The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 901 Not the Angel of the Sea of ​​Blood

On June 8, 621, a small earthquake occurred in the eastern game world.

The strongest immortal cultivator in the east, the leader of the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance, Zhao Shi's camp has always been valued by all parties, and the eight-winged blood angel Karina, who has just been withdrawn from the highest alert list to the second alert list, defected and brought her blood angel Most of the legion is elite.

Almost on the same day, in the western gaming world, the Pantheon of the Western Belief King Organization added a God of Blood.

This new god is in the form of a blood angel. Beatrice, the Goddess of Twilight, one of the two giants of the Faith King, announced that the God of Blood is the signer of his Ten Thousand Years God's Covenant. enemy.

This kind of blatant provocation angered the players of the Blood Sea Immortal League, and they spat wildly on the Eastern and Western game forums.

"Beatrice, a shameless bitch!"

"You dare to seduce the people of our leader, and sooner or later you will break your kennel, and you will be taken out and beaten!"

"Belief in gods is indeed rubbish!"

The players of the Blood Sea Immortal League are very enthusiastic, and all of them did it spontaneously. The Blood Sea Guild definitely did not hire sailors in it.

Zhao Shi gained a wave of prestige when Yuanying crossed the catastrophe before.

Belief in the king, in the eyes of many players in the West, is their idol, their idol, goddess, how can they bear such insults from the players in the Xianxia District?

"Blood sea dog!"

"Lady Karina is free!

She was oppressed by you evil, disgusting people for hundreds of years, and we Miss Beatrice rescued her! "

"You scum who imprison others! Scum!"

"You guys are thinking about farting! If it wasn't for our leader..."

Players in the Faith Zone and players in the Xianxia Zone fiercely sparred each other on the Internet, greeting each other one by one from the other party's personal length to the men and women of the whole family, without the arrogance of the immortal cultivators and the politeness of the priests in the past.

The two sides fought tens of thousands of leaves in a row, and it has not stopped for seven or eight months.

"Don't just scold, fight, fight quickly!"

"Come on! Be optimistic about you!"

for a while,

The fierce conflict between the two sides has attracted countless people who eat melons, especially the mage players and martial arts players who have enemies with both sides dance the most happily, lest the world will not be chaotic.

However, to their disappointment, the Blood Sea Immortal Alliance has been silent on this and did not respond.

Blood Lotus Palace

Ouyang Wu waited for Zhao Shi to read the document and said apologetically: "That day, Karina and the waterfowl baby approached the plane teleportation array in the name of playing, and then they suddenly rose up and repelled the first long spear army stationed nearby. Plane teleportation to escape to the Saint Martial Realm, and then to the Dawn God Realm."

"At that time, I didn't go there after receiving the support request from the spear, and I didn't send blood starfish to support it. Instead, I immediately returned to the anti-light and dark plane, and ordered the spear to resist within the range of its strength, without desperately trying to stop it."

This is for sure, in the hearts of the three of Ouyang Wu and Sun Yue, the entire Cangqing world is not as safe as Zhao Shi's, and they would rather give up Cangqing than take the risk of being transferred from the mountain.

"Well, I see, I'll take care of it."

Zhao Shi nodded, a cold light appeared in his eyes.

Even if it is blocked by thousands of planes, the system is unwilling to provide a plane channel to attack the Dawn God Realm, and he is not helpless.

Karina's godhead, faith, kingdom of God, and everything else was created by him, and he can also destroy it by himself. 5200

Even at this moment, separated by thousands of planes, he can still perceive an extremely faint dot in the sea of ​​consciousness, which only flickers once after a long time interval, which is far worse than before.

"When I attacked the God of Kobolds, I told you not to betray if you are not absolutely sure. I hope you have not forgotten."

Zhao Shi seemed to sigh, for more than 600 years of fighting together, in terms of friendship, there must be some.

He did have plans to weaken and ban the Church of Blood, but he never had the idea of ​​killing her.

This friendship is exhausted today.

With a move of his consciousness, he issued an order hidden in the core of the blood godhead, which would be strengthened every time he made great progress in his cultivation for hundreds of years.

"Self-destruct procedure, start."

The distant Dawn God Realm.

This used to be the territory of the Bone Lord. All the skeletons on the ground, goblins, humans, orcs, elves, etc. are the people of the Bone Lord.

Six hundred years ago, the great twilight gods and death gods performed miracles on this plane, clearing away the Bone Lord's rule for hundreds of years, causing his eternal bones and stars to fall from the sky, The bone creatures on the earth were wiped out, and the human world became the home of living creatures again.

After that, there was an evening star, a blue star, and thirty-four dim stars in the night sky. Centered on the two bright stars in front, they rotated according to a specific orbit, day and night.

In the kingdom of twilight, the twilight goddess in a complicated twilight dress silently looked at the twilight crystal holy coffin formed by the endless twilight power in front of her.

In the holy coffin, a blond girl fully revealing the form of an eight-winged blood angel with tight eyes, wearing a white bone holy sword on her waist, is as cold as ever, with an expressionless face, always accompanied by blood and slaughter.

He dared to take chestnuts from the hands of the most powerful person in the Xianxia District, and he was naturally fully prepared.

At this moment, separated by thousands of planes, in her infallible Kingdom of God, Beatrice inexplicably felt a lot of uneasiness.

He asked an old-fashioned young girl standing beside him, "Soris, how did His Highness Carat respond?"

Carat, the god of rest, is the core of the death pantheon. He is a handsome, dancing and singing king who makes many fans scream.

The old-fashioned girl bowed slightly: "Your Highness, His Highness Carat is dissatisfied with us hastily forming a life-and-death enmity with the strongest in the Xianxia District, and also refused to come because we did not share enough benefits."

"Besides, he believes that under the barrier of the plane, it is impossible for His Royal Highness Zhao Shi to appear in the Dawn God Realm. He doesn't think you will be in any danger. At most, His Royal Highness Karina died unfortunately."

"The latter point, I think he is happy to see it."

Just as Beatrice was about to say something, her heart suddenly became cold, and she instinctively looked towards the Holy Coffin at Twilight.


Karina, who was in a coma, had a look of extreme pain on her face, curled up like a helpless little girl, and the Holy Coffin of Twilight could not completely block the unknown power.

A hair-like faint blood flame appeared between her eyebrows, burning her flesh and blood crazily.

The twilight divine power slapped around like a violent wind and tsunami, shaking the blood flame from side to side, and almost extinguishing it several times.

But in the end, this ray of flames still tenaciously grew bigger, devouring the flesh and blood on Karina's forehead, and igniting the eight pairs of bloody sword wings on her back.

Especially the Bone Sacred Sword where the blood godhead is located, the diamond-shaped blood crystals inlaid on the hilt melted like jelly, turning into bright blood flames, which ignited the nearby twilight coffin.

A bloody miniature sea of ​​blood slowly appeared in the holy coffin at dusk.

In the center of the sea of ​​blood, a phantom of a young man in a black Taoist robe with an ordinary face opened his eyes, and endless blood and killing intent filled the four directions.

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