The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 896 Light and Darkness


The endless sea of ​​blood transformed by the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly went berserk, and the blood wind roared, rolling up huge waves thousands of meters high and slapping towards the little Emperor Crown loli who was sticking out her tongue on her hips in the corner.

Any monk in his own sea of ​​consciousness will be much stronger after occupying the home field advantage, at least half a level of strength can be improved.

At this time, Zhao Shi, who is invincible in transforming gods, is also good at sword intent attacks with spiritual consciousness. He is extremely powerful in his own sea of ​​consciousness. Under the increase of layers of spiritual consciousness attacks, it has reached the situation where monks in the early stage of refining the void must temporarily retreat.

If there is a cultivator at the early stage of refining the void who dares to drill into Zhao Shi's sea of ​​consciousness, although Zhao Shi will surely die, the cultivator at the early stage of refining the void will also be seriously injured.


Diguan Luoli shrank her little head, and fled to the distance quickly. The speed was like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, there was only a dark golden dot left.

It's just that this is Zhao Shi's sea of ​​consciousness, and thousands of rivers and mountains can be reached in a single thought.

In front of the dark golden light running away, Zhao Shi slowly appeared, held up the blood lotus sword and slashed out, turning into a sky-covering blood sword that touches the sky and the ground.


Little Diguan Lolita suddenly saw Zhao Shi and screamed instinctively. Just as she was about to turn around, the extremely sharp Sword of Shrouding Heaven came to her eyebrows and the bridge of her small nose, and sank into it.

Her petite body froze, the agility in her eyes disappeared, a deep red bloodstain appeared on the midline of her body, and she fell powerlessly to the ground.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, you are so cruel..."

As he landed, he was still explaining to Zhao Shi how badly he had been injured, and it was definitely beyond repair.

Zhao Shi frowned, and cut out a sword again, slanting towards her shoulders and waist.

Endlessly, she turned into a pool of bright and bright blood, the size of a fist, fused into the Blood Lotus Sword, and turned into a pure red light that pierced through the eyebrows of Emperor Crown Lolita.

"Hey! I'm really dead, why are you still beating?"

Emperor Guan Luoli, who was attacked one after another, was furious, and her petite body that was about to fall on the ground stood up miraculously. Bai Shengsheng pointed at Zhao Shi with his little finger and said in dissatisfaction.

The pure red light of the Blood Lotus Sword passed through her eyebrows,

It's like passing through a phantom, or like a strong man trying to lift himself up, without any resistance, without any change.

One zhang behind Diguan Lolita, the red light stopped, revealing Zhao Shi's figure, his face full of bewilderment.

"Blood Dragon Emperor, you have seen it, you can't break the method of the cultivator."

Shi Longlong also turned around, and said earnestly: "It's just a daughter, what is it to a cultivator like you?

This is the Dao book "Shilong Good Fortune Sutra" that can be exchanged for the tribulation level. "

Zhao Shi thought for a moment, then shook his head slowly.

Shi Longlong suddenly panicked: "Asshole! Asshole! Scoundrel!..."

How could I be so unlucky to meet such a stubborn and unkillable guy? It would be great if I changed to a normal emperor.

In the outside world, Zhao Shi opened his eyes, ignored the Blood Sea God's Court, which had become severely damaged, and stepped into a plane portal that had just been generated.

Appearing in the Cangqing Realm, he continued to fly towards the blood starfish in the sky.

"Where do you want to go? You'd better give up. No one can help you except for the cultivator."

From the center of Zhao Shi's eyebrows, a fist-sized emperor crown loli pierced out, and advised earnestly, with a trace of uneasiness that was poorly hidden on his face.

"It's going to the light and dark plane."

Zhao Shi didn't hide it from her: "There, my strength will be greatly strengthened, and I may be able to kill you."

It's not that there is no chance, the cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation period is extremely powerful, if it is in its heyday, he will never be able to break this spell.

However, no matter how great a strong man is, he cannot resist the erosion of time.

People are like this, things are like this, magic weapons are like this, and spells must be like this.

It is conservatively estimated that Patriarch Shilong has been dead for 100,000 years, such a long time will definitely have an impact on the spell he cast.


Shilong laughed dryly: "It's impossible, your strength will be the same as it increases, and it's impossible to cause any harm to me."

Zhao Shi was noncommittal: "We'll find out later."

One step into the blood lotus palace of the blood starfish, this is the most suitable place to open the plane transmission channel.

Chi Yaoyue and the others were overjoyed when they saw Zhao Shi come back safely, and quickly ran to his side.

In the middle of the journey, his footsteps stopped, and he watched vigilantly Zhao standing on Shi's left shoulder, wearing a twelve-pronged emperor's crown and a dark gold dragon robe, a little loli the size of a fist.

The aura of a powerhouse at the level of the gods, and it is a very powerful monk of the gods, even though the three of them have all advanced to the early stage of the gods, they still feel a little danger from her.

"Zhao Shi, who is she?"

The Xueyang Saber, Hanyue Sword, and Ziling Sword were all unsheathed, and the three realms of transforming gods spread out in all directions at the same time, and the sharp and bloody rule power turned into a legal net, sealing the sky and the earth.

If a cultivator at the late stage of Transformation God falls into their siege, he will undoubtedly die, only a cultivator at the peak of Transformation God is eligible to escape.

They didn't think this was someone like Zhao Shi's friend. He would never let a human being whom he had only known for ten years come within one meter of him.

"Hello you all!"

Shilong stretched out his white tender hand, and greeted the three of them generously: "I am the greatest emperor ever, Shilonglong, do you want to join me? I guarantee that you can become a cultivator in the Void Refinement Stage. "

She felt that she had made an offer that was hard to refuse.

If you can make these three female goddess monks who are very strong at first sight become your subordinates, then...

"Go to hell!"

Without her answering, they instantly knew what this little guy was because their souls were closely connected with Zhao Shi.

The three great realms of transformation gods crazily swallowed the aura of heaven and earth, and three powerful magic weapons of transformation god level blasted down on Emperor Crown Lolita at the same time.

The powers of rules contained in the three magic weapons are different, but they fit together like different parts of a war machine, and the overall aura instantly becomes more than several times stronger.

Shi Longlong was taken aback for a moment, and then he said angrily, "Why are you all like this!"

The small dark gold dragon staff around the waist fell off automatically, and turned into a dark gold nine-headed dragon with a size of several kilometers in the midst of a roar that shook the Cangqing world. The magic weapon bites away.

Zhao Shi watched her movements indifferently and did not stop her.


Each of the three dark gold dragon heads met with a magic weapon of flying swords. When they hit each other, countless bright auras overflowed, and the surrounding space was completely pulverized.

Contrary to Shi Longlong's expectation, against the three mere cultivators at the early stage of transforming gods, she, a cultivator at the peak of transforming gods, was unable to achieve success with one blow, and she couldn't even say that she had the upper hand, so she was furious.

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