surrounded by swords.

Every player of the Blood Sea Guild was beaten by five or six fists at least, or more than 20 people violently.

Among them, the flying snail and Sunset Sanxi absorbed the greatest firepower, and were beaten by more than a hundred people, and they beat them in different ways.

"I will take revenge!"

"It's kind of a duel!"

Amidst the screams, Sunset Sanxi was hit by eight fists hundreds of meters into the air, and then twenty knives were thrown from the sky to the ground, forming a deep character on the ground.

After waiting for a while, the flying snail was purposely shot into the big character by a dozen spears to cover him.

Bai Feng who rushed over after hearing the news relaxed slightly when he saw this, took a few more glances and then went back.

The brutal beating ended after an hour. The members of the iron lion fan group organized by the flying snail were all bruised and swollen, and they couldn't find a piece of good meat all over their bodies. It was extremely miserable.


"You are suspected of violating the law, go to jail for a few days!"

The baby-faced player ran out from nowhere, his face full of the joy of revenge, he took out the handcuffs and dragged the flying snails away.

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