The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 892 Shameless

The baby-faced player Shan Linjian was left behind, looked at the flying snail and the others, and said contemptuously, "I've never seen such a shameless person. You are called parents in the matter between us?"

The flying snail smiled mischievously, feeling a little embarrassed, thinking he was right.

It is too bullying for the chairman to participate in such a small fact.

"You're going to lose your face? Have you ever won?"

Sunset Sanxi said unhappily: "Who was killed by us in one move that day? Do you think we didn't record it?"

He sneered and said, "You say it's unfair, but when tens of thousands of you beat us up, why didn't you think of fairness?

Also, I would like to ask you, is there a standard for overall mana fluctuations in the "Interim Measures for the Administration of Tourists in the Holy Martial World", and which law have we violated? "

Other players also reacted.

"That's right, you are the one who is looking for trouble, and you are the one who was beaten up because of your weakness!"

"Are you worthy of pretending to be righteous?"

Shan Linjian's face turned red, but he didn't know how to refute.

He admits that he doesn't like Xianxia players a bit, and the "Interim Management Measures for the Holy Martial World" does not clearly stipulate the overall mana fluctuation limit.

But this is the territory of the Martial Arts District!

They own the right to interpret relevant legal standards, especially for such ambiguous provisions, which can be based on other legal provisions.

But just as he was about to speak, Sunset Sanxi interrupted him: "Okay, I didn't come here to argue with you, so apologize quickly, I want to go back."

Shan Linjian was injured internally, his mouth opened and then closed.

He really couldn't open his mouth.

After a long time, the nails of both hands pierced into the palms of his hands, and blood oozed out, but he still didn't make any sound and remained silent.

This kind of entanglement makes all martial arts players feel like a knife is twisting their hearts.

But the members of the Blood Sea Guild don't have sympathy for those who bully their own family members, knowing all kinds of embarrassments for him.

Lance frowned slightly,

Bright red runes lit up around him and eleven of his teammates, instantly forming a blood lotus sword array filled with bloody sword energy, imprisoning Shan Linjian and the few people around him, and the heavy pressure pressed their knees into the Half of the ground.

The violent and bloody killing intent permeated the sky, causing the bodies of Shanlinjian and the others to creak, and their faces were extremely pale: "What do you want to do? This is the Saint Martial World of our martial arts area!"

There is no resistance at all!

They were terrified in their hearts. The strength of these twelve people was almost comparable to some martial arts kings.


Pointing his spear and sword at the center of his eyebrows, he said solemnly: "My friend, are you reluctant to lose face? But our Blood Sea Guild also needs face, so how about handing over your life?"

The moment he started, more than a hundred people including the flying snail also instinctively connected their mana and consciousness to him, increasing the power of the formation again.

After countless bloody battles, the battle formation took shape in an instant, and a violent and heavy coercion spread to thousands of miles, arousing piercing sirens, and the low-level martial arts players scattered in panic.

Zheng Gu, who was only a few miles away, changed his expression and quickly turned back here.

At this time, if some last martial arts kings appear here, they will also face the end of being besieged!

"Sun thief, you... have the guts..."

Numerous blood-colored phantoms appeared in front of Shan Linjian's eyes, blinding his spiritual perception, trembling all over, but said coldly: "If you have the guts, kill me right away, and more than a hundred of you will be buried with me!"

He didn't believe that the spear dared to kill him in the center of the martial arts game area.

"Okay." Tian Ping

There was no nonsense with the long spear. The red long sword, which condensed the power of the battle formation, instantly pierced into the skull of the mountain forest sword, which was stronger than pure gold, and pierced deep into his brain.

When he came, Sun Yue told him that the request of the Blood Sea Guild was the bottom line, if the Wumeng did not cooperate, then find a way to make them cooperate.

As a soldier who has been fighting in the army, this is the way he understands.

Shan Linjian froze for a moment, the sound of the skull cracking in his ear and the icy cold brought by the long sword made him shudder all over, struggling to avoid sideways under the instinct of survival.

But a force imprisoned him, making him unable to move.

This person is not threatening, but really wants to kill him!


There was a furious sound from the gate of the prison. A black iron black lion hundreds of meters high opened its giant claws and smashed through the stone wall of the prison.

The long spear gave Shanlin Jian a cold look, and kicked him away. All the blood in the battle formation concentrated on the blood-colored long sword in his hand, forming a sword formation with the eleven blood-colored flying swords around him, and charged towards the sky. Dao killing intent was attached to it between his thoughts, multiplying the power of the sword array several times.


The Youhei Iron Claw was in contact with the sword array formed by the flying swords of the twelve Daoist soldiers, the brilliant aura sputtered outwards, the Li Xu space was shattered, and the violent wind sputtered in all directions.

After a slight stalemate, the blood of the flying swords of the twelve Taoist soldiers dimmed rapidly and exploded in all directions.

More than a hundred people including the long spear on the ground stepped back more than a dozen steps at the same time, their faces were flushed, their mana was turbulent, and their aura dropped a lot.

"I have seen the Iron Lion King."

Saluting with a spear, he felt extremely unwilling. This person is indeed almost the strongest under the Martial Dao Heavenly King, but if all members of the Blood Sea First Division are here, it is not impossible to besiege and kill him.

Countless little stars appeared in the eyes of Sunset Sanxi and other players, but the speed of mana mobilization in the body was even faster.

The most respectful way to an idol is to trample him under his feet and beat him to death.

The iron lion who had driven back the blood lotus sword array with one blow did not attack again, his heart was slightly shaken, he let go of his contempt for non-kings, and took a careful look at the spear.

"Your name is Long Spear? I heard that you are the leader of the Dao soldiers in Zhao Shi's Blood Sea Guild. Now it seems that you are not a mediocre person."

The long gun said in a deep voice: "The Iron Lion King is laughing at you. Compared with you, you are still far behind."

Iron Lion wasn't very interested in spears, and after a few conversations, he didn't want to question anyone or find out what the truth was.

He simply said: "Both you and I are at fault, and the matter is over like this."

After speaking, he turned around and left without waiting for others to think.

Hundreds of years of being a king made him accustomed to being obeyed by others, and he never worried about what people would object to under the king.

"I'm afraid not."

The expected words made the iron lion who had turned around suddenly turn back.

I don't know how to flatter!

His eyes were extremely cold, and a heavy coercion that was several times that of the previous blow descended, making all the players of the Blood Sea Guild stagnate.

There was an obvious sneer in the eyes of the spear, and he said lightly: "Iron Lion King, I personally agree with what you said, but the president told me that the purpose of coming here is to get an apology from those who bullied my Blood Sea Guild, or they head."

He bowed slightly: "If you have any objections to this, you can go to Cangqing and talk to the president."

It's just mere coercion, I can stay with the president, what is the mental oppression of your three-legged cat?

Iron Lion was silent for a moment, full of murderous intent, and said coldly: "Are you using Zhao Shi to suppress me?"

The surroundings of the body became colder and colder, but the spear didn't care at all: "Iron Lion King, I think it's impolite to call someone who can kill you like a dog at the same level, and now surpasses you by a big level. "

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