The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 887: Bright Blood Lotus

In the five hundred and ninety-nine years of Blood Sea, the Blood Lotus Palace, which has been silent for two hundred years, is slowly waking up.

The wind is howling within a radius of more than 100,000 kilometers, and the aura of heaven and earth is frantically gathering here, and there are thick black clouds gathering in the sky, instantly turning the earth from the high noon of the scorching sun to a night darker than the early morning. to the slightest light.

It's not a region of tens of thousands of miles, but the entire Cangqing Realm. Wherever the sun shines, it turns into such a dark night.



The pure red electric snake was swimming above the dark clouds, and every trace of the electric snake carried an aura of extreme destruction, and a slight spillover could turn hundreds of miles of space into scorched earth where life was extinct.

This kind of electric snake is densely packed in the sky, endlessly, and the massive energy accumulated is enough to destroy the world!

Panic spread among the people and all the monks, and they fled in all directions in panic, frantically looking for the safest place.

It wasn't until he suddenly raised his head and saw the bloody star in the sky that his heart calmed down.

It still stood tall in the sky, and the thick dark clouds and the destructive red electric snake couldn't affect it in any way, and the surrounding space was filled with the incomparably calm midday sun.

The thunderclouds that covered the entire blue sky were gaining momentum, continuing their own destructive thunderpower until they reached a peak after nine days and nine nights.

The red thunder rolled, turned into thunder plasma, gathered into an ocean, and was about to fall towards the blood-colored stars, blasting them into powder, causing the uncontrolled anomalies to disappear, and everything in the world returned to an orderly state.


There was a soft sigh between heaven and earth, extremely disappointed, and the world trembled.

"too weak."

Thunder carries both destruction and vitality, one body with two sides.

If the destruction is not enough, the vitality will not be enough, not enough to sublimate the cultivation base.

A palm-sized red jade flying sword rises from the stars, separated by tens of thousands of miles, it is extremely small, but everyone in Cangqing can clearly see every detail of it.

The icy sword intent spread out to the earth, and with the power of rules that all the cultivators looked up to, it turned into a round of eternal blood-sea kendo rule scorching sun in the sky,

Blood light spilled to the ground.


The red thunder that was enough to destroy the world melted under the blood light, and a single blood light could annihilate hundreds of red thunder. The two are not of the same quality at all.


This kind of ignorance made the heaven in the dark furious, the sea of ​​red thunder was rolling, there was a roaring sound in the thunder, and the rules of the blue and green things were gathering.

Amidst the hazy red thunder, a thunder giant appeared in the sky.

His face is indistinct, and the black and white grinding disc is held by the sky-reaching arms. The atmosphere of chaos is pervasive, and the rules will also be destroyed within it.

"This is……"

All the high-level players in the Cangqing Realm were still shocked, and they called up key information from their 600-year-old huge ocean of memory.

According to the video released by the thirty-six kings, as well as the video recorded by the Cangqing Aboriginal sects such as the Tianmo Sect, they soon knew what it was.

The blue sky consciousness!

He felt that a force capable of destroying all spirits in the world was being born.

There is no such thing as good or evil, no hatred, and for the livelihood of all the people in the world, this kind of completely uncontrolled individual must be eliminated.

Roar! vertex

The thunder giant was fully awake, striding towards the blood starfish, his eyes fixed on the tiny black dot, and the blue rule was beside him, boiling.

The scorching sun in the sky is brighter and brighter, and the speed of the dark clouds and thunder is melting faster and faster.

The thunder giant's pace quickened again.

"You have made some changes, but you still can't change Cang Qing's foundation that seems to be extremely weak now."

Zhao Shi looked at the Thunder Giant with a sense of loss.

Where to go, to find a world that can become a monk of refining the virtual?


The thunder giant came in front of Zhao Shi in an instant, with two sky-reaching giant arms holding a black and white millstone at the top and bottom, trying to completely wipe away the flesh and soul of this tiny black spot.

With Zhao Shi as the center, there are only black and white colors left between the heaven and the earth, and a trace of chaos permeates the atmosphere. Black is the earth, white is the sky, and the rules are stagnant in it, almost imprisoned.

In terms of strength, it is much stronger than the original Yan, even if three or four Yan add up, they cannot survive under the fully recovered Cangqing consciousness.

"But you are not a refiner."

Zhao Shi glanced lightly at the thunder giant standing in front of him, and opened his hands forward.

The Blood Lotus Sword appeared in his hand without any warning, completely ignoring the black and white grinding disc forming its own domain, and a deep hole the size of an arm and hundreds of miles long appeared silently.

Roar! Roar!

The thunder giant reacted after a tenth of a second later, screaming furiously, the black and white grinding discs held by both arms accelerated and closed, making the space around Zhao Shi harder than divine gold.

"If you are not refining the void, then you will die."

He held the blood lotus sword that had been enlarged to the size of an ordinary long sword, and slashed forward.


The thunder giant roared furiously, and the black and white grinding disc was about to touch Zhao Shi's hair, but suddenly became stiff.

He didn't move, just stood there in the air, and the light of the lake-like giant eyes became completely dead.


A crimson sword mark slowly appeared on the Thunder Giant's eyebrows, nose, mouth, and even the black and white grinding disc exuding chaotic atmosphere, with a terrifying sword intent and strong blood sea kendo rules, even the space and blue rules must be This sword is temporarily invalid.

The cracking sound of the crimson sword continued to amplify, from as thin as a hair to the size of a long river. The godless thunder giant and his black and white chaotic grinding plate separated to the two sides, smashed into the sky, and exploded into a sky full of red lightning The filaments disappeared in the sky.

The thick dark clouds disappeared quickly, and the golden noon sun fell on the earth again, and the world returned to a vibrant and colorful world.

The bloody sun in the sky has not yet dissipated, and continues to shine bloody light on the ground, turning into bloody lotus flowers in mid-air and floating with the wind on the ground, beautifully.

A gentle voice sounded, and all intelligent creatures could hear it.

"It is a joy to be promoted to the stage of transformation today. This is my gift to everyone."

"This thing is called the Bright Blood Lotus. It is made of the remaining half of the energy of the thunder calamity and the aura of the first-born aura after being promoted to the god of transformation. It has the effect of purifying mana, strengthening the foundation of the soul, and slightly increasing the understanding."

"Everyone can take it by themselves according to their ability and luck. Each person is limited to nine flowers, and after nine flowers, they will not be able to touch this thing."

"I wish all the people on my Blood Sea Avenue will live forever and be immortal."

Zhao Shi bowed slightly to the people on the ground and disappeared into the sky.

On this day, the overall aura concentration in the Cangqing Realm increased by half, people, monsters, and plants were constantly appearing enlightened people, it was not uncommon to see mid- and low-level monks who had made great progress, and Nascent Soul monks had also made considerable progress.

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