The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 893 Shilonglong

The spear is unscrupulous, without the awe and respect that ordinary players have for the king.

This is also normal. He is in charge of the strongest blood navy group in the Blood Sea Immortal League every day, and his strength is far beyond that of ordinary kings. Naturally, he will not have any sense of mystery to them.

To be honest, if the timing wasn't ripe, he would have wanted to lead the legion to siege the king a long time ago.

He even wished that the Iron Lion King would shoot him to death right now, and it would be best if the Martial Arts District and the Xianxia District would fight tomorrow and there would be an all-out war.

Because only in the middle of the war can military skills improve, and soldiers have great value.

Two hundred years of peace had already made him restless.

Disappointed by the spear, although the iron lion looked very angry, he didn't make any attack moves, gave him a cold look and disappeared into the sky.

Sunset Sanxi was a little disappointed. He wanted to ask for an autograph, but the atmosphere was really wrong.

"It's too calm, this is still the martial arts king who takes half of fighting and scientific research."

Long Qiang sighed, turned his head to look at Shanlin Jian with a blood hole between his brows, and said with a smile, "Dude, do you want to die or apologize? Choose one."

Shan Linjian felt a chill in his heart.

Laughing is really a happy laugh, and when you kill someone later, you will be very happy to kill.

Sure enough, as said on the forum, the people in the Blood Sea Guild are all war perverts and lunatics, and there is no normal person.

After the iron lion king made it clear that he would give up, he already knew the attitude of the kings of the martial arts alliance towards this matter.

Even if he was killed, no one would stop him, let alone pay for his life.

With a cold expression on his face, he bowed to the flying snail and the others: "I was wrong about what happened that day. I abused my power, please forgive me."

After speaking, he didn't want to hear a response, so he turned and left here.

The long gun did not stop.

In fact, this was just a trivial matter. The members of the Blood Sea Guild suffered injustice, and all they needed was a flimsy apology.

"Come on, go home.


Seeing that some of them seemed reluctant to give up, the spear comforted: "If you still want to watch the game normally after a hundred years, just come, no one will stop you, just be more careful."

Sunset Sanxi said in surprise: "Boss Long Spear, are you telling the truth?"

They really like the Martial Arts League, and they really like the Iron Lion King. They are his die-hard fans, otherwise they would not have dedicated time to retreat and practice, and spent a lot of money on cross-border travel to come to the Holy Martial World.

"Really, remember to turn on the video 24 hours a day when you come next time, otherwise I think you will be beaten."

Long Qiang smiled, took out jade boxes from his bosom, and handed them to them respectively, even the flying snails had a share: "The president is promoted to the bright blood lotus flower condensed by the gods, nine of them per person."

Everyone was pleasantly surprised to take the jade box and opened it, and there were indeed nine blood-colored lotus flowers neatly arranged inside, but the light fragrance emitted shook people's spirits, and their mana improved a little.

The flying snail was surprised: "Didn't these lotuses have to be collected by themselves, and they all disappeared within a day?"

They were still imprisoned when Zhao Shi crossed the catastrophe, and they felt regretful and annoyed for a long time.

"Can we be the same?

The president specially reserved it for those of you who are not in Cangqing, and all Blood Sea Guild players stationed in other planes also have it. "

"Oh, yes."

After returning to Cangqing, everyone returned to their own rhythm of cultivating immortals, and time passed slowly.

Blood Sea Sixty Nine Years

Zhao Shi, who had recovered to the peak of the early stage of God Transformation, once again entered the world of Dynasty.

The Blood Sea Divine Court shook, and in the bright red light, a young man in a black Taoist robe reappeared on the Sword Lotus Throne that he had held for the first time in ten years.

Zhao Shi glanced around, and as expected, he saw a very pleasantly surprised Lolita with the Twelve Angle Emperor Crown.

Her incomparably mysterious soul can now see some clues, at least at the late stage of Void Refinement, it still completely crushes her, with an ancient and decaying taste.

"You really can be resurrected!"

A series of dark golden formation patterns quickly appeared beside Zhao Shi, and a dark golden light surged up, trying to seal all matter and soul.

Not only did the Blood Sea God Court fail to block it, but it also amplified the power of these dark golden lights.

Zhao Shi simply raised the blood lotus sword: "Kill!"

I guessed right, the soul power used by this Lolita is not her own, if she is used a little less, as long as she is consumed below the level of refinement, she can be beheaded 100% of the time.

"Wait! Don't fight and kill as soon as you come up!"

Loli Shilong became anxious, and quickly stopped the speed of her dark golden light imprisoning Zhao Shi: "Aren't you curious about who I am? I can make a deal with you!"

Part of Zhao Shi's body that had been burned into a bloody flame paused for a while, and he paused temporarily: "Fellow Daoist Shilong, aren't you fellow Daoist Shilong? Your ability to live for such a long time has greatly exceeded my expectations.

After all, in the deduction of our exercises, there is a huge difference in strength between the monks who have crossed the catastrophe and the monks who have refined the void, but their life spans are only 30,000 years. "

The Void Refining Realm will condense into a Void Refining Space, which is a real world, but life cannot survive.

Only after undergoing three times of destructive thunder tribulations will a monk advance to the transcending tribulation stage. At this time, the refining void space is no different from a miniature world, and the creatures inside can survive for tens of thousands of years.

However, these lives are transplanted, not born from soulless matter inside the refining void.

Legend has it that only when life is truly created, even if it is just the weakest mosquito, a mosquito with a soul, at this time the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Stage will start to become immortals.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shi's heart was slightly shocked, and he looked at the Twelve Emperor Crown Lolita in front of him in amazement.

"You can call me Shilonglong!"

Shilonglong didn't know what Zhao Shi was thinking, and explained: "The ancestor Shilong said that her own remnant soul merged with her own refining space, and then successfully reincarnated and lived another life."

"But you know, the theory of reincarnation is simply nonsense. I am sure that I am a brand new soul. I just have the memory of the ancestor Shilong."

Zhao Shi thought for a while, and corrected one of her mistakes: "To be precise, reincarnation cannot be falsified, nor can it be proven true."

"Ah, ah, ah"

Shilong waved his soft little hands: "In short, I need a body, and it must be the body of the last victor in Shenting."

She opened the twelve jade locks and looked at Zhao Shi with black and white eyes: "I will give you the "Shilong Creation Sutra" that can be cultivated to the stage of crossing the catastrophe, how about you give me your body?

If you don’t have a body, you just need to find another one, which can be used anyway. "

The blood lotus sword buzzed and vibrated, and was extremely angry in an instant.

Without a body, without the nourishment of blood, how can the natal flying sword improve?

"No, you'd better die."

Zhao Shi's body turned into ashes, and the blood flames soared, turning into streams of blood and merging into the flying sword, turning it into a beam of light, killing Long Luoli surrounded by dark golden light.

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