The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 898: The Shilong Who Plans For Eternity

"You, what do you want to do?"

Shilong's small face warned Zhao Shi very seriously: "If you do this, you will trigger the spell of the ancestor of Shilong, and bring unimaginable disasters to yourself!"


Zhao Shi responded lightly, and the Void Refining Space with a radius of 600 kilometers completely descended into the Sea of ​​Consciousness Space, surrounding her place layer by layer like an iron wall.

It's troublesome if you don't use your own refining space.


A red dot appeared in the refining space, using space and the rules of the Blood Sea Sword as the main material, it was smelted into a blood-colored flying sword with substance.

It shines brightly in the void, and its sharpness is no less than that of ordinary magic weapons of transforming gods.

If you add suitable divine gold as a support, it will be a flying sword magic weapon that can be passed down for tens of thousands of years.

Zhao Shi was amazed immediately, the space is in the hands of a cultivator who refines the void, it is no different from the soil in his hands, and can be kneaded at will.


With a point of his finger, the blood-colored flying sword turned into a streak of rainbow light and attacked the petite Emperor Crown Lolita. The power of space and the power of rules intertwined, and it was already a complete Void Refining level attack.

Shi Longlong wanted to hide, but couldn't react, he could only watch helplessly as the bloody flying sword passed through his eyebrows.

Still intact, not dead, not injured.

"La la! La la!"

She jumped up happily, and challenged Zhao Shi: "Little Blood Dragon, it is impossible for you to hurt me! Just give up, I have already said..."

Halfway through the conversation, she stopped, and she found that Zhao Shi's eyes were different from the previous few times.

With relief, with wonder and admiration.

Zhao Shi said with joy on his face: "Sure enough, he is a cultivator in the transcending tribulation period. After a hundred thousand years, his spells can still change automatically, threatening my life."

When the bloody flying sword that condensed the blow of the void refining space just passed through, he obviously felt the real resistance, not high, only about the strength of the mid-stage refining void, and it broke after a few more hits.

But at this time,

Somehow, this spell automatically linked Zhao Shi's soul.

If you want to attack forcefully, it is tantamount to suicide.

Patriarch Shilong prepared too much for what she thought was her reincarnation.

Not only does he use a world as a petri dish to cultivate his own body, but also ensures that the final victor of the Lord of the Gods is completely subject to the reincarnation. Even Zhao Shi, who is called the invincible god-turning god, has no resistance under his arrangement.

She was obviously safe, but she was still prepared.

With the help of constant resurrection, Zhao Shi used up the soul power she had prepared for her reincarnated body, but she didn't want to attack and penetrate directly.

Now with the help of the light and dark world, she has mastered the power of refining the virtual level, but she still has the means!

You know, this is at least one hundred thousand years ago, the means that were arranged one hundred thousand years ago, and one or two left over after countless years of scouring.

If it had just been deployed with all the means, it is estimated that the cultivators of the Void Refining would come and die as many times as possible.

It's the same now, even if one or two cultivators commit suicide, they won't be able to hurt a single hair of Shi Longlong.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shi said calmly: "I can be resurrected, so why should I be afraid?"

The 600-kilometer refining void trembled slightly, the space and rules were smelted, and a series of twelve blood-colored flying swords condensed out, forming the simplest sword array.

Shi Long suddenly felt intense anxiety in his heart.


Twelve beams of light blocked the void, turned into meteors and pierced towards Shilonglong without hesitation, the sharp edges could cut off space and rules at the same time.

It wasn't just Emperor Guan Luoli who felt uneasy, at this time, Zhao Shi also had the same warning sign, and it was even stronger.

He didn't respond, and the speed of the twelve bloody flying swords accelerated again.

Suddenly, a transparent legal net appeared around the seemingly empty Shilonglong. It was so complicated that it made people dizzy just by looking at it.

In front of it, the structure of the spells and exercises of the cultivator of Huashen is not worth mentioning, they are just clay toys played by children.

After 100,000 years of time, cracks appeared in many of its subtle structures, and many places exuded an ancient and decaying atmosphere, which was extremely mysterious.

"Dragon Blood Sealing Technique!"

The arrogance and arrogance of the spiritual consciousness radiates outwards. It is a peerless powerhouse standing at the pinnacle of the world and mortals, who is about to transform into a fairy, introducing his treasures to the world.

At its peak, no matter how strong the cultivators are, they must submit to her and listen to her teachings respectfully.

Just, years.

The years of countless immortal cultivators' painstaking pursuit are even more ruthless, and the peerless arrogance will also be turned into ashes.

Compared with the dragon's blood sealing technique, Zhao Shi was extremely satisfied. The twelve-mouthed flying swords that he thought were the pinnacle work were twelve iron rods, colliding with a great scientific and technological project.

It's a real mayfly shaking a tree, it's just ridiculous.


But the result was not funny. This perfect and complicated rune French net was knocked out of a hole by twelve iron rods, and the iron rods also encountered a huge backlash and turned into black powder.

This great rune law net is too old, slow to respond, damaged in many places, and incomplete.


At the same time, Zhao Shi spat out a big mouthful of blood, and the sea of ​​consciousness, which was tumbling with blood, instantly became dark and silent.

Even if it is so fragile, as a rune legal net, it can still use the previous arrangement to link its own existence with Zhao Shi's soul.

"What an amazing and talented senior."

Zhao Shi, whose quarrel was bloody, once again sighed in admiration. He no longer knows how many times he has been emotional today.

Then, the movements in the hands continued, the space and rules were smelted, and twenty-four blood-colored flying swords condensed out, all slashing towards the increasingly dilapidated and decayed rune law net.

There is no subtle coordination, which is ridiculous in front of it.

Just bumping into it, at the cost of the annihilation of twenty-four blood-colored flying swords, the gap was widened, and a large area of ​​the tumbling sea of ​​consciousness was extinguished, and the void refining space was partially destroyed.

Regardless of Zhao Shi's disregard, the Void Refining Space was running at its limit, and mouthfuls of blood-colored flying swords smelted and appeared, constantly killing towards the rune law net, not only beheading the enemy but also beheading himself faster.

The gap in the rune law net is getting bigger and bigger, and the blood-colored sea of ​​consciousness is getting darker and darker, leaving only the 300-kilometer Void Refining Space in the center to survive.

"No! Stop!"

Shilong's small face suddenly turned pale, and stopped in front of Zhao Shi: "I don't want you anymore, and you don't want your daughter anymore, "Shilong Good Fortune Sutra" is here for you..."

Like a frightened little girl, she easily handed over her hole cards, completely irrelevant to the domineering ancestor Shilong in the past.


She was just halfway through her words when a dark golden light appeared inside the Rune Law Net and shone on her, entangled it and disappeared.

The decaying rune law net is extremely quiet, running according to the pre-set program, it seems that it doesn't care that its reincarnation is about to die.

The patriarch Shilong, who set up the rune law net, grew up in the treacherous environment of intrigue and deceit. He didn't think that being weak and surrendering, he could survive by surrendering everything to the enemy.

Crunch, crunch.

Before Zhao Shi could attack again, the rune law net, which was as huge as the city, collapsed automatically, and all the broken rune parts faded away, and the new runes gathered together to form a dark and strange light.

"What's this?"

Zhao Shi felt a chill in his heart, and the last void refining space vibrated, and without hesitation, he inspired the last twenty-four blood-colored flying swords to slash towards the wriggling black light.

Didn't work, totally useless.

Just the first time he saw it, this black light had already appeared in his heart, and it merged into it, and the twenty-four flying swords that were beheaded flew into the air.

Zhao Shi felt a strong sense of drowsiness in his heart, his eyes slowly turned black, and his body suspended in the sky fell like a wooden stake.

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