The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 888: Transformation Stage

The moment Zhao Shi stepped into the Blood Lotus Palace, Ouyang Wu and the others were a little surprised.

Sun Yue asked hesitantly: "Zhao Shi, your cultivation is in the early stage of transformation?"

Starting from the Qi refining period, Zhao Shi skipped the early stage and directly entered the mid-stage stage every time he advanced. She wondered whether Zhao Shi had hidden his cultivation to guard against hidden enemies.

"Well, that's right, Lei Jie is too weak, and my cultivation base can't jump."

Zhao Shi responded, and opened the system panel that had undergone tremendous changes.

Name: Zhao Shi

Title: Leader of the four worlds of Cangqing, Guangya, Ellen, Fanhua, and Dynasty, who are cultivators, knights, and mages, and people who are admired by the people of Blue Star.

Realm: the early stage of becoming a god

Physique: 20.7

Strength: 20.9

Consciousness: 63.7

Mana: 63.7 (determined by divine awareness synchronization.)

The Seed of Rules: The power of the rules of the Blood Sea Kendo, the peak of the transformation god level, can mobilize the power of the rules to greatly increase one's own speed and sharpness.

Blood Lotus Sword: Heavenly Peak Flying Sword, +24, increases attack power by 24% for cultivators in the Transformation Stage. .

Remarks: The natal flying sword can grow with the owner, and has the ability to kill enemies and strengthen itself. The equipment requirement is Zhao Shi.

Zhao Shi pondered to himself.

'The strength has more than quadrupled than before, and the Blood Lotus Sword has also reached the peak that can be reached. If there is no chance, it will take about 800 years to reach the peak of transforming gods. '

'The cultivators in the transformation stage are not my enemies now, but the cultivators in the Void Refining Stage are absolutely no match for me, and they are no different from before. '

‘However, the success rate of escaping in front of cultivators has increased. According to the current information, it may be around 10%, mainly depends on luck. '

At the same time as he advanced, Ouyang Wu, Chi Yaoyue, and Zhao Ling'er's auras at the peak of the Nascent Soul were fluctuating. I believe that they will advance to the stage of transformation in the near future.

"Okay, I get it now.

. "

Sun Yue looked at them enviously.

It is troublesome to advance to a Yuanying stage by myself, and I dare not even think about it now in the transformation stage.

It's a pity that I can only watch it.

Now Zhao Shi was able to condense the blood lotus seed at the cost of greatly injuring his vitality, but there were strict requirements for the release of the blood lotus seed, and she was unqualified physically and mentally.

As for other people who are qualified to accept the blood lotus seed?

One is not being trusted, and the other is that condensing the blood lotus seed will seriously hurt Zhao Shi's vitality, and there is no need to create more blood sea origin guards at this stage.

The duty of Ouyang Wu and the others is to protect Zhao Shi who is in retreat and seriously injured. They cannot strengthen the secondary body and weaken the main body at the expense of the basics.

"Zhao Shi, there is just one thing that needs to be dealt with by you. The flying snails went to the Holy Martial World to watch the competition, and then they were locked up."

Sun Yue took out a document and handed it to Zhao Shi, which reported the whole story in great detail, including the report of the flying snail himself, the official report of the Holy Martial World, the report of the intelligence personnel of the guild, etc. As for being deceived by one person's rhetoric.

The Holy Martial Realm is a huge force comparable to the Xianxia District, and it is also the territory of others. Conflicts with them must be handled carefully, neither weak nor too strong.

It also contained Liu Tianxiong and other Ministry of Interior officials' opinions on how to deal with this matter.

Basically, it requires the officials of the Holy Martial World to deal with the perpetrators on both sides fairly and justly. If there is any partiality and violation of the law, the Immortal League will not tolerate it, and will impose severe sanctions on the resources and daily magic weapon trade of the Holy Martial World.

This should not be of much use, the Holy Martial World will definitely favor their people, and the flying snails will definitely face imprisonment and fines. 90 look

Xianmeng will sanction the martial arts game area for several years, and then let it go.

After all, it is impossible for the Xianmeng to launch a war of revenge against a huge force of the same level for such a trivial matter, and the price to be paid would be too high.

Zhao Shi took the document and glanced at it, and quickly understood it.

"The flying snails did not violate any regulations of the Holy Martial World, and all their attacks were counterattacks in self-defense. Just let the spears go to the Holy Martial World to pick them up, and order the parties involved in the Holy Martial World to apologize."


Sun Yue was stunned: "Zhao Shi, I think they will throw our official letters into the trash can, and the spear may not even see the person in charge."

Before Zhao Shi could say anything, Ouyang Wu smiled and said: "No, Sun Yue, not only will they not do this, but they may even do more than what we said."

She pointed to Zhao Shi.

Sun Yue suddenly realized: "I understand."

Zhao Shi is the first player in the Eastern Game Zone to advance to the God Transformation stage!

Now all the heaven-level kings are a big difference from Zhao Shi, and they are in the late stage of Yuanying and Huashen.

This means that even if all the sky-level kings are combined, they will be instantly killed by one move in front of Zhao Shi, and they will never make a second move.

At the moment of Zhao Shi's catastrophe, all the sky-level kings disappeared from the public's sight, scattered to hidden places to cultivate, and they would not show a trace until they advanced to the stage of transformation into gods.

"I'll notify Long Gun now."

After Sun Yue sketched a few times on the system panel, he solemnly took out the second document.

"If Chi Yaoyue hadn't said that you were about to advance to the stage of becoming a god, I would have already planned to wake you up."

Her face was extremely serious: "According to the No. 1 Yinlian report, Wei Tianyang and the others discovered a world where immortals can be born."


Zhao Shi's expression was shocked, and he took the document with a transparent sword lotus flower printed on the cover, and he had to enter a 365-digit password to view it.

For a while, the surroundings became quiet, only the sound of flipping pages was left.

"... During the 120 years from the 400th year of Blood Sea to the 520th year, Wei, Yuan, and Hua disappeared and never appeared in the public eye.

Although there were doubts at the time, they didn't care, thinking that they had fallen into a long retreat, and there were no major abnormalities in the world of the three great gods..."

"...Blood Sea In 521, I received a transfer order to conduct a three-year secret training in the Void Court to adapt to the customs of a world called 'Spirit World'. Completely become a native 'spiritual person' in words and in everything."

"Even if you die, you can't reveal any difference between yourself and the native people. After you die, you can't appear in the eyes of any spirit world people with the same spirit and identity again..."

"Blood Sea 525, after three years of secret training, I passed the assessment personally hosted by Wei, and only then did I get rough information about the 'spiritual world'."

"The spirit world is the place where many lower-level immortal cultivators ascend to become gods.

Here, although the cultivators of Huashen are still high-level cultivators, they are not enough to become the master of a place, and they can only be regarded as the backbone of the holy places of the major sects. "

"Only a cultivator who refines the void can become the master of a great sect. The Supreme Elder of the Qingyun Sword Sect that I am about to enter is in this realm."

"In addition, according to the information I have so far, the Qingyun Sword Sect is just an ordinary sect, and there is a high chance that there will be monks in the legendary Transcending Tribulation Period in faraway places, who can be called quasi-immortals..."

Just looking at the words, Zhao Shi could clearly feel the excitement almost overflowing from the writer's heart.

"In the year 587 of the Blood Sea, I met a tree-human alien race called the Deadwood Clan. They spoke quite arrogantly. They were only in the Nascent Soul stage, but they were able to get the personal companion of Li Mushi, who was at the peak of the Transformation Stage, with a respectful attitude..."


"Blood Sea in 592, I witnessed the battle of the monks who refined the void, and the void collapsed for thousands of miles. The rules were chaotic, and the aftermath of the overflow shocked me to death a hundred thousand miles away. Fortunately, no one saw me. I returned to Qingyun three days later. Jianzong..."


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