The Earth Conquers All Worlds

Chapter 904: Chulanxing


On the bank 500 meters away from the bridge, a dry and thin hand grabbed the sharp protruding stones and crawled out of the river little by little. His clothes were torn and his body was covered with scars.

While walking, he coughed up a liquid mixed with water and blood, and his face was pale, making people feel that it would not be surprising if he fell down the next moment.

"The three lower right ribs were broken, and the internal organs already had internal injuries. Cracks appeared under the weight of falling from a high altitude, and five large cracks appeared in the epidermis...but he was still alive."

Zhao Shi coughed up blood while looking inside at the brand new body.

The consciousness of the Invincible God Transformation is too huge, it is impossible to exist in the body of a mortal, as long as it is exposed, it will burst this weak body.

When he was about to enter this body, he sealed his soul, and the system also provided assistance, resulting in a very high level of seal, as long as he didn't use the power of the soul, the cultivator of the emptiness should not be able to see it.

The reason why he can still look inside now is that the owner of this body used to have a martial arts practice between the meat refinement level and the bone refinement level. Although it was abolished later, the foundation is still there and he has used it.

But even if this body was strong enough, Zhao Shi didn't dare to use any power on the side of Xianxia that didn't belong to this identity.

At least seven Void Refining cultivators!

Anyone can slap him to death, and they don't dare to show their heads. Who knows how wide the scanning range of the spiritual consciousness of the handsome mecha master in this world is, and is he just looking at his own planet? .

It would be a tragedy to die as soon as it came.

"The little boy who has died... Oh, your name is also Zhao Shi, the system is very considerate this time."

Zhao Shi nodded. It is not difficult to find a person named Zhao Shi on the thirteen planets, who just died. This should be the reason why he waited for several months before entering.

Xiao Zhao Shi was born in a low-level worker's family in Blue Star. He is a senior high school student in Dongyuan City No. 2 High School, and his grades are not bad. Pass twenty-ninth.

Looks pretty good, but alas, it's pointless not to be in the top ten.

Chulanxing, as well as the entire Federation, implement absolute elite education. Except for the best students who can enter university and have the opportunity to become mecha masters, the rest can at most go to college,

Moreover, high tuition fees must be paid, and ordinary working families cannot afford it.

Little Zhao Shi's father was a coolie on the dock, and he had reached the eighth level of a martial artist apprentice. He could be called proficient in the "Great Vajra Kungfu", which he had practiced since elementary school, and he could resist five bags of cement at one time.

As for the profession of coolie workers in a society where super weapons such as mechas have already appeared, Zhao Shi is not so surprised.

Take Cangqing Realm as an example, take the Dynasty World as an example, especially the Dynasty World, once there was a cultivator in the Tribulation Period, the Patriarch Shilong, who was stronger than this world, so it must be said to be prosperous.

But the people at the bottom are still in the feudal society, relying on the sky and the earth for their food, and when the times are bad, the deaths of people in groups often happen.

It can only be said that the development of productive forces is a problem, and distribution is also a problem. If one of the two is wrong, society will not progress.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shi sneered slightly in his heart: "It's better to think about the good, if it is more extreme and dark, hehe."

Mozong monks like living souls, and when they are about to refine tools and alchemy, they often do some special treatment on living souls, making them suffer, hoping that the quality of living souls will be more pure.

It's just that pain has a limit to the stimulation of people, no matter how much it is, it will make people numb, and instead no longer respond to pain.

How can it compare to the big furnace of the whole society, full of joy, anger, sorrow, joy and fear.

Little Zhao Shi's father, Zhao Dali, believes that a filial son can be born with a stick, and because of the hardships of life, he was angry outside and had a very bad temper. Big fear.

At this time, the college entrance examination was approaching, and Xiao Zhaoshi was still stuck in the ninth level of Martial Arts Apprentice, unable to break through, and could not see the hope of being admitted to Mecha University. Recently, he has been extremely cruel to Xiao Zhaoshi.

In addition, Xiao Zhao Shi was beaten up in front of the goddess because of the conflict between the campus goddess Wu Yuer and his classmates, which made him fall into an even more crazy state.

Just one day ago, he ignored the serious warnings of many teachers and forcibly entered the tenth level of martial arts apprentice. His meridians were exhausted, he was disheartened and faced with the fear of his father when he returned home, he chose to commit suicide.

Because of this, the system reincarnated Zhao Shi here. 678

"Wow! This is Chulanxing! It's exactly the same as it was many years ago!"

At this time, there was a burst of excited exclamation in my mind.

Zhao Shi's mood became very bad in an instant, and when he entered his sea of ​​consciousness, he saw the little loli wearing a twelve-pronged emperor's crown and a dark golden dragon robe, staring at the outside world with wide eyes.

Zhao Shi said bluntly: "Why are you still here? Didn't the system separate you?"

"Didn't I tell you? It's impossible for me to leave you before the catastrophe period. You can't kill me, but others can. I'm not stupid!"

Shilong rose up, stretched out his hand and touched Zhao Shi's head to comfort him: "Actually, you have made money. You are following a future monk who will cross the tribulation, and you will have a bright future."

She looked at Zhao Shi more and more fondly.

This is my mount, it can run and fight, but its temper is too stubborn, it needs to be well trained.


Zhao Shi patted her tender little hand away expressionlessly, turned his attention away from the sea of ​​consciousness, and walked towards the house.

Sure enough, the system is an iron rooster, unwilling to do more, he thought he had changed his temper.


As soon as he took a step, Zhao Shi's footsteps stopped, and his face was deformed due to the pain, like an orange peel.


The internal organs, bones, and every part of the whole body hurt. After taking this step, the wounds were cracked everywhere, and a large stream of blood gushed out from the body surface.

In this case, if you walk a dozen more steps at most, you will die, due to the destruction of your body functions.

"Heal, you must heal immediately!"

Zhao Shi took a deep breath, and his thoughts changed sharply.

First of all, all the means of cultivating immortals cannot be used, otherwise it is too dangerous, so he can only rely on martial arts to heal his injuries.

Zhao Shi sank into the memory of little Zhao Shi, especially the "Great Diamond Sutra", which he had cultivated to the ninth level of a warrior apprentice, which was the same exercise as his father.

"The Vajra is as firm as strength, as strong as God but immortal..."

The "Great Diamond Sutra" is one of Chulanxing's three basic exercises, which focus on strength and defense. It can be cultivated up to the level of innate warriors, and it is widely spread among the low-level people.

There is a huge difference between the discipline of martial arts and the discipline of cultivating immortals. Zhao Shi is a king of the immortal chivalrous side, but it does not mean that he also has profound attainments in martial arts.

According to his estimate, his attainments in martial arts disciplines can only be compared with the warriors of the Shenqiao Realm, not any martial arts king.

But at this time, it is enough to watch this basic skill.

After reading through the complete "Great Vajra Kungfu", Zhao Shi instantly understood the true meaning of this exercise, and a hazy statue of Vajra emerged in front of his eyes, standing proudly between the heaven and the earth, and the Vajra is not bad.

There are twelve serious meridians and eight extraordinary meridians on the body of this statue. The meridians are intertwined into a network and spread all over the body. There are pale yellow light spots flowing inside.

At this time, nine of the twelve scriptures were unblocked, but they were damaged and appeared in a gloomy state.

"In this world, is it majoring in the Twelve Classics and the Eight Wonders to create a set of energy networks in the body?"

Zhao Shi frowned and returned to normal.

Qi and blood vibrated carefully under Zhao Shi's control, and he repaired his broken body along the line of "Great Vajra Kung Fu".

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