The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 889: Trap in the Dynasty World

Zhao Shi read the 300-page report for a long time without making a sound.

"follow me."

A dense circle of red sword energy appeared around Zhao Shi and five people, forming a red ball with a radius of ten feet, turning into a ball of light, leaving the blood starfish, and flying straight to the sky above.

The sight of the howling wind passed by, and entered the 100,000-meter-high wind layer. What appeared along the way was no longer wind, but thousands of cyan-colored qi that could even pierce the shield of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Ouyang Wu asked curiously: "Is this the outer space of the Cangqing Realm?"

Without Zhao Shi's leadership, she couldn't appear here at all. She could only fly to a place of 50,000 meters at most before turning back, otherwise she would die instantly.

"Well, it's impossible to enter here under Huashen."

Zhao Shi replied that the speed was getting faster and faster, passing through the 30,000-meter cyan wind layer, and crashing straight into a sea of ​​purple thunderstorms. Countless electric lights exploded and splashed, crackling the shield.

The red ball protecting them was still intact, passing through the purple lightning layer again and entering the pure red thunder network.

Each of these densely packed red thunderbolts is comparable to the attack of a cultivator at the stage of transformation. Any cultivator at the stage of transformation will feel his scalp tingle when he sees it. He can only look for gaps and walk carefully. If something goes wrong, he must flee immediately.

If you want to get a safe route, you must go through several generations or even more than a dozen generations of monks who have worked tirelessly to get it, and it has great value.


Zhao Shi still turned a blind eye to these red thunderbolts, and the power of the blood sea kendo rules emerged inside the red ball, amplifying its speed and sharpness to the point of terror.

It is like an extremely sharp heavenly sword, piercing through the red thunder network blocked along the way, and the hole cannot be healed for a long time.

The red light in front of them dissipated, and then broke through an invisible film, and the scene in front of Chi Yaoyue and others changed drastically again.

In the endless dark sky, you can't see your fingers. From time to time, you can see a few stars flickering in the distance that is too far away to be observable.

Vast, dead, without any vitality, it has undergone endless changes over time, and will continue to exist endlessly with time.

Looking at the ground again, it is an incomparably huge plane space,

A blue halo is dotted on it, and the boundary of the plane can already be seen at the end of the field of vision.

Zhao Shi's enormous spiritual consciousness scanned in all directions, and quickly locked on a direction, leading the four of them into a red beam across the dark cosmic sky.

One day, two days... fifty days, all on the road, the speed has not changed, and the huge blue plane behind him has shrunk to the size of a lake.

"right here."

Zhao Shi stopped.

After arriving here, all the aura left by Wei Tianyang and others dissipated, and they could no longer feel the slightest bit.

The highly sophisticated spiritual consciousness scanned bit by bit, and soon found something.

It is a speck of space like a snowflake, composed of thousands of broken cracks, as bright as a diamond.

Zhao Shi looked disappointed when he saw this.

"It's impossible, go back."

The left hand was filled with red light, and small sword runes poured out, surrounding the snowflake spots, forming a beautiful spar the size of a pigeon egg, which he held in his hand.

Seeing the puzzled women around him, Zhao Shi explained: "This thing is called a space shattering crystal, and it usually only appears in places where violent space collapses have occurred many times. Wei Tianyang blew up here many times, and it is estimated that he did it once in the end. Suicide bombing."

"It's impossible to find the coordinates of the spirit world now, unless the system helps me."

This is also impossible, the system has always been running according to its own fixed program, and has never responded to anyone's request for help.

"I know..." Sun Yue looked at the crystal in Zhao Shi's hand with bright eyes, and said first, "I want this."


Zhao Shi was stunned for a moment: "It's useless. Although space shattering crystals are rare, they can't make magic weapons." Tian Lai

"It's beautiful!"

"Okay, here you are."

Zhao Shi placed another layer of seal on it to prevent it from hurting people and throwing it to Sun Yue.

Ouyang Wu, who was about to speak, had a look of regret on her face, and said nothing.

A ray of red light entered the Blood Lotus Palace from a high altitude, revealing the figures of Zhao Shi and the others.

At this moment, the regret and disappointment on Zhao Shi's face had disappeared, and instead he looked very calm.

If you can't get it from the spirit world, forget it, even if there is no system, there are other ways.

"Are you going to Dynasty World?"

Seeing this, Ouyang Wu worried: "Should we wait another few hundred years, until your strength is stronger, at least until you reach the late stage of transformation."

Dynasty World is now the most powerful world of the Blood Sea Guild, providing a large amount of resources for the Immortal League and the Blood Sea Guild every year, and there are no restrictions on the entry and exit of guild members.

With the incomparably powerful Blood Sea God Court sitting in the sky, there will never be any ghosts and monsters making trouble.

But as one of the top leaders of the Blood Sea Guild, Ouyang Wu knew that all of this was just an appearance, and that the Blood Sea God Court, which was about to undergo a qualitative change, was a trap. It was a trap to lure Zhao Shi with the road of refining the void.

I don't know what it is, it should be related to the ancestor of Shilong.

According to the previous information, the ancestor Shilong failed to become an immortal during the tribulation period, and destroyed the world of Dynasty from a powerful world that could barely give birth to monks in the tribulation period to a dilapidated world where there is not even a monk who refines the emptiness.

Even if this kind of character is dead, it is very difficult to deal with.

Zhao Shi shook his head: "No need, under refining, there is not much difference between the early stage of transformation and the late stage of transformation."

More importantly, he is a player and cannot die.

This is the most powerful hole card, there is no need to be afraid of any danger, and there is no point in delaying it any longer.

Ouyang Wu thought about it, but it was true, so she stopped persuading her.

"Be careful."


Zhao Shi glanced at the women around him, and stepped into a dark blue portal that appeared in front of him.

Dynasty World·Blood Sea God Court

The divine court hangs high in the sky, sprinkles light on the ground, isolates the dark wind from the north, and protects the citizens of the Blood Sea Republic on the land of the underworld to thrive and grow through cultivation.

In another thousand years, there will be hundreds of Nascent Soul monks and hundreds of thousands of Condensed Realm monks here.

This is because the Immortal League has implemented the Ten Thousand Years Plan, increased investment in infrastructure, and raised the threshold for cultivating immortals.

A young man in black robe appeared from the portal, glanced around, and slowly sat on the Sword Lotus Throne in the center of the Blood Lotus Palace.

Buzz buzz!

The Blood Sea Divine Court roared and shook at this moment, and the blood color radiated so brightly that it shone brightly on all spirits in the underworld, making them feel warm, and their bodies felt more energetic and relaxed.

In the Blood Lotus Palace, hundreds of kilometers of real space appeared, and red laser-like networks spread in the space, surrounding Zhao Shi layer by layer.

His mana froze instantly, his body froze, the surrounding space froze, and his consciousness froze.

"Patriarch Shilong? You are not hiding it."

The huge magic power in Zhao Shi's body exploded, and the Blood Sea Sword Dao became a series of blood-colored sword qi to assassinate, making the surrounding space undulate like jelly, but it still couldn't really break through any real space.

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