The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 897: The Heart of the Plane

The momentum of the battle of the monks who transformed the gods shook thousands of miles, and it happened again in the blue sky under the strict surveillance of the Immortal League, which immediately triggered the highest level of battle alarm.

The more than 200,000 elite troops of the Immortal League stationed in Cangqing instantly entered the fighting state, and under the leadership of the spears, they turned into a crimson cloud of blood and charged towards the sky. More than a thousand Nascent Soul monks surrounded him, killing Huashen There is no problem for junior monks.

Just after taking off, he received a new order and flew back to the ground again.

The three flying sword magic weapons are like swimming fish, dispersing and gathering at times, manipulating the aura within the ten thousand li area to turn into thousands of blood-colored sword qi to assassinate, colliding fiercely with nine ferocious dark gold dragon heads, evenly matched.

Three hours later, the blood light of the three flying swords was still bright, but the aura of the nine dark gold dragon heads below was much dimmed, and they did not recover for a long time, and their movements became slow.


The three girls yelled coquettishly at the same time, and the three magic weapons of flying swords each swallowed the aura of thousands of miles around. The new sharp and cold rules.

The three flying swords merged into one, forming a crimson sword that slashed across the necks of the ferocious nine dragon heads.

The body of the dark gold nine-headed dragon froze, and it exploded into large fragments of dark gold aura. A dark gold dragon staff the size of a key wailed and flew back to the very angry Shilonglong's waist.

She frantically said: "You guys are really going too far! I just said a word to you, that's all!"

Zhao Shi silently strengthened the wall of his sea of ​​consciousness, and the bloody sword energy transformed by Dao Dao's consciousness turned the sea of ​​consciousness into a hedgehog.


There was no pause between the united crimson, piercing through the eyebrows of the badly injured Emperor Crown Lolita, turning it into a translucent aura and disappearing.

Chi Yaoyue and the three looked at Zhao Shi at the same time.

Is this external attack useful?

Before Zhao Shi could speak, a phantom of a little lolita with little power appeared again, whirling around Zhao Shi's head, looking at the three women provocatively: "Ladies who don't know the dignity, I ! is immortal!"


Ouyang Wu and the others were so angry that their faces turned blue, and they had the urge to tear her into pieces.

Zhao Shi looked into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and found that the real body of the little emperor crown loli was still in her original place, and her body had indeed suffered some injuries.

Obviously, she can regard her sea of ​​consciousness as her home, and she can enter and exit as she pleases without any restrictions.

"Let's go to the light and dark plane."

A red cloud rose from the ground, pulling several people into the newly opened teleportation gate.

Zhao Shi, who appeared from the teleportation gate of the plane, opened his eyes, and saw the blue sky of the light and dark plane, and the aura of heaven and earth around him that was even better than that of the Cangqing Realm.

This is the first world of the Blood Sea Guild. Countless resources are brought together from all over the world, and the origin of the plane obtained in each plane battle is integrated into it, so that the light and dark planes have passed countless tens of thousands of years. No high-speed growth.

The only reason why the Blood Sea Guild is so reckless is because of this bloody lotus that emerged from Zhao Shi's brow.

Name: Blood Sea Crown

Rank: Heart of Transformation God Level Plane

Attribute: The identity certificate of the spokesperson of the world, which can arbitrarily mobilize the aura of the light and dark plane, and can also mobilize the rules of the light and dark plane to suppress the enemy.

The moment it appeared, Zhao Shi felt that the world had changed.

Between the sky and the earth, there are regular legal nets, covering every place in the sky and the earth, every stone, every speck of dust, delineating the order.

It is not true that there are such lines, they represent the rules, the growth of all things, the gravitational force, the reincarnation of the four seasons, etc. All kinds of activities between the heaven and the earth change under the operation of the rules.

The entire vast world of light and darkness is in Zhao Shi's eyes, every trace of aura, every trace of rule is clearly visible, and can be manipulated.

Zhao Shi's heart suddenly moved.

The silk rules that make up the World Law Net are like swimming fish, quickly converging towards the space with a radius of 600 kilometers where he is.

There are all kinds of rules, the thick soil system rule group, the foundation for the growth of all things;

Light and agile wind system rule group, master the flow and circulation of all things;

There is also the fire system rule group where destruction and rebirth coexist, and the wood system rule group where the vitality of all things resides...

Wait, wait, these rules flew over in a way that Zhao Shi couldn't understand, and they were reorganizing, changing, interweaving, and constructing something in a way that he couldn't understand.

The tsunami-like aura of heaven and earth poured into it, filling the gap where the rules were, forming flesh and blood.

Shi Longlong looked at all this in disbelief: "This is... the Void Refining Space? My God, how could this be the Void Refining Space!"

She was going crazy, why, why did this person automatically condense the void space as soon as he entered this world, this should have been impossible!

The Void Refining Space is the core of the Void Refining monks, even the ancestor Shilong who is about to ascend to immortality cannot create a Void Refining Space for the monks, no matter how clever the formation is, it is impossible!

"Yes, this is the Void Refining Space, the Void Refining Space given to us by the system."

Zhao Shi seemed to realize something in his heart.

The system has arranged everything. As long as you have the heart of the plane, as long as you upgrade the heart of the plane to the level of transformation of gods, and your own cultivation level reaches the stage of transformation of gods, you can condense the void space in the world.

Zhao Shi didn't understand or understand this crucial process at all, but he could use it.

Although it is only limited to this world and cannot go out to fight, the benefits of being able to contact the Void Refining Space in advance are self-evident.

Even if they didn't get the inheritance of the imperial world's implicit poison, relying on the heart of the plane, the kings of up to five thousand years can still deduce the alchemy method.

This is acceptable for a monk who has a lifespan of 10,000 years, but it is only half of his own life. To be able to advance to a higher level when his life span is halfway, this is a super genius everywhere.

Little Emperor Crown Lolita couldn't help asking Zhao Shi: "System? What is a system? Which adult's name is this?"

She didn't wait to respond, and the space around her gradually became as hard as divine iron, and it was difficult for her to even move even at the peak of her transformation into a god.

"You don't need to know that."

Zhao Shi smiled faintly at her: "Let's experiment to see if Patriarch Shilong's spells can still ignore Void Refining level attacks after 100,000 years."

"Bastard! Don't even think about it!"

The Emperor Crown Lolita, who just came out to let the wind out, dived back into Zhao Shi's sea of ​​consciousness with a whoosh, and regarded it as her warm home.

Zhao Shiyi stood in the 600-kilometer light red refining space, his expression remained unchanged, and he also sank into his own sea of ​​consciousness.

In the raging and turbulent sea of ​​blood, the petite Emperor Crown Lolita was surrounded by calm waters for more than a hundred kilometers. The turbulent sea of ​​blood did not affect this peaceful land in any way. It was like two spaces that were together but independent of each other.

Shilonglong looked at the sky nervously.

On the sky where the crimson blood cloud rolled, a refining space with a radius of 600 kilometers descended, instantly taking over this endless sea of ​​consciousness, changing it from weak cotton to solid and immortal metal, and its quality instantly increased several times.

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