The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 902 Old age is kind


The moment his phantom appeared, dark clouds gathered in the entire Dawn God Realm, thunder struck from the clear sky, and the consciousness of the world was rapidly recovering.

The great terror of extinction crisis has come to all living things in the whole world, and every individual who makes up the world consciousness is casting his vote without reservation.

Destroy him! kill him!

This is a woe to the world!

Thirty-four stars revolving around a fixed orbit were terrified, and the blue stars vibrated, not daring to stand by and spit out a blue meteor into the Twilight Kingdom.

Within the Kingdom of Twilight, the miniature sea of ​​blood melted the Holy Coffin of Twilight, turning into monstrous waves of blood rushing in all directions, destroying and devouring everything along the way.

In the blink of an eye, the Holy Kingdom of Twilight, which was filled with holy light, had turned into a bloody land.


At this moment, a thumb-sized, golden-red radiant rhombic spar flew wildly towards Beatrice in the distance from the blood godhead that melted from the core.

There is no trace of the power of the blood sea on it, and it is now composed of pure blood power, freed from all shackles.

Zhao Shi hesitated for a moment, but did not make a move.

It is enough to take away all her power, which was given to her by herself, since she rebelled, she must return it, if she can survive, it is her own good luck.

After so many years, there are fewer and fewer acquaintances, and it is not bad to keep one alive, and you can talk when you are bored.

Zhao Shi set his sights on Beatrice, the Goddess of Twilight, which was his real body.

Just a glance, the icy sword intent of the peak of the sky, the huge spiritual consciousness of the peak of the early stage of the transformation of the gods suppressed Beatrice's body, causing the twilight holy light around his body to tremble and spread in all directions, revealing her charming true face.

Beatrice's panic rose in her heart, and it turned into a deep shame in an instant. She said coldly: "Zhao Shi, you are just the incarnation of a talisman condensed with residual power. How arrogant?"

The Kingdom of Twilight suddenly burst into light, and endless twilight angels emerged from the void, like birds, they plunged into the sea of ​​blood that was constantly devouring the Kingdom of God, curbing the waves of blood it beat.

Wisps of holy light at dusk surged from all parts of the kingdom of God,

Rapidly increasing Beatrice's strength, the twilight domain expanded in all directions, and the twilight rules within it were crystal clear and bright, dominating all living beings.

Strong confidence rose in Beatrice's heart, and the previous panic dissipated.

This is her kingdom of God, let alone a cultivator who transforms spirits, even a cultivator who refines the void can resist one or two!

Not to mention that there are pantheon gods who are rushing to help outside.

"His Royal Highness Beatrice, you dare to provoke me now, which I did not expect."

Zhao Shi was not in a hurry to make a move, and said calmly: "At this moment, both Wei Tianyang and Hei Yan have disappeared, and they never dared to show up anywhere. Do you know why?"

Heiyan and the others have not appeared in public for decades, and even within their guild, there are only a few people who know their whereabouts.

Beatrice sneered: "They didn't advance to Transformation God, so naturally.

Put away your showing off, the me in front of you has already become a deity-level god three hundred years ago! "

The tone was full of sarcasm.

"Sure enough, faith entered my brain and I lost my mind."

Zhao Shi sighed, holding the hilt of the dark red long sword with both hands, and raised it up little by little, countless rules in the void trembled.

"The advantage of the way of faith lies in quick development. In a short period of time, many immortal cultivators can't do things that can't be done for thousands of years. Mastering the power of rules has endless life span."

Thousands of huge blood dragons sprang out from the realm of the waves and blood seas, roaring and rushing into the crimson long sword. Just the pervasive blood sea sword intent caused the twilight angels who rushed forward madly to be annihilated in groups, and were blocked in the Outside the blood sea domain.

"Its shortcoming is that belief erodes the soul. I am not myself, lack of reason, and the rules condensed by belief are not my own. The control of the rules is far inferior to that of an extraordinary person of the same level, and the strength is naturally far inferior to that of a cultivator of the same level. mage.

"This is the reason why the Eastern Incense and Fire Divine Dao was defeated and enslaved by the cultivators."

Beatrice showed a funny expression on her face, and the twilight scepter shot out a series of bright holy lights to kill Zhao Shi, but was intercepted by the bloody sword energy generated within a hundred miles of him.

"Western belief in gods has taken a new path. They have created their own kingdom of God. In the kingdom of God, they can fight against extraordinary people of the same level. The kingdom of God is old enough to kill extraordinary people of the same level or even leapfrog against higher-level extraordinary people. "

"This is the normal state of the gods that have been passed down for countless generations. Gods can die, but the priesthood and the kingdom of God will never die."

In between breaths, all the blood light in the blood sea domain has been condensed on the crimson sword in Zhao Shi's hand, a sharp and cold breath came, and the nearby rules were frozen.

Zhao Shi looked at Beatrice whose complexion began to change: "Unfortunately, your kingdom of God has only existed for three hundred years, and it has nothing to do with ancient times."

"So, you will die."

The world was suddenly frozen, the blood sea domain collapsed, Zhao Shi's figure also collapsed, all the power was integrated into the crimson sword, and he slashed at Beatrice.

There was no sound, and all the twilight rules along the way were broken. Neither the divine sense nor the naked eye could find the location of the sword, and everything was chopped to pieces.


The luck in Beatrice's heart completely dissipated when the sword really came, revealing the trembling feeling in her heart since she first saw Zhao Shi.

"Twilight! Eternal and immortal twilight!"

He roared and roared, and there was a major earthquake, volcanic eruption, lightning and thunder, and the believers who ascended to heaven wailed and fell into the magma.

All the power of the Kingdom of God was drawn away and concentrated to the gods at the center.

"Bleaker, the gods will judge you, and your soul will fall into the abyss forever!"

In the evening, a round of qualifying, the bright red sun that can be clearly seen by the naked eye appeared in Beatrice's hands, and crashed with a thunderous thunder.

There is no need to know the specific location, because the space where the Crimson Sword is located has been completely submerged.

"Praise the evening!"

"My Lord is eternal and immortal, your throne hangs high in the sky, and will become an eternal star in the universe!"

The western players on the ground and inside the kingdom of God cheered, but they didn't pay attention to the ugly and frightened face of the king around them.


Like the sound of tearing cloth, a transparent and unobservable gap appeared in the center of the majestic twilight sun, which gently tore the twilight sun into two halves under the horrified eyes of believers, and collapsed like fireworks.

Then, there was a twilight in the space, and a hair-thin crack appeared between the eyebrows of Beatrice, the goddess of twilight, and she fell powerlessly behind her back, turning into off-white powder and scattering in the wind before landing.

The death of the god's real body, the god will still not die. At the top of the holy mountain in the dusk, a transparent and slim body was condensed again, and the strength fell to the bottom of the valley, with a look of hatred on his face.

"Blood Sea, I will definitely..."

Beatrice's words froze, and her spirit fell into an ice cave, falling into the quiet and beautiful blood moon spirit world.

A moment later, a white light rose, and the light of the Kingdom of God dimmed at dusk. The people on the ground could no longer see it, and they fled in panic.


At this time, the gods such as Carat had just arrived, so they couldn't help swallowing.

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