Dawn, the dawn is faint.


Instead of insisting on sitting cross-legged that he has been used to for seven hundred years, but doing the basic horse stance posture in "Great King Kong Gong", Zhao Shi gently opened his eyes and let out a breath of white air.

Open the system panel.

Name: Zhao Shi

Strength: 2.3

Constitution: 2.4

Spirit: 1.1

Consciousness: None

Boundary: Martial Artist Level 9 (Ninth Canon, Foot Shaoyang Gallbladder Meridian)

Cultivation method: "Great Vajra Kung Fu", one of the most basic exercises of Chulanxing, simple and crude, difficult to go crazy, low in efficiency of cultivation, weak in strength.

Transformation God Soul (sealed): slightly

Physical condition: seriously injured

"After a night of repairs, I finally got out of the situation where I was about to die at any time, although I was still seriously injured."

"Martial apprentice level nine, the strength is probably from the meat refinement level to the bone refinement level, then the warrior should be at the foundation building level on the Xianxia side, and the innate martial artist is at the Qi refining stage.

However, they seem to have mechs. Innate warriors can control soldier-level mechas, and their combat power is also strong among monks in the Condensed Realm. "

"Martial arts...Damn it, I'm not good at martial arts at all, I have to find a way to cultivate immortality without being discovered."

Zhao Shi thought with a headache.

In terms of martial arts, he is at most comparable to a martial artist in the Shenqiao realm. What can he use to fight against others?

Moreover, the top management of Chulanxing is not a good thing. They are not the Blood Sea Guild, and they will spare no effort to cultivate all talented people.

For a person with no background, no matter how outstanding his talent is, if he can cultivate to the middle level and become the housekeeper of an aristocratic family, it is not bad.

Want to practice martial arts to the peak, then start a family, and rule the Federation together with the family?

Do your Spring and Autumn Dream!

This "Great Diamond Sutra" is a clear proof,

As a universal basic exercise for all people, it should be authoritative and correct to build the most solid foundation.

But Zhao Shi found no less than three mistakes and omissions in it, the kind of major mistakes that affect the foundation of martial arts.

It's fine at the low level, but at the middle level, it will be difficult to move an inch, and no matter how hard it is, it will be impossible to enter the next level.

A force that can give birth to the alchemy-level power, wouldn't it know that Zhao Shi, an outsider in the martial arts, knows about the mistakes in the exercises?

Even if it was a momentary omission, after so many years, no martial arts master has come forward to testify?

The more mecha masters in the middle and lower levels, the better, and they are enough at the top.

Zhao Shi, who had barely recovered, tidied up his blue and white school uniform, washed the bloody places, and scattered the places that had dried into brown hard shells with Qi and blood, and put away the broken places. Can't see any difference.

I looked at it for a while by the light of the water by the river.

A thin figure appeared in the water, with an ordinary face, and a natural aura of a weak person exuded from his body, making people instinctively feel that this person is easy to bully and will never resist.

It's just that there is something wrong with his eyes, too calm, as if the destruction of the world can't make him feel the slightest disturbance.

"Compared to Lianxu, I am a weak chicken, so I am a weak chicken, a weak chicken that is easy to bully."

Zhao Shi muttered in his heart, recalling all kinds of little Zhao Shi's memory.

He was beaten by his father for breaking the bowl, and hung on the roof beam all night. His wrist was bloodstained, and he was only untied when he went to school the next day.

And all kinds of campus.

In an instant, the eyes of the figure reflected in the water changed, becoming extremely timid, cowering, not daring to cast a glance at others.

It's six o'clock, the sky is bright, and the city has begun to recover.

"Buns! Three yuan each!"

"Beef ramen! I graduated from Zhou Dawei's silk hand training class. The ramen is firm and tender, delicious and refreshing!"


"Xiao Sun, look, this is the martial art handed down by the old Li family, the old crane cuts the wood!"

"Grandpa is amazing!"

Wearing a Chinese tunic suit, the old man, who can be seen from a relatively leisurely family, is leading his grandson in the morning exercise. With his palm turned into a knife, he split the air with a bang, causing the little boy to clap his hands excitedly.

However, it is an old man who is only forty-one or twelve years old. There are not many wrinkles on his face, but his eyes are cloudy. He is exactly the same as an old man in his nineties, which is shocking.

Everyone has become accustomed to it, and they don't think it is oppression, just as natural as sunshine and rain.

Zhao Shi walked to the most popular ramen stall and handed out a piece of five yuan and a piece of four federal currency. This is his daily living expenses, which used to be enough for three meals.

"Boss, here's a bowl of ramen, don't make it by a machine, it's the kind you make by hand."

"Okay, please sit down, it will be ready soon!"

The boss is a young man in his twenties. After receiving the money, he picked up a noodle on the chopping board and pulled it apart. From time to time, he slapped the noodles on the flour-stained chopping board at such a fast speed that it dazzled people.

His ten fingers turned into balls of silk thread at high speed, as if he was weaving something.

Soon, a bundle of ramen that was as thin as silk threads and could be ignited with a lighter was pulled, put into boiling water, boiled, removed, put into the prepared broth, and three thick slices of beef were added, a bowl of fragrant aroma The beef lo mein is done.

Zhao Shi's eyes brightened slightly: "Boss, in terms of martial arts skills, you are better than most of my classmates."

The boss in front of me is the sixth grade of Wutu, and he only passed the Six Classics in the Twelve Classics. He should have only completed junior high school, which is also the last stage of compulsory education.

Further up, you need to pay a lot of tuition fees, and not every worker is willing to send their children to high school.

"That is!"

The boss smiled proudly: "Little brother, don't look at me, I am only a sixth-level martial artist, but in terms of income, many of my classmates who have studied in high school are not as good as me!"

"That's right, you are a craftsman, so you must be different from someone who just works hard, but if we high school students work hard, we are better than junior high school students."

"That's true, but high school tuition is too expensive, it's better to come out early to learn crafts."

Neither of them went to college, and then became a white-collar worker, provided logistics services for mecha masters, became a middle class in society, and even had the opportunity to cultivate to a higher level.

Tuition is too expensive!

Even if the people at the bottom run out of their net worth and are in debt, they can't afford to go to school, and they dare not even think about it.

After eating a bowl of noodle soup, Zhao Shi's empty stomach immediately felt better. A warm current surged from his stomach and spread all over his body, making his pale face appear rosy.

After passing through the high-rise buildings in the city and the low bungalows, Zhao Shi came to a group of shacks.

The lowest level of Dongyuan City lived here, and people who were generally below the fourth level of warriors, or those who owed debts and had no labor force lived in this kind of place.

A dark and strong man was sitting on the Dama Jindao at the door of the first row of huts, holding a smooth wooden stick as thick as an arm in his hand, and when he saw Zhao Shiwei cowering in, his eyes burst into blazing anger.

Zhao Shi's body suddenly trembled instinctively, and he couldn't even walk.

Even if this person is only a warrior who has mastered the eight ways of the twelve canons, he is one level lower than him.

At the same time, a remnant wave of soul mixed with resentment and other complicated emotions shouted in Zhao Shi's heart.

"Revenge him! Make him regret it!"

"I am a human being, a living human being, not his tool!"

"Stay away from him, give him money for his retirement!"


Zhao Shi was still cowering on his face, his heart lake was as calm as water, and he extinguished the last remaining spirit wave gushing out of his body, and walked forward tremblingly.

"Got it, I'll help you do it."

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